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Thai lockdown sparks exodus of 60,000 migrant workers - ministry official


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19 hours ago, Zack61 said:

What are the numbers of those tested thus far? Is there a source for this figure? We constantly see numbers for positive cases of CV but not for numbers tested. 


Assume 1 positive in every 45 tested.  Here in Brunei we have 109 positive cases while more than 2500 were tested with over 1400 under the 14 days observation after landing/ entering the country in the past 10 days.

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19 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Hopefully, if they ever come back, they are treated BETTER than slaves. Don't hold your breath!

Hopefully they will also treat the thai better, these workers are so poor that the police will leave them alone so they can just drive against traffic and nothing will happen.

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On 3/25/2020 at 7:53 PM, Misab said:

827 so far but it's only the tested. Maybe like in Europe where they say if we have 1000 tested positive then we might have 10.000 light cases not testet. No one knows how many infected there are in Thailand.

Have none of you paid any attention?? The virus can be "A symptomatic" ie not showing any signs of infection while at the same time incubating will "Shed", infect others. SO...Testing shows very little unless one is at the end of incubation and is openly infectious...

I'm not sure when the virus shows up on any test that are out there right now..

OK...Pile on you keyboard warriors...

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