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Wanted: Reward for arrest of armed gold shop robber tops 600,000 baht


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1 hour ago, Monkeycity said:

As I said in a previous thread most Thai people on social media believe it is a foreigner not a Thai person due to his build and 'the way he walks', many people said Thai criminals or robbers would never do a crime like this...

Let's just hope the police aren't as silly as the general population and can catch the Thai criminal as quickly as possible.

Hello there. 


I have a large rock in my garden if you need somewhere to crawl under. 


No charge.



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Don't worry TAT will fix it, it just takes 1 press release to solve the problem - inbound tourists will reach 40 miliion in 2020 -- see easy wasn't it. 

Edited by Artisi
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7 minutes ago, Duck J Butters said:

Exactly. I think this was a professional hit on one person made to look like a burglary.    Pay off way too small to warrant such violence.

Thailand has never been safer. Frankly, the world has never been safer. That’s all thanks to technology and social media. Very difficult to get away with physical crime in 2020. Most smart criminals have turned to cybertheft and other sorts of invisible crime that doesn’t physically endanger the public. 

I’ve never felt any sort of danger living in Thailand. Nothing, nada. One of the safest places in the world that you can live in right now is Thailand. No serious natural disasters either. Literally, if climate change starts to become super severe or WW3 ever does happen, Thailand is where you want to be living. Compared to the US where you have a new natural disaster and murder sprees on a daily basis, Thailand seems like world’s greatest panic room. The entire world could go to war but nothing would change in Thailand. Same old, same old. World’s most boring country in terms of news.

So the guy undertaking the robbery knew well in advance what the takings would be, and further, if it was to be a hit -, why worry about trying to make it look like a robbery - - please expound your theory as to why? 

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2 hours ago, Monkeycity said:

As I said in a previous thread most Thai people on social media believe it is a foreigner not a Thai person due to his build and 'the way he walks', many people said Thai criminals or robbers would never do a crime like this...

Let's just hope the police aren't as silly as the general population and can catch the Thai criminal as quickly as possible.

After watching the video I have to say I was surprised at the action of this man. His demeanor was some what unusual for a Thai guy. His confidence in his actions was as if this was his modus operandi and his total disrespect for for human life were as if he was acting out a video game, or maybe he has a history of professional training. The total value of his loot was not worth the effort and danger involved so my guess is he was under the influence of drugs. I have to agree with the Thai people about his ethnicity as he doesn't look a typical IC5.

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So the cops are doing road checks ? i presume only in that area. Does anybody here live near there ? has anybody actually seen any ? i just drove from Sattahip  to Trat not one cop in sight, even at the Main Trat province boarder checkpoint. Lets hope the ROYAL Thai police get the b@st@rd ASAP. A rough idea of his height, shoe size, color of eyes could help, might be able to be gleaned from the footage. 

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6 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

It is disgusting.  Believe it or not they do have real cops here who care and will find this guy I bet.

One thing here that does surprise me is the openness of these stores.

Millions of b of gold just sitting out on counters and in glass cases.

The organized gangs in the US would have a field day here.

They call them smash and grab robbers.

Anyway, I hope they are able to put out more info to the public I for one would be keeping my eyes open.  And would give 100% of that reward to the families of the victims.

Don't forget the ATM machines, if you take a look in Europe, nearly every day it gets blown up.

Rarely in this country.


Sorry, wrong.

Edited by Peterphuket
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5 hours ago, CGW said:

I questioned that 30 some years ago when I first worked here, I was told that Thai's never committed violent crime as they were Buddhist! It was obviously true back then!

Times have changed :shock1:


Don't forget the ATM machines, if you take a look in Europe, nearly every day it gets blown up.

Rarely in this country.

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9 hours ago, pixelaoffy said:

If Thais really work together they can catch this scum !  He may well be trying to leave country or already left 

500,00 baht in gold he's still in the country... he's not had time to cash in the gold and trying to cross a land border with that in a bag is doubtful

He's hiding out somewhere with friends or relatives... 

But the question everyone should be asking isshould gold shops be allowed to be open fronted within shopping malls, especially located directly opposite to entry/exit doors?

They are an obvious target, they're not even within the depths of the mall which makes it difficult for a robber to walk through the entire shop to get to it, allowing CCTV to track a person.

They walk in the front door bang bang take the gold and exit in seconds.

Ridiculous !


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3 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

500,00 baht in gold he's still in the country... he's not had time to cash in the gold and trying to cross a land border with that in a bag is doubtful

He's hiding out somewhere with friends or relatives... 

But the question everyone should be asking isshould gold shops be allowed to be open fronted within shopping malls, especially located directly opposite to entry/exit doors?

They are an obvious target, they're not even within the depths of the mall which makes it difficult for a robber to walk through the entire shop to get to it, allowing CCTV to track a person.

They walk in the front door bang bang take the gold and exit in seconds.

Ridiculous !


Sure, they need double doors, you can't open the first one before closing the other one, but they are afraid, they don't get customeres anymore.

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I do not think that this guy was a Thai professional gangster, ... They would not have killed the innocent bystanders, I do not think.


...  More likely a stressed out ex-military guy, ? .... Well ? not necessarily, I guess just because he wears combat Fatigues, and knows about guns ? ... But high on drugs, who owed his dealer a LOT of money. .... 


…. Or he could have been a Foreigner, like not necessarily a White one, he does look pretty light ! … So possibly another Asian, from a neighboring country, ? … or a bit further afield. (Where they DO kill the bystanders ? ... )


… I think that they WILL get him soon any way, and let’s hope so for that !  …… ( If he is Thai at least, I think that they will, …. )


… As Yes, we all, like being safe, … and free at home, in the shops, and the streets.

Edited by Mark mark
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5 hours ago, Chazar said:

Many dont, or  lights or licence or almost anything, also helps  to drive under 10 yrs  of  age and because  its accepted no one would  look twice at a bike with no plates

And that is the crux of many problems here. Hit and run for example. 

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My guess is this guy will be dead within a week.


Who really thinks they can kill three innocents and steal a bunch of gold and live the rest of his life spending the proceeds.


It has to be someone really really dumb, mentally ill or on yaba. Or maybe all three.


But how could someone capable of doing that not have committed major offences before that he's been locked up for and know the consequences.... death.

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7 minutes ago, Ketyo said:

Who really thinks they can kill three innocents and steal a bunch of gold and live the rest of his life spending the proceeds.

Almost all Thai police or army, current or former.

Along with any of the rich, famous or influential and most of their relatives.

Edited by BritManToo
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5 hours ago, Monkeycity said:

As I said in a previous thread most Thai people on social media believe it is a foreigner not a Thai person due to his build and 'the way he walks', many people said Thai criminals or robbers would never do a crime like this...

Let's just hope the police aren't as silly as the general population and can catch the Thai criminal as quickly as possible.

The way he walks? You mean he is not dragging his feet?

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8 hours ago, Tony125 said:

So true, years ago had a guide from my hotel driving me around bangkok, Ayuthya , ect . Parked the car near ChayoPrya river to go on river cruise. I had a bunch of stuff I bought at places in backseat of his car. I told him "hey you didn't lock the doors"  he said no problem nobody take  and they didn't. I told him if back in USA the packages and maybe even car be gone.

Now with fewer sexpats and less income they take to robbery/asaults.



The only difference now is social media which makes it seem like things are worse nowadays.


They aren't.

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9 hours ago, Brunolem said:



They may find him because of the silencer... these devices are not easily accessible. 



I know they use the word in the article, but actually it's called a suppressor. Also they are fairly easily accessible, as it takes little to no skill to make one. The bigger "problem" is needing a barrel that sticks out from the frame, and threading that. And even that isn't much of a problem.

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10 hours ago, Peterphuket said:

Sure, they need double doors, you can't open the first one before closing the other one, but they are afraid, they don't get customeres anymore.

Doors and security measures would give the customers confidence that they are safe...

it's reverse thinking and they're paying the price... or I should say the customers are paying the price!

My local Big C has a gold shop, it's completely open like every other stall, and it's right next to the main automatic doors.

One day it will happen, sheer lunacy!!

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