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The Old Grumps Should Be Locking Themselves In About Now

Ulysses G.

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I have been "edited for flaming"...see above.

There was no flaming at all.

I've PM'd the mod the following reply:

And now you are discussing moderation issues in public which is against forum rules. If you don't want to be given a holiday, I would strongly advise not to continue with this.

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I have been "edited for flaming"...see above.

There was no flaming at all.

I've PM'd the mod the following reply:

And now you are discussing moderation issues in public which is against forum rules. If you don't want to be given a holiday, I would strongly advise not to continue with this.

Fair enough champ...

Side note: you having a silent bob avatar is hilarious. The contradiction in imposing somewhat strict rules...yet having a laid back, not caring about anything guy like silent bob as your avatar...hilarious.

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I said people will die avoidably...

He said "so what, let us have fun"

Sorry, but can't find where he says this.

Could you point it out - without any editing - please?

You are bright enough mate to realise I wasn't directly quoting. More that "so what, let's have fun" was a reflection of the posters attitude.

Look, I am not an old grouge sitting here saying "down with songkran!". I am 36, my wife 33. We enjoy songkran. It's a LOT of fun.

It's just that, when you see the 'other side'...kids in hopsitals, dozens dead a day...you do tend to lose your "mai pen rai" attitude.

I realise deaths occur with all holidays, everywhere. That's not the same though as three young girls being killed after they swerve under a truck...the result of some idiot hitting the bikes rider with a slab of ice.

That's just a complete waste of life.

Edited by KhunLing
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Yes, I'll be driven to the boozer in the truck and dumped there to while away the few hours. Nursing a single beer for three hours is going to be difficult though.
I always thought it was closer 3 beer an hour for you biggrin.gif
Has the f*t g*t installed those 5 litre table top beer dispensers at the FC now?

I have only one answer to those:


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I said people will die avoidably...

He said "so what, let us have fun"

Sorry, but can't find where he says this.

Could you point it out - without any editing - please?

You are bright enough mate to realise I wasn't directly quoting. More that "so what, let's have fun" was a reflection of the posters attitude.

I can agree with much of what you say, however, I also feel that you have misunderstood mcgriffith's point of view.

I don't understand why you would wish him ill; judging by his most of his posts, he seems like a pretty good guy to me. :o

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I said people will die avoidably...

He said "so what, let us have fun"

Sorry, but can't find where he says this.

Could you point it out - without any editing - please?

You are bright enough mate to realise I wasn't directly quoting. More that "so what, let's have fun" was a reflection of the posters attitude.

I can agree with much of what you say, however, I also feel that you have misunderstood mcgriffith's point of view.

I don't understand why you would wish him ill; judging by his most of his posts, he seems like a pretty good guy to me. :o

Again...I was NOT wishing him ill.

I merely said that...if avoidable deaths are to occur...I hope it's those who partake in the water throwing and those who partake in the "let's just have fun" attitude who bite the bullet. NOT the poor girl trying to get to her low paying job somewhere who has to go work and gets hit by a slab of ice on her way.

That's not wishing him ill and I aplogie if it came across that way. I am more sensitive on this one as I get the direct news from several hospitals daily through my wife and her friends. It's just not cool to hear about kids being killed due to idiots going crazy / drunk.

I am likely coming across as a sour fart here...so I'll stop. I think people get my point by now :D

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Again...I was NOT wishing him ill.

I merely said that...if avoidable deaths are to occur...I hope it's those who partake in the water throwing and those who partake in the "let's just have fun" attitude who bite the bullet. NOT the poor girl trying to get to her low paying job somewhere who has to go work and gets hit by a slab of ice on her way.

That's not wishing him ill and I aplogie if it came across that way. I am more sensitive on this one as I get the direct news from several hospitals daily through my wife and her friends. It's just not cool to hear about kids being killed due to idiots going crazy / drunk.

I am likely coming across as a sour fart here...so I'll stop. I think people get my point by now :o

Mate I think you are making it worse for yourself.

1) I sure neither you nor anyone would wish anyone to be hurt over the Songkran weekend

2) I am sure we are all aware of the fact that sadly people will be hurt and killed in accidents in a combination of slippery roads, alcohol, drugs, excessive speed for the conditions, over tired drivers - that's people without sufficient sleep before someone with an alternative method of spelling butts in here :D. Add to this overladen and poorly serviced motor vehicles.

3) you are correct - many of these accidents could be avoided by taking care not only over the Songkran period but every day.

4) I am sure you join with me and wish everyone a happy and safe holiday period.

5) I think it would be best to let this sub thread drop. If McG is offended he is big enough and I have been reliably told, ugly enough to deal with it via PM

6) I would also like to invite you to meet up with us at John's Bar for an orange cordial or two on Saturday.



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Y`all enjoy yourselves. I am going to enjoy getting even wetter, diving in the ocean around the Similan islands.

Rasseru . . . if you have a good trip with a particular operator, could you bring me back a business card? Thanks!

Oh, and ON TOPIC, the Grumps Have Already Locked Themselves Indoors By Now...... :D

What`s not on topic? It`s all about water and getting wet, in`t? :o Anyway, you betcha I`ll bring a card or at least contact info.

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Looks to me like the least amount of people EVER for Songkan by far.

Enough that you have to stay wet all the time, but not enough to be constantly drenched and cool and having fun - but it is only the first day.

If it stays like this, I'll be grumpy too. Can't go anywhere with out getting wet, but not a lot of fun either. Maybe tomorrow will pick up?

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Friday the floodgates will burst. The entire Mae Ping river will flow unimpeded down Moon Muang. Small boys will dive for coins in the water. Small dugout canoes will become the vehicle of choice in CM. You just wait and see....

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Friday the floodgates will burst. The entire Mae Ping river will flow unimpeded down Moon Muang. Small boys will dive for coins in the water. Small dugout canoes will become the vehicle of choice in CM. You just wait and see....

And I will be there at around midday to add to the mayhem and madness - woohoo


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I read on so many forums about Songkran with farnags getting out of town, or locking themselves away etc. I have to admit I also thought, "ah, not Songkran again". I think I am in danger of becoming a grumpy old fart.

So my GF says "time for Songkran, today". I load the cab with buckets of water, load my two kids in the back, plus the GF and 3 of her friends. I then did the drive crawl around the moat. Good idea being the driver, kept dry except for that bucket through the window when I was talking to those in the back. Everyone had a great time, and I saw nothing but happy smiling faces everwhere. And what is so bad about looking at that?

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There was a big, fat guy in front of John's place today wearing a Gecko Books T-shirt, swilling Bear Lao, molesting the female staff and really enjoying himself. :o

Not a big crowd overall though.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I ran the gauntlet today. North and east leg of moat (outside) HUNDREDS of people splashing. At one point I saw a fire tanker truck, with a guy on top with hi-pressure hose (but with diffuser nozzle) spraying dozens. I did the stealth mode deal, hiding behind songthiews, waiting till the sidewalk brigade had just emptied their buckets- then swooped in for the kill. I was killed about 5 times, but I have a couple of dozen scalps hanging from my belt. Wonderful, juvenile, happy fun. Saw nothing but smiles all day long!

Edited by mcgriffith
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I get bored of it after a day or two, but I do enjoy all the gorgeous smiles and silliness for a while. To me, it's the most amazing holiday that I have ever seen, anywhere.

One great thing about participating in Songkran is no old grumps are around. They are all locked in their rooms alone lucturing the TV set about how Songkran used to be in the good old days and when you go walking around, you know that you won't meet any.

I'm looking forward to it now. How about you? :D

I love Songkran and yes one of the side benefits is the sudden disapearance of the old Bar Humbug Brigade :o - now that should be the name of a pub - fill it with expats who can send their 16year old Mia Chao off to get a pack of fags at the 7/11, while they sit around nursing a beer for three hours, watching the Premier League football, and sit in the air conditioning for free. :D

My first Songkran was in 1978 and again in '79 Missed a few years but have celebrated 17 and the last 5 in Thailand. Lots of changes in that time but I still enjoy it.


YES , or another good name for the pub would be "grumpy old men " loads of em ere in pattaya,. i will be targeting them especially,!.

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I passed my first bucket brigade this afternoon (Tuesday), on Huay Kaew west of Central. A Thai family at the curb, and when I motioned that I didn't want water (I was on the bike), they didn't throw water. I will expect the farang drunks to be inconsiderate.


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Here goes me beating the same drum again...

My wife is on nightshift at her Hospital and they've already had ten serious accidents come in from water throwing...

Remember, there's a LOT of Hospitals in CM...she works at one.

She said they've had people in all night so far...but ten are in the life threatening category.

I guess the message is, be careful.

Again, great holiday and loads of fun...

But it's sad to see people being killed through stupidity.

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