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Australian, usa expats, what is your plan?


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If you were gonna bail I think the time to do it was a few weeks ago now I hear Mo Chit bus station is overcrowded! So basically I think it’s pretty much too late to bail. But, you don’t really need to bail unless you were already planning on it. Unless you permanently live here oh yeah this situation sucks I’m sorry. 

Edited by JimLuce
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Keep this in mind just in case society does fall apart because I’ve had a lot of survival training 20 years ago and if we’re in total survival mode, boil water at 200 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 2 minutes and if there’s no power try to use cedar when selecting your wood burning for your rolling water boil because cedar burns hotter and gets water boiling at a roiling boil within two minutes if you’re being tested lol, and have to do it fast as in a school. But for boiling water use cedar if you can to start your fire. Use a metal pot if you don’t have a cover for your water pot tree bark makes a great cover because it will not burn. There is a crisis currently so everyone keep survival remedies in mind! So we can also keep order if things do go bad.

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8 minutes ago, WhereIsMyRyeBread said:

if you're like me stuck in Bangkok, I'd substitute that with cash, gold, and a baseball bat. The rest is details.


There’s trees in parts of Bangkok to. I doubt things would ever get that bad though. 

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I would not consider leaving, but now that my country has closed its borders and is running emergency flight service to get all citizens inside, I just might, even though I have a job here, but my family is there.

I am a little bit afraid of unrest happening here in a month and more afraid of not being able to go home when I want or need to.



I am not Australian nor American so please ignore this post.

Hell, I am not even from an English speaking country.

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4 hours ago, Tropposurfer said:

Your chances are as good here (given the current rate of infections around the world) in your home, condo etc as anywhere, with ... short 'carefully planned' trips for food and filtered water, if distancing can be achieved then outings for walks or other exercise.

The notion that somehow you'll be safer in your own country is not a realistic thinking. Take a good look at the ridiculous measures taken by Morrison government and you'll see that Australia is a disaster about to happen if other countries experiences are anything to go by!


With infection rates rising in the US and other nations rapidly, social responses are similar to countries where infection arrived and took hold earlier i.e. governments 'hoping for the best and downplaying', people refusing to self isolate, ignoring the seriousness of the situation e.g. Spring Break in Florida where tens of thousands of people have travelled from across the US to mass congregate and have very close contact with complete strangers. Imagine that say 5 people in this annual migratory activity are infectious and then do the math as an addition to the known current infection rates and clusters, Australia still not closing schools, allowing sporting events to continue!


You're going to travel (more than likely right through the path of transmission - multiple times! to get home - then perhaps infect those you love!)

Does this sound like a sane, intelligent, caring action for those you love and your country?


If you're here wear masks, stay at least 2 metres from other people. Clean hands (a lot if you go out) before going to food stalls, after touching any door handles - ANYTHING - before you enter the condo building area. 

I change my clothes every time I return and wash them as soon as I step inside the door and I don't let them touch anything but go straight into the washer. I then go straight to the basin and warm wash my hands and forearms thoroughly. 

Before opening food once taken out of plastic bags prior to eating wipe down containers, tabletop, wash hands again then open and eat.

Disinfect all benches tables where any objects have come into the home as soon as you've unpacked food and before opening the food.

I wipe down all packets of things bought before putting them away with mild disinfectant.

Leave shoes outside and regularly wash then in a bucket of disinfectant as well. 

Disinfect external door handles regularly. 


I worked a lot in medical environments in the last 30 years so I've training and experience with clinical hygiene and infection control.


Travelling (anywhere) is a serious, serious upscaling of risk of exposure, and transmission to your home country in the process thus endangering the lives of your fellow countryfolk, should you be exposed and contract.

I would suggest that for the sake of others rather than what you as an individual want is precience here. Look at the history of transmission and the answer to travel is obvious to me.


If you were to contract this virus and end up dying (you'll do is in an isolation tent or hood completely alone except for medical staff - no family will be allowed near you for ages prior to, or after death) alone so being in your country won't make a pinch of difference. 

If you get Covid 19 and progress from mild symptoms (still highly contagious) to pneumonia (which is what this virus does rapidly hence its danger as opposed to flu viruses) then it's highly likely (until a vaccine is developed), and if you are in the most vulnerable groups, you stand a high chance of dying (given current stats on this virus) no matter where you are.

As far as Visas etc are concerned I think it's not unreasonable, (even the silly Thai system) will make allowances without penalty for those here and if closing of borders happens then they'll surely forgo any penalties and simply adjust and allow etc when travel becomes possible. If funds are a problem then I'd also suggest asking friends, relatives etc to 'wire you' money rather than travel because your funds are low. Move to a cheaper hotel, airbnb etc. to make life easier of your a tourist, or speak to the hotel about assistance with costs. 

All the above is good common sense precautions, congratulations. 
Should the worst come to pass and I hope it doesn’t, do think you’ll be safer amongst your countrymen or as a “stranger” in a foreign land ?

it could be a lot uglier than sitting at the wrong end of a soccer game...

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8 hours ago, JimLuce said:

People currently is a horrible time to be flying anywhere especially internationally. Just stay put the airports are gonna be swamped and crawling with the virus you’re safer just staying put you seriously are. 

I think the opposite is the reality. Airports are pretty well empty from what I understand.

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5 hours ago, JimLuce said:

I’m not rubbing it in man I’m sorry I really do hope things get better for Australian expats to. I’m just saying don’t panic and flee because that’s what leads to civil unrest is mass panic and hysteria. It’s important to be calm now. We don’t wanna start seeing riots at airports or something because that’s where we are heading. 

Who is panicking and fleeing? 

I'm not going to Australia because of fear of the virus. We (wife and I) have other reasons. But to be truthful I will feel more comfortable in Oz until this a blows over with respect to access to medical services at the right price.

The chances of riots at any Thai airport are zero. They are pretty well empty.

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1 hour ago, JimLuce said:

Keep this in mind just in case society does fall apart because I’ve had a lot of survival training 20 years ago and if we’re in total survival mode, boil water at 200 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 2 minutes and if there’s no power try to use cedar when selecting your wood burning for your rolling water boil because cedar burns hotter and gets water boiling at a roiling boil within two minutes if you’re being tested lol, and have to do it fast as in a school. But for boiling water use cedar if you can to start your fire. Use a metal pot if you don’t have a cover for your water pot tree bark makes a great cover because it will not burn. There is a crisis currently so everyone keep survival remedies in mind! So we can also keep order if things do go bad.

Water doesn't boil at 200 degrees f. Ok, now you have hot water....that's great. Now what. I'll stick to boiling the electric jug.

Mate, you seem to have some doomsday issues. Calm down.

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10 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

Who is panicking and fleeing? 

I'm not going to Australia because of fear of the virus. We (wife and I) have other reasons. But to be truthful I will feel more comfortable in Oz until this a blows over with respect to access to medical services at the right price.

The chances of riots at any Thai airport are zero. They are pretty well empty.

That’s what people are suggesting. Bad idea. 

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15 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

Water doesn't boil at 200 degrees f. Ok, now you have hot water....that's great. Now what. I'll stick to boiling the electric jug.

Mate, you seem to have some doomsday issues. Calm down.

If you fly anywhere right now there’s a good chance of getting stuck somewhere for a long time so bad idea. Also, more than 20 years ago actually I graduated from the United States Army's Level C High Risk SERE School on Camp MacKall, NC so I have knowledge of these things. They taught us 200 degrees Fahrenheit in SERE school but who cares if you have to resort to burning wood try to use cedar and just wait till you see a rolling boil. It doesn’t have to be a fast boil because you’re not hiding in SERE they’re also teaching tactical awareness. So you could probably burn phone books or newspaper if you had to but that will take forever to burn hot enough to boil water. Wood is better for a rolling boil, cedar wood particularly. 

And yes above 200 degrees Fahrenheit kills most bacteria. A rolling boil. 

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I just read the notice at state department.gov...says to return to the US, unless you are prepared to stay indefinitely, but it goes on to say that if you live overseas, to stay put.  


Great 1943 doc on jungle survival..


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9 hours ago, JimLuce said:

Hmm, uhm my plan, tough question let’s see here. I know we’re going to stay where we are and keep going on with our life. No reason not to lol. I hope it doesn’t drop again because of the virus. It started improving before the virus so probably not but governments stimulating their economies might have something to do with this progress it’s almost back up to 33 baht to the USD again I haven’t seen the USD doing this well in Thailand in ten years. So hell yeah I’m stayin in Thailand you’d have to be crazy to leave now. And leaving now would only cause even more craziness and unrest.

Just stay put, take reasonable precautions, and it’ll blow over eventually they always do I know this one is scarier than usual because of it’s incubation period but we’ll get through it so the answer is KEEP MOVING FORWARD! I love that quote it’s my favorite inspirational quote. From Rocky 6. 


Actually, to be more precise the answer is to DO NOT MOVE AT ALL.  It will increase the risk of catching/spreading covid.  ????   I knew what you meant...just having a little fun with your quote. ????


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1 minute ago, moontang said:

I just read the notice at state department.gov...says to return to the US, unless you are prepared to stay indefinitely, but it goes on to say that if you live overseas, to stay put.  


Great 1943 doc on jungle survival..


Yeah bad idea to travel better off just staying put. In fact I better tell my wife’s friend in town from the states about that advisory thanks! 

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1 minute ago, audaciousnomad said:

Actually, to be more precise the answer is to DO NOT MOVE AT ALL.  It will increase the risk of catching/spreading covid.  ????   I knew what you meant...just having a little fun with your quote. ????


I know but I also meant life still needs to go on. 

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7 hours ago, ThaiBunny said:

AUD at 18.742 on Transferwise, after fees (14:43 on 23/3)

Its awesome, I plan to transfer this month Salary, will hold onto my savings though incase the AUD slips lower then I will transfer it too !!

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8 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

Which is why I am doing it. I need to travel, compelled in some ways.

Oh, well definitely yeah, if you’re in transit definitely do it now while you still can. I’m just saying if you don’t have to travel it’s a bad idea. Although in April the hell with it, we’re probably going to Khiao Yai but I don’t know now that I think of it I might postpone it a day or two I gotta do laundry anyway before we go on April 1st so I might at least delay it if not cancel it but I don’t want to I love that area so much to do there all over those mountain areas down there.

But hell yeah if you gotta go I’d go now. What people like you don’t need is people like me who don’t need to travel clogging up the airports for people like you who really gotta get somewhere. I was thinking about people in your situation actually. Because a panic is going to make life difficult for people like you who might have to travel. 

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4 minutes ago, JimLuce said:

Oh, well definitely yeah, if you’re in transit definitely do it now while you still can. I’m just saying if you don’t have to travel it’s a bad idea. Although in April the hell with it, we’re probably going to Khiao Yai but I don’t know now that I think of it I might postpone it a day or two I gotta do laundry anyway before we go on April 1st so I might at least delay it if not cancel it but I don’t want to I love that area so much to do there all over those mountain areas down there.

But hell yeah if you gotta go I’d go now. What people like you don’t need is people like me who don’t need to travel clogging up the airports for people like you who really gotta get somewhere. I was thinking about people in your situation actually. Because a panic is going to make life difficult for people like you who might have to travel. 

I thought about doing the same...going to islands/faraway province. To distance myself from the Bangkok epicenter.  But then I also thought, if I need to hack together some kind of immigration issue or worse, forced to make a quick exit, I'd rather not have to figure my way getting back here. Some countries are locking down individual provinces (Philippines) with checkpoints along highways, etc.. No interstate buses or travelers without proper reason. It's conceivable it could happen here...depending how out of hand the spread gets.

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1 minute ago, audaciousnomad said:

I thought about doing the same...going to islands/faraway province. To distance myself from the Bangkok epicenter.  But then I also thought, if I need to hack together some kind of immigration issue or worse, forced to make a quick exit, I'd rather not have to figure my way getting back here. Some countries are locking down individual provinces (Philippines) with checkpoints along highways, etc.. No interstate buses or travelers without proper reason. It's conceivable it could happen here...depending how out of hand the spread gets.

I think Khaoi Yai is ok but damn not if they start locking down Provinces. I’m gonna talk to my wife and sister in law about that. We’ll at least think about it but it’s only two hours away so I’d find a way back here one way or the other so I think we’ll be ok but we’ll definitely think about it. 

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2 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

Wife's not taking any chances!


Well that’s only one. We usually buy that much and it lasts most of the month. But so far we’re not doing anything out of the ordinary. Except staying home more. We were in Surin a few weeks ago a couple hours away. 

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2 minutes ago, JimLuce said:

I think Khaoi Yai is ok but damn not if they start locking down Provinces. I’m gonna talk to my wife and sister in law about that. We’ll at least think about it but it’s only two hours away so I’d find a way back here one way or the other so I think we’ll be ok but we’ll definitely think about it. 

2 hours isn't too bad. It probably becomes 3 hours if they start locking provinces with checkpoints.  My worry was mainly that I would have to use public transport, which I don't trust will be available if some serious locking down happens.  If you have your own transportation, that would be ideal.

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