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As some of you might know, my Gf and I have recently been sucessfull in obtaining a tourist visa for her to visit the UK. I am waiting for a copy of the visa in her passport page to be sent to me, but from what she has told me, the visa is valid from the 28th May.

We mentioned in our application that we would like her to visit the UK in June for a period of 4 weeks. However, my employment situation may be changing soon, for the better I might add :D , but would mean that I would be working away from home for long periods at a time :o .

My question is....How would the embassy react if she was not to come in June as originally asked and instead came in July or August, but still stayed for the 4 week period as agreed?. Would they make things difficult for further applications?



No problem, especially as she will still only stay for the duration requested, as long as she leaves before the expiry date of the visa.

When you apply for her next visa you may like to mention the change of plan and explain it just as you have in this post.


Hi G',

AFAIK, there will be no problem, the visa is granted for a period of time, because you stated a preferred time and don't adhere to it, for a reason is hardly a problem.

It would be best to keep to the 4 week period as stated, but you have indicated this anyway.

Just ensure the visit is within the Visa validity and you will be OK.

Good Luck



Post crossed with Mahout


Cheers guys, I didnt think it would be a problem but best to check anyway. I'd also thought about informing the embassy of any changes to the current holiday plans should we apply for another visa at a later date. Honesty being the best policy.



Having endorsed the visa in your girlfriend's passport, they can't rip it out. However, if circumstances materially alter after the visa is issued, the immigration officer at the airport in the UK could refuse entry if these changes were to become apparent. Having said that, of itself a change of dates is not material, so your girlfriend has nothing to be concerned about.



Just as long as you stick to the 4 weeks you told them no future appliucation will be affected , although a covering letter just explaining should be submitted next time.

Doesn't apply to you , but just being pedantic about one of the scouser's points , although they can't rip out a visa if they find out something that would have affected the issuing of the visa before an applicant flies they can recall him/her to the Embassy and cancel the visa by stamping "cancelled" across it .


The visa officer may write in the visa holder's passport "paragraph 321 of HC 395 refers" in order to alert the UK immigration officer that circumstances may have changed since the visa was issued, but he shouldn't otherwise amend the visa, and this includes writing cancelled across it.

I accept that this may be in the process of changing, but section 8.18 of the DSPs is currently under revision, so for the time being, we won't know what the changes are.



Couple of years ago a Thai friend of mine was coming to the UK on a visit visa with a group of friends. He passed without interview but the others had to attend an interview and because of their poor interview technique, common amounst Thais, they failed. The connection was made between them and my friend as they were travelling together and he was asked to bring his passport back to the Embassy where "CANCELLED" was stamped across it and he was told his visa was withdrawn . He later applied again on his own and got it.

So whether they are supposed to do it or not , in this case at least , they did.

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