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Rspca In Thailand

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I was wondering whether there is the Thai equivalent of the RSPCA in LOS and whether its a criminal offence to kill/be cruel to animals, birds, fish and insects. What sort of punishment is meted out if it is illegal and who enforces the law on this matter the police or inspectors ?

Is cock fighting allowed as it is in the Philippines ?


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I was wondering whether there is the Thai equivalent of the RSPCA in LOS and whether its a criminal offence to kill/be cruel to animals, birds, fish and insects. What sort of punishment is meted out if it is illegal and who enforces the law on this matter the police or inspectors ?

Is cock fighting allowed as it is in the Philippines ?


Yes, there is a Thai SPCA. In many cases cruelty is not illegal here. There are very few animal protection laws & most of those that do exist are international laws that govern endangered species. Domestic animals are property & as such, the owner can pretty much treat them as he likes (legally speaking). Yes, cock fighting exists here, in fact you'll see fighting birds being kept in many areas (apart from city centres, I guess). The fighting birds are very valuable, monetarily speaking.

I don't know anything about the nature of punishments or who enforces the laws that do exist, I'm afraid.

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And, of course, we must remember that all these nominal Buddhists seem to be completely ignorant of His teaching that ALL life should be respected.

Yesterday's Bangkok Post was suggesting that Animism should be the official religion!

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And, of course, we must remember that all these nominal Buddhists seem to be completely ignorant of His teaching that ALL life should be respected.

Yesterday's Bangkok Post was suggesting that Animism should be the official religion!

Did anyone else see that piece on Thai TV about 10 days ago about a Thai restaurant that cooks the fish alive etc - there didn't seem to be any mention of it being cruel, it was more a discussion about the taste. The fish were being fried and eaten alive (all flapping about) , it was quite sick.

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If there is an equivalent of the British RSPCA or the American SPCA here in Thailand, I too would be curious as to where they are and how to contact them.

Here in Roi-et Province, caged pickup trucks come around to collect unwanted dogs, which are subsequently starved for a few days, then killed and then sold in the dog-meat market in.... Sisaket or Surin, I don't remember which. Several years ago the price per kilogram was around 60-70 baht.

Previously, dog "owners" were given a (20 baht value) plastic bucket for each dog. I'm not sure how much money/goods-equivalent people are given now. The dogs, incidentally, howl behind the cage in the pickup as if they sense their fate. Apparently it's all very legal.

Be especially careful if you happen to have a young, black-colored dog. These are considered the most delicious. I had one that was stolen (observed by witnessess who did just that: observed) three weeks. She was also pregnant. I hope the thief choked on his dinner.

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And yes, apparently people who eat dogs think black dogs are more delicious. I have 3 but I have never heard of any of the itinerant workers from the NE who come here eating local dogs, expect its more than their life is worth to do so.

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And yes, apparently people who eat dogs think black dogs are more delicious. I have 3 but I have never heard of any of the itinerant workers from the NE who come here eating local dogs, expect its more than their life is worth to do so.

Some construction workers stole the black pups from the den of a street dog I feed. I saw them going over to the hole & try to get the pups out & started screaming at them , whereby they left. Obviously I couldn't keep guard all day, though, & next day the black pups were gone. :o Must be the younger, the better?


The point I was trying to get across (about SPCA) without being too negative was that, although they exist, they are largely toothless as an organisation, as there are no real cruelty laws & from what I've heard are lethargic in enforcing anything that they can enforce. The only laws that seem to get enforced are international ones such as CITES ones.

Treatment such as you describe with the dogs is legal. So is going half way across the country in the blazing hot sun with pigs in those little cages on the back of a pick-up truck, stopping for water yourself & not giving them so much as a drop. And many other examples that we see day to day.

How this ties in with the Buddhist beliefs, I’m not sure.

I find it very, very sad. :D

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As this question has nothing to do with pets to where the subject was transfered, following the answers already given that cruelty to animals is not seriously criminal here, what about vivisection ?

Is that legal here and are the international drug companies using animals here for experimentation owing to the hiatus in the Thai laws on the subject ?

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