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It's a shame the forum gets bogged down with such threads, it is difficult to find anything worth reading without looking through a load of rubbish first.

Is there not a more fitting forum for this thread?

Why don't you start a couple of topics.

I bet they would not be boring at all, and we would all appreciate some pearls from you.


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Just noticed that the general topics is on page 666 just after I posted. Just the other day my shopping bill came to 6.66 and the shopkeeper jokingly suggested I buy something else :o


It's showing up to much, something must be up.


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It's a shame the forum gets bogged down with such threads, it is difficult to find anything worth reading without looking through a load of rubbish first.

Is there not a more fitting forum for this thread?

You could always go take a look at my "My Hair Has Stopped Falling Out" thread, I have had so many congratulatory PM's on that thread as it was such an emotive, interesting, investigatory topic.


If this does not stimulate your juices....you could always go and boil your head, maybe that will lighten you up :o

Edited by CymruAmByth
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a few moths back there was a week where i saw the number everywhere and i kind of freaked me out. i'm a revelations guru and enjoy predicting the end of the world based on historical events and the idea of many religions. for those of you interested i've predicted 2012-2015 to be the end. so live life to the fullest and enjoy yourselves while you still can. good thing you're in thailand huh?

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Actually my mate 'Mystic' Dave reckons it will be June 6th 2066, by then time will have changed to a universal 100 minute hour and he said that Armageddon will begin at 6.66 am. He's very rarely wrong.

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I only posted this for a bit of fun but I have made two posts today. When I checked out the replies on my other post I saw this...


look at how many posts CROW BOY has made today ! Both posts were done at very short time between each other.

I swear I am not making this up although it might seem that way. I even said to myself I should get worried if I see that number again any time in the near future - BUT ON THE EXACT SAME DAY,

I will not be leaving the house today :o

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Being the 7th child (of 7) born in the hospital on the 7th day of the 7th month in 1977 I can confirm you will not all perish on 6/6/66. If you live in LOS you will most likely live to a ripe old age with a smile on your face and at somepoint not care for dates etc

Chock dee

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I only posted this for a bit of fun but I have made two posts today. When I checked out the replies on my other post I saw this...


look at how many posts CROW BOY has made today ! Both posts were done at very short time between each other.

I swear I am not making this up although it might seem that way. I even said to myself I should get worried if I see that number again any time in the near future - BUT ON THE EXACT SAME DAY,

I will not be leaving the house today :o

Things be gettting strange - it is aleady turning into a beast of a day.

As an aside - I usually have my computer playing music as I work etc it is set to auto shuffle so I get random songs from teh 5.5Gig of stuff I have loaded up. As I typed my 666th post - iTunes started with the classic Iron Maiden "Number of the Beast" from the Album of the same name. As soon as the voice over clicked in I started laughing.


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Being the 7th child (of 7) born in the hospital on the 7th day of the 7th month in 1977

Chock dee

The 7th doctor did say

You waz born for good luck

n' that's plain to see

I got $700 don' you mess with me

I am here an ev'y body knows my name

I'm the Hoochie Coochie Man

An ev'ry knows I here

Thanks Mr Morganfield - love the song


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I only posted this for a bit of fun but I have made two posts today. When I checked out the replies on my other post I saw this...


look at how many posts CROW BOY has made today ! Both posts were done at very short time between each other.

I swear I am not making this up although it might seem that way. I even said to myself I should get worried if I see that number again any time in the near future - BUT ON THE EXACT SAME DAY,

I will not be leaving the house today :D

Well, good to see crowboy ain't catching up with me anytime soon! :o

BTW, to the O.P, I'm only on page 334 of the General Topics forum.

Change your board settings if it is worrying you, mate (My Controls, down the right hand side, Board Settings) That way you can also get less pages with forty posts of diatribe when you enter a thread, as opposed to more pages of 20 posts of cr@p. Makes it easier to scan through the threads.


A true professional cr@p poster.

@CrowBoy, if you are the hoochie coochie man, makes me the voodoo child

Well, the night I was born

Lord I swear the moon turned a fire red

The night I was born

I swear the moon turned a fire red

Well my poor mother cried out "lord, the gypsy was right!"

I Got a Bunny with great big floppy ears.

Edited by kayo
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Rev 13:18 "Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

mrt273nva wrote "i'm a revelations guru and enjoy predicting the end of the world based on historical events and the idea of many religions. for those of you interested i've predicted 2012-2015 to be the end."

Consider this mrt273nva, the words of Jesus from Mark 13vv32,33 (and loads of other quotes) "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is."

So maybe mrt273nva isn't a revelation guru!

Edited by suegha
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