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Settlement Visa To The U.k

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Hello, Everyone! Well I think I’m at a pickle! I was working in Thailand for 2 years and I met a girl whom I have been with for the year and half, however the problem is that we got married in March in Bangkok. We did get married for visa purposes and she hid this away from her family so of which we don’t have too many wedding photos. Now I have returned to the U.K to seek work in order for her to get a visa for the U.K. What we want to know that now we are now married but we have no savings and also I need to get a job in the U.K which I don’t think we be too hard! Have we passed the immigrations laws? My mother will also sponser her as well. She is not a bar girl and she has a B.A English and speaks English perfect! Please give me some advice because I don't really want to waste 500 quid for nothing.

Thanks a million

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hello there somewhereinengland iam sure that scouser will help you ,

you will need to prove to the eco that you can provide for your wife without resorting to public funds etc,also you will have to show that your relastion ship is real ,with emails letters photos etc,

one off your down fulls is that you have no job,because they need to see you can provide for her, ie show bankstatments ,bills, wage slips, all covering six months

i hope this bit helps you and your wife all the best pete and som

please read other posts on the forum and read the british embassy site in bangkok web site.

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Hello, Everyone! Well I think I’m at a pickle! I was working in Thailand for 2 years and I met a girl whom I have been with for the year and half, however the problem is that we got married in March in Bangkok. We did get married for visa purposes and she hid this away from her family so of which we don’t have too many wedding photos. Now I have returned to the U.K to seek work in order for her to get a visa for the U.K. What we want to know that now we are now married but we have no savings and also I need to get a job in the U.K which I don’t think we be too hard! Have we passed the immigrations laws? My mother will also sponser her as well. She is not a bar girl and she has a B.A English and speaks English perfect! Please give me some advice because I don't really want to waste 500 quid for nothing.

Thanks a million

Another person FORCED by our immigration system (by his own addmission)to get married in order to get a visa !! Insane!!

To the OP,

you are well short of qualifying for any visa going by the info you have posted. You need to read up on the criteria required(you have been given a link above) and then get back here if you have any questions.

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Another skewed post by Atlas who will desperately seek to contort others' words in an attempt to justify his own views.

Somewhereinengland, there is no apparent reason why your wife should not apply for a settlement visa. In terms of your marriage, it is not a prerequisite to show wedding photos, but, rather, your marriage certificate, which I presume you have. In addition, your wife needs to demonstrate that she can be maintained and accommodated without recourse to public funds. It would be advantageous for you to be in employment, but there is no absolute requirement to have savings. If you don't have a job, the visa officer should take in to consideration the ease with which either you or your wife can find one, and her BA will assist greatly. If you wish to have your mother act as a sponsor, she should provide evidence of her ability to do so, and if she is also to accommodate you both, she should show that she is free to put you up and that the house is big enough for all those who intend to inhabit it.

All the best,


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We would be living in my mothers house. She has a 3 bedroom house and only my mother and I live there. Since returning to the U.K (March) I have been out of work but I haven't claimed job seekers allowance since my mother has been supporting me until I get a job. Will this help? Should I also take photos of my house?

Thanks again.

P.S I will get a job by next week even if it kills me :o

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We would be living in my mothers house. She has a 3 bedroom house and only my mother and I live there. Since returning to the U.K (March) I have been out of work but I haven't claimed job seekers allowance since my mother has been supporting me until I get a job. Will this help? Should I also take photos of my house?

You should read Guidance(INF4) and Application for settlement and your mother should send evidence that she owns or rents the property,state the number of rooms, who is currently staying there and that she invites you to stay. a simple picture from the outside wouldn't do any harm.

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Another person FORCED by our immigration system (by his own addmission)to get married in order to get a visa !! Insane!!

When an ECO on behalf of the government of the day and the British people approves a settlement visa they are giving a BIG commitment, they allow the applicant access to free health care for life, they allow them access to subsidised education, freedom to work. They open the door for them to bring in their children and other dependent relatives.

Their spouse can then claim benefits for their children to which they or their family made no contribution whatsoever. Their children get free education.... Some committment dont you think?

Surely the applicant owes the British people, in return, just a simple committment of their own and make a binding promise to STAY together, the committment of marriage, which sadly is even not such a binding decision as the one the ECO makes to allow them into UK.

If you really think that British citizens should be allowed to scour the world, meet a friend and bring them hand in hand back to UK to enjoy what is on offer without so much as asking to do, meeting criteria and paying a fee then I think you stand alone.

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To Scouse and Mahout,

Gentlemen , what are you reading that i am not ? We can all understand English yet when i make a post based on what the OP has himself said , you say its skewed. I don't understand . Would one of you kindly explain which bit of

Quote "We did get married for visa purposes ...."

i am misunderstanding.? The implication of the OP saying that is that , if it were not for the visa purposes they would not have got married!!

Mahout , yes of course you are right about all the benefits they get . But i was never saying they didn't get benefits. I never touched on it . All i said was the OP stated they got married for visa purposes and i think anyone who marries for visa purposes (ie to aid a granting of a visa) is wrong , but that is the position they are forced into by our system which makes it so difficult for them otherwise.

We are all talking at cross purposes here i think. Do neither of you intellegent people understand my point? Or am i misreading it ? Do please tell.....

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Mahout , yes of course you are right about all the benefits they get . But i was never saying they didn't get benefits. I never touched on it . All i said was the OP stated they got married for visa purposes and i think anyone who marries for visa purposes (ie to aid a granting of a visa) is wrong , but that is the position they are forced into by our system which makes it so difficult for them otherwise.

The point I was making is, for sure, they shouldn't feel FORCED to get married. Nobody should be forced to get married, nor should they be forced to settle in UK.

However if they wish the British people to commit to them the benefits of living in UK they should be prepared to commit to each other (by entering into a marriage or partnership agreement). A small decision by comparison.

It wasn't the British people who sent them to far flung places to seek the love of their lives and when they set out to do so they knew the difficulties of bringing a friend to UK

I agree if they dont want to make a commitment and get married they should not be FORCED then neither (because it's always been the rules) should they expect the British people to commit to them. They can, after all, remain in the country of their friend.......or can they?

Edited by Mahout Angrit
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I don't think we are disagreeing here. At least not on the specific point you raised above. Yes commitment is expected if you are to reside in the UK as it would be elsewhere. No problems with that idea .

However you are missing a part of my arguement/statement . The bit you (and Scouse) are missing is that I am saying (because it appears so often in peoples posts) that people are having problems qualifying for visas and are contemplating marriage as a way of getting their loved one to the UK even when they only really wanted a visit visa. Because they feel they won't qualify (and sometimes because they have been refused a vv already) they are getting married so as to facilitate their next application. THAT is what i am saying is so wrong. Visit visas should be made easier to get , as it is making some people marry in order to get their partners to the UK.

Also you say , and its the Home Office's arguement also , that couples can always reside in Thailand if they can't get a visa for the UK. I find that so offensive. WHY should the UK partner be FORCED to up sticks and live in Thailand as the only way of being together? If they wish to fine , but why should their family life be disturbed by being made to live in Thailand when they don't want to? When my partner was refused an unmarried partners visa a few years back the ECO said "well theres nothing stopping you living in Thailand together!!" Except that the salaries are pitiful and we wanted to live in England together. My reply (the printable bit) was to say that I will choose where i live with my partner not him. Eventually , after being forced to marry, my partner now lives with me in the UK. WE were forced to marry to have the life we chose to have in the country we chose to live in .

Now maybe you understand my strong feelings on this subject.

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The bit you (and Scouse) are missing is that I am saying (because it appears so often in peoples posts) that people are having problems qualifying for visas and are contemplating marriage as a way of getting their loved one to the UK even when they only really wanted a visit visa. Because they feel they won't qualify (and sometimes because they have been refused a vv already) they are getting married so as to facilitate their next application. THAT is what i am saying is so wrong. Visit visas should be made easier to get , as it is making some people marry in order to get their partners to the UK.

This thread that we've hijacked was not about visit visas but a settlement application so to digress... I agree that people shouldn't be forced to marry to get a visit visa and the true fact is they are not, it is purely fear driven by barstool talk. So many respondents to this forum have proved that visit visas are given to friends if both friend and sponsor satisfy the requirements. Sadly, as in all walks of life, if you don't qualify you don't get.

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Sadly, as in all walks of life, if you don't qualify you don't get.

Really MA , i expected better from you. We all know that some do qualify but are refused because the ECO decides , for their own reasons, to refuse, which they can always do by finding a small point and elaborating on it . Ohterwise how do you explain me and my partner being refused an unmarried partners visa when we did qualify under all the criteria (easily) and this was confirmed by one of the top UK lawyers who submitted the application for us ? No i can give you the answer , because the ECO was homophobic and didn't like my partner so he trawled through the application to find fault to expand on . The UK lawyer i used is a specialist in this field and confirmed this was also their opinion. Can you explain that ? Other than i am right .......

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We would be living in my mothers house. She has a 3 bedroom house and only my mother and I live there. Since returning to the U.K (March) I have been out of work but I haven't claimed job seekers allowance since my mother has been supporting me until I get a job. Will this help? Should I also take photos of my house?

Taking photos of the house will be beneficial, also photos of the scope of the rooms as this will show there is ample accommodation to suit your partner, you and your Mother.

A letter from your Mother would be helpful, detailing how she will be supporting you and how in the short term, hopefully.

A brief resume of your job efforts might help but I would suggest not essential.

Good Luck


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Now maybe you understand my strong feelings on this subject.

Alas, some of us are fully aware of your strong feelings on this and I am sure of your injustice in the situation that you have arrived in, the crass obtuseness of suggesting that you can always live somewhere else, does not even entertain reasons for justification.

However, to carp on, 'ad nauseum', on every thread of even the slightest relevance and those that have none what so ever, does little to help the predicament of successive posters, who are only looking for guidance in their hour of need, who are not requiring or wanting a constant tirade and diatribe against the injustices of certain ECO's.

There are obnoxious, pedant jobsworths in all walks of life, it does nobody any good to rail against the whole system because of limited bad apples, perceived or otherwise in any chosen profession.

To answer, your question on this or other threads, I speak for myself only here, but I try to be fair on the limited information submitted, I neither justify or defend the wrong, mis-guided or plain prejudicial rulings made over a mountain of applications and the undisputed greater success rate.

Good Luck


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Yes, we did get married when we did to help with a settlement visa application but we had planned to get married anyway we just hurried up with getting married thats all. With regards to a visit visa we have never had any intension to apply for one because we want to settle here in the U.K as I am 28 and my wife is 23 so I can't see anyway that we can stay together in Thailand. We are not cheating the system, we just want to be together and after all I have payed one hel_l of lot of tax in the past so what are we doing wrong?

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so what are we doing wrong?

No one is saying you are doing anything wrong are they?

Get your Mother to write a sponsorship letter, with evidence of ability to do so, get your evidence together into a well managed folder, see examples pinned above if necessary.

Including marriage cert that you are in process of obtaining, stated from above I believe.

Take photo's of the accommodation or just the front if you think that is all you require.

Get a job, if it is as easy as you state, with appointment on letter headed paper.

Provide proof of your relationship, you say there are some photo's of the wedding, Scouse states these are not a pre-requisite, so not the end of the world, same as savings as you can hopefully prove alternative arrangements to provide for your partner.

One big reason for failing is the 'balance of probabilities of a partners reason to return', you are requesting a Settlement so it negates the requirement.

So just prove your relationship and satisfy the information provided in the links provided by Mahout, I think, I can't now remember the relevant links, but I am sure he wouldn't post irrelevant ones.

Then you are in the mix.

Good Luck


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Yes, we did get married when we did to help with a settlement visa application but we had planned to get married anyway we just hurried up with getting married thats all. With regards to a visit visa we have never had any intension to apply for one because we want to settle here in the U.K as I am 28 and my wife is 23 so I can't see anyway that we can stay together in Thailand. We are not cheating the system, we just want to be together and after all I have payed one hel_l of lot of tax in the past so what are we doing wrong?


Take heed of the Scouse and pack your application with evidence to back up your sponsors letter. Don't assume anything, what I mean by that is don't think the embassy staff will know this or that, that it's obvious and doesn't need to be explained.

Imagine your application is to be read by the dumbest person on this earth and set everything out in a way that is legible, clearly explained, easy to follow with the supporting evidence easy to find. Using a lever arch file or the like with the evidence placed in clear plastic wallets makes sense.

I followed the advice given by Scouse and another (has he really left?) and although I was obstinate at times about some of their advice, the penny eventually dropped and I followed the avice readily given, slavishly - SV granted at first application.

Don't be afraid to come here and ask, there are lots who have gone before you who have gained from doing so.

I'm sure, like me, they drop in from time to time, hence I saw your post.

Good luck.

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so what are we doing wrong?

You are doing everything right. Read the links given and the pinned thread at the top of this forum and come back and ask if you have doubts

It is unlikely that you would have got a settlement visa had you not married, so it makes sense as you want to be together in UK..... Good luck

Edited by Mahout Angrit
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Well, I though I was replying directly to "somewhereinengland, to find I was beatedn to it x2.

Things can move quick here! :D

Same Here x 1

Moss :D

Youse had better be quick! :D


Have you got an automatic sensor when a new post gets registered and a buzzing neon light goes off above the Stella fridge. :D

When I used to post another, 'How To', in Forum Support, Tywais used to be there so quick I thought he was on bonus, until I realized he had some connectivity programmed into that forum.

I thought he was stalking me or had an official Sheriff's badge to keep a watch on my posts, in particular, for obvious reasons :o

Good Luck


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[quote name='Mossfinn'

Youse had better be quick! :o


Have you got an automatic sensor when a new post gets registered and a buzzing neon light goes off above the Stella fridge. :D



You've only got to look at 'post 2' in this thread to know why he is so quick on the draw :D

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