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Pattaya and the virus: Tourists need not worry - resort has been thoroughly disinfected

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11 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

There is no scientific evidence for the hypotosis that the virus is transmitted by mostiquitos .

Community infection occurs, as this is droplet carried, droplets can travel up to 5 mtrs when a person sneezes or coughs, contact transmission (door knobs, hand rails, etc) 

Spreaders can be asymptomatic, whilst still spreading the virus.


Hand hygiene more effective 


Typhoid is a bacteria not a virus, malaria is spred by certain types of mosquitos carrying the "parasite" on its probiscus, which is then injected into victims when "bitten" by the mosquito, not all mosquitos carry the parasite.

Comparisons between blood borne and droplet spread do not hold up. Sorry


Okay, since we have victims who have never been in contact with a Human who is at this point a carrier, They have never traveled... Yet they are confirmed to have been infected with the Virus. How do we explain this? To totally say "No way Jose'", didn't happen! There is also no Scientific evidence for the Hypothesis that it can't.... So your statement there doesn't hold water.


Yes,you are correct about the basic state of Typhoid. What you failed to state is that the infestation is confirmed with a procedure that involves blood work. Malaria is as you stated carried by a Parasite that has contact with the victim when they are bitten. The Mosquito draws blood and at same time injects a fluid into the blood of the Victim. This causes a reaction as being foreign to the victim thus a reaction occurs swelling itching etc. but it is now it the blood of the victim.


If suspected infection has occurred it is confirmed by Medical staff again doing Blood work. Same process with Human Corona Virus, It is also the common link to check for infestation... Blood work. 


I used these 3 issues as to uncover a point. All 3 are when Human is infected have same  basic carrier in the body, our Blood. To flatly make the statement there is no relationship between them is 100% wrong, (this is a proven fact!) They are all Blood borne and carried thru the Human body in our Blood stream.


I posted here to raise an awareness of the Possibility, not fact. I never said it was. First infestation occurred when a member of a research Team was bitten by a Bat, thus into the blood stream. I am sure that the bite was extremely well cleansed with proper items and techniques, the only thing that could not be accounted for was the workers blood... Understand what I am posting? to flat say No! and Slam the door shut on any possible correlation. Is wrong! Yes you are correct in saying I have no proof, I do have proof that you are wrong! It is a Proven fact that "No one" has proof there is not any connection!


I just want Research Teams to look at... Do some testing. Then step by step either eliminate the correlation or prove it does exist... Period.


You have tried to explain what everyone knows about Typhoid, and Malaria... Explain to us what possible way for someone to be infected with the Human Corona Virus, when No contact (proven) no travel (proven) to be the sole victim (for the moment) in an isolated area.... How did they become infected? what possible link exist's between people? What possible way to undetected go from the Blood of one Human to another? If you can prove there is no possible, plausible link I will accept that statement from a Research Team Staff Member who is charged with uncovering "How, When, what, where and why" scenario. Then we can insure the protection of others.


This has got to be one of the funniest, and metaphorical instances of the state of tourism in Thailand.  You can't make this stuff up!  And thanks for all the witty remarks, you guys knocked this softball out of the park!

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18 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

There is no scientific evidence for the hypotosis that the virus is transmitted by mostiquitos .

Community infection occurs, as this is droplet carried, droplets can travel up to 5 mtrs when a person sneezes or coughs, contact transmission (door knobs, hand rails, etc) 

Spreaders can be asymptomatic, whilst still spreading the virus.


Hand hygiene more effective 


Typhoid is a bacteria not a virus, malaria is spred by certain types of mosquitos carrying the "parasite" on its probiscus, which is then injected into victims when "bitten" by the mosquito, not all mosquitos carry the parasite.

Comparisons between blood borne and droplet spread do not hold up. Sorry


Thank you, it saves me the trouble of replying to that posters nonsence. There is no evidence at all that this virus is transmitted by insects etc. 

5 hours ago, davidstipek said:

Okay, since we have victims who have never been in contact with a Human who is at this point a carrier, They have never traveled... Yet they are confirmed to have been infected with the Virus. How do we explain this? To totally say "No way Jose'", didn't happen! There is also no Scientific evidence for the Hypothesis that it can't.... So your statement there doesn't hold water.


Yes,you are correct about the basic state of Typhoid. What you failed to state is that the infestation is confirmed with a procedure that involves blood work. Malaria is as you stated carried by a Parasite that has contact with the victim when they are bitten. The Mosquito draws blood and at same time injects a fluid into the blood of the Victim. This causes a reaction as being foreign to the victim thus a reaction occurs swelling itching etc. but it is now it the blood of the victim.


If suspected infection has occurred it is confirmed by Medical staff again doing Blood work. Same process with Human Corona Virus, It is also the common link to check for infestation... Blood work. 


I used these 3 issues as to uncover a point. All 3 are when Human is infected have same  basic carrier in the body, our Blood. To flatly make the statement there is no relationship between them is 100% wrong, (this is a proven fact!) They are all Blood borne and carried thru the Human body in our Blood stream.


I posted here to raise an awareness of the Possibility, not fact. I never said it was. First infestation occurred when a member of a research Team was bitten by a Bat, thus into the blood stream. I am sure that the bite was extremely well cleansed with proper items and techniques, the only thing that could not be accounted for was the workers blood... Understand what I am posting? to flat say No! and Slam the door shut on any possible correlation. Is wrong! Yes you are correct in saying I have no proof, I do have proof that you are wrong! It is a Proven fact that "No one" has proof there is not any connection!


I just want Research Teams to look at... Do some testing. Then step by step either eliminate the correlation or prove it does exist... Period.


You have tried to explain what everyone knows about Typhoid, and Malaria... Explain to us what possible way for someone to be infected with the Human Corona Virus, when No contact (proven) no travel (proven) to be the sole victim (for the moment) in an isolated area.... How did they become infected? what possible link exist's between people? What possible way to undetected go from the Blood of one Human to another? If you can prove there is no possible, plausible link I will accept that statement from a Research Team Staff Member who is charged with uncovering "How, When, what, where and why" scenario. Then we can insure the protection of others.

You are wrong, full stop. Dont waste your time replying.

12 hours ago, davidstipek said:

Okay, since we have victims who have never been in contact with a Human who is at this point a carrier, They have never traveled... Yet they are confirmed to have been infected with the Virus. How do we explain this? To totally say "No way Jose'", didn't happen! There is also no Scientific evidence for the Hypothesis that it can't.... So your statement there doesn't hold water.


Yes,you are correct about the basic state of Typhoid. What you failed to state is that the infestation is confirmed with a procedure that involves blood work. Malaria is as you stated carried by a Parasite that has contact with the victim when they are bitten. The Mosquito draws blood and at same time injects a fluid into the blood of the Victim. This causes a reaction as being foreign to the victim thus a reaction occurs swelling itching etc. but it is now it the blood of the victim.


If suspected infection has occurred it is confirmed by Medical staff again doing Blood work. Same process with Human Corona Virus, It is also the common link to check for infestation... Blood work. 


I used these 3 issues as to uncover a point. All 3 are when Human is infected have same  basic carrier in the body, our Blood. To flatly make the statement there is no relationship between them is 100% wrong, (this is a proven fact!) They are all Blood borne and carried thru the Human body in our Blood stream.


I posted here to raise an awareness of the Possibility, not fact. I never said it was. First infestation occurred when a member of a research Team was bitten by a Bat, thus into the blood stream. I am sure that the bite was extremely well cleansed with proper items and techniques, the only thing that could not be accounted for was the workers blood... Understand what I am posting? to flat say No! and Slam the door shut on any possible correlation. Is wrong! Yes you are correct in saying I have no proof, I do have proof that you are wrong! It is a Proven fact that "No one" has proof there is not any connection!


I just want Research Teams to look at... Do some testing. Then step by step either eliminate the correlation or prove it does exist... Period.


You have tried to explain what everyone knows about Typhoid, and Malaria... Explain to us what possible way for someone to be infected with the Human Corona Virus, when No contact (proven) no travel (proven) to be the sole victim (for the moment) in an isolated area.... How did they become infected? what possible link exist's between people? What possible way to undetected go from the Blood of one Human to another? If you can prove there is no possible, plausible link I will accept that statement from a Research Team Staff Member who is charged with uncovering "How, When, what, where and why" scenario. Then we can insure the protection of others.

I did not dispute that blood carries virus and bacteria. I disputed the your mosquito vector hypothosis, as currently having no scientific evidence to support it

Commuity transmission is occuring via droplet infection, surface contamination, poor hand hygiene.

People can remain asymtomatic, but carriers and spreaders, especially during incubation periods. Thus community transmission, which is why containment is difficult



On 3/2/2020 at 10:26 PM, balo said:

This must be the most stupid article I have read here since the virus outbreak.  Thailand never stops surprising me. 

Then that makes 2 of us bud

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On 3/1/2020 at 11:38 PM, shadowofacloud said:

The street in the background definitely inspires confidence.


I mean - just one look and you're absolutely sure that no virus would ever take hold in such an orderly environment.

Yep.  No doubt about it.  I am flying there tonight because it looks like a good safe port to weather out this virus storm.


what a disgusting photo. A filthy street in Pattaya with overhanging spaghetti wires and bunch of men trying to show off holding a cheap $20 fogger. What is this?? is this supposed to prevent a deadly virus sweeping across the planet? and are supposed to think now "ohh great!, now that the streets of Pattaya have been fumigated by these clowns using this state of art machine, we can all safely  travel to pattaya and party hardy until sun comes up" ??.....GTFO!

3 hours ago, pattayadude said:

what a disgusting photo. A filthy street in Pattaya with overhanging spaghetti wires and bunch of men trying to show off holding a cheap $20 fogger. What is this?? is this supposed to prevent a deadly virus sweeping across the planet? and are supposed to think now "ohh great!, now that the streets of Pattaya have been fumigated by these clowns using this state of art machine, we can all safely  travel to pattaya and party hardy until sun comes up" ??.....GTFO!

You really do not appreciate the situation pal.... these are the founding fathers!

4 hours ago, jacko45k said:

You really do not appreciate the situation pal.... these are the founding fathers!

U got to give it to these thai they never give up trying to get the tourist back they will do everything possible to get money and at clown saying everything will be back to normal April i hope it never get back to normal all good things never last for ever but Thais dont see it at way they think good time will always last forever?

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On 3/3/2020 at 4:50 AM, davidstipek said:

A virus is carried in the Blood... Ok?


I am saying How are people who have no contact with anyone who has been to China, Has not traveled...


How have they become infected?


This was the same way Multiple Viruses have been spread in the past. Typhoid, Malaria. All someone has to do is get bitten... Someone who is already a carrier. This Female then lays her eggs and Bites how many more people... etc


You asked what this had to to with the Virus... Tell me another way to  expose someone who has had no contact, never left the States or any other Country... Become Infected... Tell me??? Why else would someone spray... Using a sprayer normally used to Fog Mosquito's???


Has anyone come up with any other Plausible solutions??? Except to ask "What's this got to do with the Virus? I am remembering Vietnam and Malaria. 98% of the time we caught it by being Bitten!





Malaria isn't a virus.

Someone with virus sneezes and droplets land on door handle or similar. You come along and touch the virus, then pick your nose or rub your eye. Congratulations you have got the virus.

I had read that the Corona virus doesn't live outside the body, so either that's wrong, or there is something going on............................

2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Malaria isn't a virus.

Someone with virus sneezes and droplets land on door handle or similar. You come along and touch the virus, then pick your nose or rub your eye. Congratulations you have got the virus.

I had read that the Corona virus doesn't live outside the body, so either that's wrong, or there is something going on............................

How is there people being infected, when never been in contact with anyone who has been to China, Asia etc… There are people coming up infected in Places like Thailand, USA, Europe etc they live by them selves, never been in contact with traveler or been to an area that has carriers.

 I was checked and monitored for Malaria in Hospital Buy Blood Tests being done. They could watch infected Cells either Multiply or die in Lab. This is same procedure with victim when he is confined in Isolation, this is how we know if they are still contagious or fee to leave because treatment has worked.

Regardless what the Mosquito carried , that they deposited in our blood stream when we are bitten… It is carried thru the Human Body, by our Blood.

I caught it sitting on 2nd floor deck and being bitten before I was able to fog area (This was My House, Dad built it 55 years ago.) I was not around anyone who was infected. I was the only one who caught it. I seldom go anywhere by my self (I use either wheelchair or walker.) My wife was not infected, prior to being a confirmed case, only place I had been was either on Patio (2nd Floor) or Enclosed Garage area (Inside) work area welding on Motorcycles (I build/Design Custom Builds)


***This was the whole idea behind my bringing up this idea... Has anyone tested this theory was everyone going to shut it down as Bull Sh*t. No one can explain how it is being spread!  Infact, it looks like the issue of it spreading has been totally ignored. No one other then me has even brought up this subject. I have been told to shut up! My idea doesn't warrant the time to read my Post. I don't need to be trolled here. Troll Babies can go elsewhere as all they are doing is trying to disrupt people reading my post and beginning to ask questions. People read and ask the right professionals! If people here are not Trolling me and they Have Certificates to allow them, with no real Knowlege of what exactly I am asking. Back up your Negativity here... 

Platform is yours...


Lysol has known about Corona-virus for years it has been listed on their Spray Cans as one of the Bacteria, Viruses, Germs etc that Lysol Spray is a effective measure against...

Yet No One Knows. Dad had things in the Garage from the 50's, 60's that when we built new house... Things were boxed up and moved to new location. It happens that there were 2 can's late 50's-early 70's it says the same thing on these cans!


Explain that!


Can't live outside the Human Body...? Then Why are they Spraying the streets... sorry! One street?? 24 hrs, they will need to do again if people migrate thru this area



7 hours ago, davidstipek said:

Lysol has known about Corona-virus for years it has been listed on their Spray Cans as one of the Bacteria, Viruses, Germs etc that Lysol Spray is a effective measure against...

Yet No One Knows. Dad had things in the Garage from the 50's, 60's that when we built new house... Things were boxed up and moved to new location. It happens that there were 2 can's late 50's-early 70's it says the same thing on these cans!


Explain that!


Can't live outside the Human Body...? Then Why are they Spraying the streets... sorry! One street?? 24 hrs, they will need to do again if people migrate thru this area



Corona is not a new virus, this is a new strain it, and this strain is mutating.

It can live outside thebody on surfaces, handrails, doorknobs, tables, airline tray tables etc


Coronavirus, the virus responsible for 30% of common colds, as well as SARS, has the appearance of a crown (corona) under electron microscopy, due to the spike proteins that coat the viral surface. Viruses, being so small, might have been thought of before they were discovered, to be poisonous secretions (virus) of unknown origin, hence their name.
9 minutes ago, Sal Boto said:

Are they Regularly washing the Pavement?  Was it a one-time photo op?   

This might be the second time this year, it is becoming some what regular!

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