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I am not a racist

Yet you blame other cultures for the "scum" and for making the country racist. I think you are showing a perfect example of how it can be homegrown.

I think there is too much diversity in Australia as it is. Too much scum has migrated to Australia in the past and un-fortunantly is stuck there. Statistically, its mostly the migrants, especially those from middle eastern origins who have turned Australia into the racist country it has become.
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I am not a racist

Yet you blame other cultures for the "scum" and for making the country racist. I think you are showing a perfect example of how it can be homegrown.

I think there is too much diversity in Australia as it is. Too much scum has migrated to Australia in the past and un-fortunantly is stuck there. Statistically, its mostly the migrants, especially those from middle eastern origins who have turned Australia into the racist country it has become.

I'm completely with you cdnvic, and I'm glad you answered before I did.....

Maybe it's his age, education or lifestyle but he forgot where all "the scum" came from -to Australia- in the first place. I'll bet he's a big friend of the oldest inhabitants of Australia, the Aboriginals :D

This kind of comment makes me puke. :o



Australia is but one culture. We may be have a population of multi-nationalities but we are not multi-cultural....or should not be.

Immigrants to Australia have the choice, embrace our culture or find somewhere else to live. Integrate or leave.

Aussiestyle has mentioned Middle Eastern immigrants in particular who demonstrate a racist attitude towards Australians and towards the Australian way of life.

It is true that there is a radical element in the Middle Eastern community that are definitely racist but they are a minority. The main stream Muslims are decent people and are now trying to weed out the radicals from within their own numbers.

The Australian people are becoming more and more concerned with the antics of the radicals, who have placed themselves in an influential position and are brain-washing the younger generation of Aussie born Muslims to embrace radical views.

Radical views include a hate campaign against Western society.

Whilst the Australian Government can't do too much to weed out and deport Australian born radicals, it can prevent more radicals from entering Australia by imposing language requirements.

Only time will tell whether these measures have come too late.

You start with this comment.
Thats because all the good English teachers in Oz leave and come to Thailand to teach :D

And then you follow up with this classic piece of bad writing…..


It feels good being an Aussie and comming from the BEST country in the world!

So many people want to migrate to Australia and now its even harder, good!

I am not a racist (I married an Asian and I have other relatives from different backgrounds) but as for a mutli-cultural Australia, I think there is too much diversity in Australia as it is. Too much scum has migrated to Australia in the past and un-fortunantly is stuck there. Statistically, its mostly the migrants, especially those from middle eastern origins who have turned Australia into the racist country it has become. There should be cultural diversity to some extent, but at the rate it is going, there will soon be more people from other cultures in Australia than original Australians (if that has already not happend)

How would Thailand act if such a thing happened? Hahaha! Answer that question you hipocrits!

So I see it far better to control the migration process a little better, rather than bringing in quantity of uselessness, lets start bringing in Qaulity. So it may now even be harder to migrate to the land down under, but remember our population is only about 21 million, so of course not everyone is going to be able to come to Australia, if we let thousands upon thousands of migrants come in, we will soone loose our identity of "Australia". Immigration must be controled so Australia doesn't loose its identity and proud "convict" culture.

I sincerely hope you are taking the piss here aussiestyle, otherwise if you meant it to be factual, then what you have written above is a load of stinking cow dung.

If you noticed the wink after my comment you should have know it was a comment to "take the piss out" and be a bit humorous.

As for the English I use on this forum, say what you want about it, but I dont spend a lot of time writing my posts, I type them as quickly as I can and submit, so I can continue doing what I was doing. If you have a problem with that, too bad. Just because some people don't have lives and have the time to sit at their computer and make sure all their I's are dotted and their T's are crossed and every word is spelt correctly and every scentance is constructed properly, well then, good for you! Now go and use your exceptional English skills to migrate to Oz! Ill continue to type what I want, and how I want.

And if my English is that bad that you can't understand my posts, well then, your English is not good enough to migrate to Oz :D

MightyMouse: your post was excellent! I however have not met any muslim in Oz I could trust. I use to live in Brighton-Le-Sands in Sydney, full of middle eastern migrants, greeks, lebs and everyone else, and if you are aware of what goes on their, you should understand why I being a true Aussie have a problem with to many migrants, especially the ones from the war monger countries who bring their problems to our country.

Australia is but one culture. We may be have a population of multi-nationalities but we are not multi-cultural....or should not be.

Immigrants to Australia have the choice, embrace our culture or find somewhere else to live. Integrate or leave.

Aussiestyle has mentioned Middle Eastern immigrants in particular who demonstrate a racist attitude towards Australians and towards the Australian way of life.

It is true that there is a radical element in the Middle Eastern community that are definitely racist but they are a minority. The main stream Muslims are decent people and are now trying to weed out the radicals from within their own numbers.

The Australian people are becoming more and more concerned with the antics of the radicals, who have placed themselves in an influential position and are brain-washing the younger generation of Aussie born Muslims to embrace radical views.

Radical views include a hate campaign against Western society.

Whilst the Australian Government can't do too much to weed out and deport Australian born radicals, it can prevent more radicals from entering Australia by imposing language requirements.

Only time will tell whether these measures have come too late.

Australia - some facts:

Ethnic groups:

white 92%, Asian 7%, aboriginal and other 1%


Catholic 26.4%, Anglican 20.5%, other Christian 20.5%, Buddhist 1.9%, Muslim 1.5%, other 1.2%, unspecified 12.7%, none 15.3% (2001 Census)


English 79.1%, Chinese 2.1%, Italian 1.9%, other 11.1%, unspecified 5.8% (2001 Census)

Population growth rate:

0.85% (2006 est.)

Birth rate:

12.14 births/1,000 population (2006 est.)

Death rate:

7.51 deaths/1,000 population (2006 est.)

Net migration rate:

3.85 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2006 est.)



So, the population of Australia is still growing.

It remains to be seen if the growth, also through unwanted immigration by some of the posters, is able to keep up with the demand of the Labor Force -needed- in the next decades.... :o

think of it.



Reality is the Fraser government made some big mistakes allowing thousands of unskilled immigrants from the Middle east.

Their kids failed thru the broken aust education system and due to the fact that sons can do now wrong in parents eyes.

These people are causing the bulk of thefts,assualts,drug dealing crime in NSW for sure .

Unskilled labour has no future in AUS or NZ due to imports from China etc.

The govt has to work out how to meaningfuly engage this generation before they destroy everything their parents worked so hard to build.

You start with this comment.
Thats because all the good English teachers in Oz leave and come to Thailand to teach :D

And then you follow up with this classic piece of bad writing…..


It feels good being an Aussie and comming from the BEST country in the world!

So many people want to migrate to Australia and now its even harder, good!

I am not a racist (I married an Asian and I have other relatives from different backgrounds) but as for a mutli-cultural Australia, I think there is too much diversity in Australia as it is. Too much scum has migrated to Australia in the past and un-fortunantly is stuck there. Statistically, its mostly the migrants, especially those from middle eastern origins who have turned Australia into the racist country it has become. There should be cultural diversity to some extent, but at the rate it is going, there will soon be more people from other cultures in Australia than original Australians (if that has already not happend)

How would Thailand act if such a thing happened? Hahaha! Answer that question you hipocrits!

So I see it far better to control the migration process a little better, rather than bringing in quantity of uselessness, lets start bringing in Qaulity. So it may now even be harder to migrate to the land down under, but remember our population is only about 21 million, so of course not everyone is going to be able to come to Australia, if we let thousands upon thousands of migrants come in, we will soone loose our identity of "Australia". Immigration must be controled so Australia doesn't loose its identity and proud "convict" culture.

I sincerely hope you are taking the piss here aussiestyle, otherwise if you meant it to be factual, then what you have written above is a load of stinking cow dung.

Whilst the Australian Government can't do too much to weed out and deport Australian born radicals, it can prevent more radicals from entering Australia by imposing language requirements.

You mean like Zacarias Moussaoui, a 9-11 conspirator who held a masters degree in economics from a British university?

If I recall correctly, a score of six on the IELTS is higher than what is required in the graduate programs at Thailand's best English programs at Thai universities.

There are 2 types of IELTS tests, general english and academic english test.

the general english test (being much easier) is probably what they mean.

Whilst the Australian Government can't do too much to weed out and deport Australian born radicals, it can prevent more radicals from entering Australia by imposing language requirements.

You mean like Zacarias Moussaoui, a 9-11 conspirator who held a masters degree in economics from a British university?

I understand the point that you are making. Some Al Qaeda operatives (terrorists) are well educated English speaking people, so they would need to be judged and refused a visa based on their past activities, rather than their ability to speak English.

This is where the Govt. needs to have a solid and reliable intelligence network.

The Australian population has started to become more vocal with its demands on the Govt. for a revocation of citizenship clause to be written into our constitution so that radicals (with dual citizenship) who preach or practice their form of hatred can be deported.

I stated in my previous post that immigrants should integrate into our culture. If they can't speak English and have no intention of learning English, how can they successfully integrate?

I'm not suggesting that those who don't want to fully integrate have terrorists intentions, but if our culture is to remain unique, the entire population should at least be able to speak our language.

Currently, the Govt. provides free English speaking classes to non-English speaking immigrants. No one is forced to attend these classes. Perhaps by introducing language restrictions upon future immigrants at time of visa application, the Govt. can not only save those teaching expenses, but ensure that the entire Aussie population are able to adequately communicate.

MightyMouse: your post was excellent! I however have not met any muslim in Oz I could trust. I use to live in Brighton-Le-Sands in Sydney, full of middle eastern migrants, greeks, lebs and everyone else, and if you are aware of what goes on their, you should understand why I being a true Aussie have a problem with to many migrants, especially the ones from the war monger countries who bring their problems to our country.

I have many Muslim friends both here in Thailand & back in Australia.

I feel that the reason why xenophobia & nationalism exist, both of which you seem to exhibit, is because of 'fear'. This is probably why you'll fit in here so nicely - xenophobia & nationalism seem to be on the rise.

As for Australia having a 'culture', I agree with a pommie mate of my'n who asked, "What's the difference between yoghurt & an aussie? The yoghurt has a culture."

The 'culture' in Australia is work-a-holism, whinging about foreigners & a distinct ego problem (I refer to the comment that Australia is the best country in the world - rubbish!).

At least Thailand has a culture & therefore a valid reason for fearing it's loss. Unfortunately, this is when xenophobia starts & nationalism ramps up.

I left Australia because I was sick of all the greedy bastards, over-working, narrow minded xenophobes & a 'George W' loving government. 20 years ago, Australia WAS nice...now I think that Thailand far exceeds Australia's 'nice' ranking.


I found it telling how quickly the justifiable reasons of needing them to learn English, such as having them integrate better into the workforce turned into a conversation about "criminals and terrorists". :o

I found it telling how quickly the justifiable reasons of needing them to learn English, such as having them integrate better into the workforce turned into a conversation about "criminals and terrorists". :o

It was you who brought Zacarias Moussaui into the thread. :D

The 'culture' in Australia is work-a-holism, whinging about foreigners & a distinct ego problem (I refer to the comment that Australia is the best country in the world - rubbish!).

At least Thailand has a culture & therefore a valid reason for fearing it's loss. Unfortunately, this is when xenophobia starts & nationalism ramps up.

I left Australia because I was sick of all the greedy bastards, over-working, narrow minded xenophobes & a 'George W' loving government. 20 years ago, Australia WAS nice...now I think that Thailand far exceeds Australia's 'nice' ranking.

I too think that Australia is the best country in the world in which to live. It's not perfect but then no country is.

I join with millions of other proud Aussies to sing loud and clear each time our National Anthem plays.

I look with pride at our flag and reflect on those who lost their lives fighting for it.

I love our culture that includes Aboriginal art, outdoor life, the outback, a sporting nation, meat pies and blow flies, drinking sessions with all your mates in a corner pub, a fair dinkum humour, and best of all, mateship etc.

Put that down to true blue Aussie patriotism.

I have read your rant. You are entitled to your view and I wish you well in your new adopted country. May your water buffalo turn into elephants and kick your boomarang into a thousand pieces.

Broken boomerangs never return. :o

MightyMouse: your post was excellent! I however have not met any muslim in Oz I could trust. I use to live in Brighton-Le-Sands in Sydney, full of middle eastern migrants, greeks, lebs and everyone else, and if you are aware of what goes on their, you should understand why I being a true Aussie have a problem with to many migrants, especially the ones from the war monger countries who bring their problems to our country.

I have many Muslim friends both here in Thailand & back in Australia.

I feel that the reason why xenophobia & nationalism exist, both of which you seem to exhibit, is because of 'fear'. This is probably why you'll fit in here so nicely - xenophobia & nationalism seem to be on the rise.

As for Australia having a 'culture', I agree with a pommie mate of my'n who asked, "What's the difference between yoghurt & an aussie? The yoghurt has a culture."

The 'culture' in Australia is work-a-holism, whinging about foreigners & a distinct ego problem (I refer to the comment that Australia is the best country in the world - rubbish!).

At least Thailand has a culture & therefore a valid reason for fearing it's loss. Unfortunately, this is when xenophobia starts & nationalism ramps up.

I left Australia because I was sick of all the greedy bastards, over-working, narrow minded xenophobes & a 'George W' loving government. 20 years ago, Australia WAS nice...now I think that Thailand far exceeds Australia's 'nice' ranking.

Sorry to have to break the bad news to you, but Thailand does not even come close to comparing to Australia. To sum it up, Thailand is a poor, dirty, country full of simple people. Thailand is about to take a major step backwards in terms of development and the government is so marrow-minded and so concerned about saving face, rather than admitting their problems and fixing them, they will just continue to let Thailand do down the drain.

Australia is a new country in terms of age, Australia is also a first world country. Australia has developed quickly into the country it now is and in a short time frame as well. Many countires, such as Thailand and others in the middle east have cultures thousands of years old, but have nothing to show for it. Australia has only been developing for a few hundred (not thousand) years, and its allready a successfull first world nation, a nation where many people want to migrate to. So before you try to compare Thailand to Australia, look at the history and development of the two countries. Also look at where it is cleaner and safe to live. Look where you can earn a decent salary and be taken care of in your old age. Look at all the benifits Australians have compared to those of Thais, and you might then realise why mightymouse and I claim that Australia is the best country in the world, because it is! I've lived in the USA for 10 years, England for a year and Thailand for over 2 years now, so I am not just making my comments because im an Australian, im making them because i've seen whats other countries (even first world countries) have to offer compaired to Oz, and it aint much.

As for the Facts about Australia that someone else posted. You forgot to do an origin breakdown for all the Aussie citizens :o If you did that, so would soon see that the 7% of Asians and 1% of others figure quickly increases.

BTW Australias policy of "This is Australia, like it or leave it!" kind of reminds me of the way things are towards foriegners here in LOS :D So I shouldn't hear any Thais complaining about Australia's policy :D

I found it telling how quickly the justifiable reasons of needing them to learn English, such as having them integrate better into the workforce turned into a conversation about "criminals and terrorists". :o

It was you who brought Zacarias Moussaui into the thread. :D

I was replying to the post above mine stating that the language requirement would keep out radicals.

To sum it up, Thailand is a poor, dirty, country full of simple people.

Between these ignorant comments and your obvious racism exhibited in prior posts I think you do Thailand a distinct honour by staying home.

To sum it up, Thailand is a poor, dirty, country full of simple people.

Between these ignorant comments and your obvious racism exhibited in prior posts I think you do Thailand a distinct honour by staying home.

I bought my tickets and organised the necessary visas to go home months ago! And, I can't wait! :o

Ignorant they may be from your point of view, but they were based upon how I have seen things over the last 2 years ive been here.

Dirty: Just the pollution BKK has and the tens of thousands of dirty, infected, disease spreading stray dogs all over the local streets is enough to cover the word dirty, without going into further details.

Poor: Just the fact that there are A LOT of Thais earning salaries that they can not even live off, all the beggers on the streets etc. Last time I was asked for money from a begger, before I gave them 10 baht, I noticed they were wearing the yellow king t-shirt and the orange (not yellow) colored king wrist band. I asked the lady "You are asking me for money, yet you clain you love the king so much..............? Do you like living homeless on the streets? Do you like being a begger? Do you like starving and eating other peoples rubbish? Do you like sleeping under the foot bridge? So.......why do you love the king so much, what has he done for you, and the thousands of other poor people here? I got no response, of course that was because she couldn't understand me, but if she could, I dont think she could have given a valid response.

Simple people: The simple peacefull attitude of many buddhist Thais is letting this country turn into a terrorist havin. I believe within the next 10-20 years, if thailand continues to go in the dirrection its currently headed and the leadership remains the same, Islam will be Thailands new religion!


I don't even know where to start on that last post. Two years of looking at a country through the eyes of a racist does not make him an expert, it just compounds the ignorance over time.

I don't even know where to start on that last post. Two years of looking at a country through the eyes of a racist does not make him an expert, it just compounds the ignorance over time.

:o Canadian humor at its best! :D

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