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Does anyone know where 20ish year old Thai people go for a night out in CM? More importantly, Thai females who are on the straight and narrow! I've been looking around but can't see anywhere. And also if anyone does know where they go, are farangs welcome?


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Does anyone know where 20ish year old Thai people go for a night out in CM? More importantly, Thai females who are on the straight and narrow! I've been looking around but can't see anywhere. And also if anyone does know where they go, are farangs welcome?


Go around Nimaheim / University area. The Monkey Bar etc.

Are farang welcome? Unless you are extremely good looking, young and speak Thai...you've got absolutely no chance.

Even then, unless you know some Thai's, you're unlikely to be able to talk to anyone.

My brother was here recently and he's a great looking guy. Does p/t modelling in Aus...very friendly...popular with women. He's 33, looks 25.

Me, him and two other guys went for a walk around those areas one night...went into a club that had ZERO farang in there. Place was packed, 100 + people...women were stunning...and not one farang.

I am married, wasn't there for anything other than a night out. My brother and his friends were really just wandering around, like they would in Aus, and checking out each place they came across.

They "guided" us to an area on our own...basically sealed us off...and the vibe was definitely "you're not welcome / Thai only".


Does anyone know where 20ish year old Thai people go for a night out in CM? More importantly, Thai females who are on the straight and narrow! I've been looking around but can't see anywhere. And also if anyone does know where they go, are farangs welcome?


Go around Nimaheim / University area. The Monkey Bar etc.

Are farang welcome? Unless you are extremely good looking, young and speak Thai...you've got absolutely no chance.

Even then, unless you know some Thai's, you're unlikely to be able to talk to anyone.

My brother was here recently and he's a great looking guy. Does p/t modelling in Aus...very friendly...popular with women. He's 33, looks 25.

Me, him and two other guys went for a walk around those areas one night...went into a club that had ZERO farang in there. Place was packed, 100 + people...women were stunning...and not one farang.

I am married, wasn't there for anything other than a night out. My brother and his friends were really just wandering around, like they would in Aus, and checking out each place they came across.

They "guided" us to an area on our own...basically sealed us off...and the vibe was definitely "you're not welcome / Thai only".

I wouldn't say that's entirely accurate, I've known of plenty of farang who've pulled at Warm Up. There's always a reasonable number of white faces in there and nobody trying to segregate them either.


I'm with the Nimmanhaemin by night vote. Go Monkey Club or Warm Up. But you gotta like it loud and young. Souds like you do,s o you'll be fine. You can also hit the Riverside or Goodview as getting packed in in front of the bands there's plenty of opportunities to smile and make an entry into a Thai group squished in beside you.

Back by the University in the day, try coffee shops as well. More chance to communicate with less noise around.... if communication's your thing.

Overall there are a million good girls here in that age range... could be the girl selling you a shirt at Airport Plaza, or the girl taking money at the 7-11. Just look and be creative. Likley they're all around you.... especially at Songkran time !


Does anyone know where 20ish year old Thai people go for a night out in CM? More importantly, Thai females who are on the straight and narrow! I've been looking around but can't see anywhere. And also if anyone does know where they go, are farangs welcome?


Go around Nimaheim / University area. The Monkey Bar etc.

Are farang welcome? Unless you are extremely good looking, young and speak Thai...you've got absolutely no chance.

Even then, unless you know some Thai's, you're unlikely to be able to talk to anyone.

My brother was here recently and he's a great looking guy. Does p/t modelling in Aus...very friendly...popular with women. He's 33, looks 25.

Me, him and two other guys went for a walk around those areas one night...went into a club that had ZERO farang in there. Place was packed, 100 + people...women were stunning...and not one farang.

I am married, wasn't there for anything other than a night out. My brother and his friends were really just wandering around, like they would in Aus, and checking out each place they came across.

They "guided" us to an area on our own...basically sealed us off...and the vibe was definitely "you're not welcome / Thai only".

I wouldn't say that's entirely accurate, I've known of plenty of farang who've pulled at Warm Up. There's always a reasonable number of white faces in there and nobody trying to segregate them either.

I have scored plenty of times in Warm Up and Monkey Club. However I was with Thai people and the girls always new my Thai friends, so it is a double edge sword....get friends, then get ladies! :o


nice one guys, thanks for the advice and info. Really like to meet a Thai girl who isn't after my wallet!

Cheers again, I'll check those places out


:D Monkey club and Warm up are two of the best night spots in Chiangmai. Generally, Warm up is for the Payap crowd, and Monkey club is for the CMU crowd. And as covered, forget going there as a group of foriegners and trying to pull, you MUST have Thai friends to introduce you, and at least know some basic conversational Thai.

The next paragraph is an observation only, and offered through my own experience.....

I would'nt expect to meet a "wife" in the places stated above, its for drinking and fun and thats it. Anyone staying in Thailand long enough should know the term "gig" very well.

cheers, enjoy :o


Happy to know people only talk about the tip of ice berg . so i can keep the real fun places to myself :o

yes go monkey and warmup whahahahahhaha


Don't flaunt it Ta22 or they'll get worried. I think we all have our secret places that only the worthy ones get to hear about...for food, drink, shopping, how to get papaerwork sorted out. Don't want the riff-raff to spoil a good thing.

But I will also add that it just takes looking aorund. This post is pretty one-sided. Again, I think there are plenty of places, and millions of good dirls out there. I think you generally find what you deserve to get. And also I wouldn't prejudge any of the girls here either. You've got to leave close-minded views behind to start to embrace the Thai experience. Clearly many never do. But there's always an opening to joining in with the Thais if you are an open sanuk person who can yim yai ngai.


Yeah.... Meeting a girl who isn't after your wallet at a club, that is going to be a hard one. Do you live here now? If so make some Thai friends and then meet their friends and work from there, this will save you many headaches. I met my wife at work, but we love going to the clubs together :o


Yeah I live in CM now. Although I'm on Koh Phangan avoiding Songkran! I'm back on Wednesday, then the search shall commence!

nice one guys, thanks for the advice and info. Really like to meet a Thai girl who isn't after my wallet!


A rich, 'good' girl, who likes to hang around the cool area's...

Won't cost you anything long term...:o

You've got to remember, the young / fashionable Thai's around Nimanhieem have a LOT of money. Go to Wawee coffee and see how many Thai's have 50 000 baht lap tops and 10 000 baht shoes on...

It's likely you won't have enough money for her parents to even consider you above a 'respectable' (read good family) Thai guy :D


Its intresting going into the Warm up, because as Falang we are used to places where they treat us as something special because we are different. There on Nimehamihn, we are just another dude trying to get laid. The formula for getting your rocks off generally works like this

1. you go in and stand around and nobody talks to you.

2. some thai university boy with a funny haircut decides you will be his friend and parades you around as his pet falang and introduces you to his friends.

3. one of the girls in his group decides she likes you and harmlessly flirts and dances with you as you buy the table drinks :o

4. at the end of the night, despite your insistence she wont go home and sleep with you, but rather gives her phone number and tells you to call tomorrow

5. you go home, rub one out and call her the next day. you agree to meet for dinner at some place by the river that is fairly nice, but not to public either. she keeps drinking until she relaxes a bit and follows you back to your hotel/apartment without a word.

6. you have semi-passionate condom sex, then she goes home and writes in her diary that she slept with her first falang and you never hear from her again

sometimes its just either to goto spicy with a thousand baht in your front pocket.....

Its intresting going into the Warm up, because as Falang we are used to places where they treat us as something special because we are different. There on Nimehamihn, we are just another dude trying to get laid. The formula for getting your rocks off generally works like this

1. you go in and stand around and nobody talks to you.

2. some thai university boy with a funny haircut decides you will be his friend and parades you around as his pet falang and introduces you to his friends.

3. one of the girls in his group decides she likes you and harmlessly flirts and dances with you as you buy the table drinks :o

4. at the end of the night, despite your insistence she wont go home and sleep with you, but rather gives her phone number and tells you to call tomorrow

5. you go home, rub one out and call her the next day. you agree to meet for dinner at some place by the river that is fairly nice, but not to public either. she keeps drinking until she relaxes a bit and follows you back to your hotel/apartment without a word.

6. you have semi-passionate condom sex, then she goes home and writes in her diary that she slept with her first falang and you never hear from her again

sometimes its just either to goto spicy with a thousand baht in your front pocket.....

My mate went though that entire routine...except it ended like this:

6. First date. All ready. Nice new clothes and excited. Meet her at arranged place...and <deleted>...it's her Mum as well. She's brought Khun Mae along.

Goes to dinner, pays for all. Never speaks again.


Bangrat and the place next to powerhouse gym (forget the name) off Nimmanhaemin, are good venues to meet young thai chicks. I think we tend to get sploit by a certain type of thai chick where no effort is required :o Make an effort at these regular joints, practice your thai or let them practice their english and i find most of time the girls are receptive...

Agree that it does help if you're not triple their age and twice their size :D

If all else fails hit on the pipers chicks ...


Banrak is a step down a bit from warm up, but the girls seem more willing to talk to you, get there early (8:30) and it is dead and REALLY easy to talk to the waitresses, a few of them are nice and pretty ###### funny. Also the lives bands are great, so it's a win win, my wife and I switch between here and warm up, and are beginning to prefer banrak because it isn't so hi-so wanna be, but rather more about the live bands.


Sometime i don't get the statment ,

" looking for girl who is not after your money ."

are you really that rich ? or you felt that you are rich ?

are you really that much a lady killer and expect to be laid once you are in a club ?

or is it cos you watch so much asian porn that you feel that all asian girl is really after a trail test of farang exp ?

- when i was staying in japan . most girl avoid farang . for one reason there feel that is not safe -

and go whom go with farang . in term of at a club as branded as working girl .

in the older days . japanese girl is the most sexually advanture asian around , there are the huntress and trust me man at the club are their rabbit .

- ok back to thailand .

many girl that go to club at the local club are no poor girl .

some come from well off family and offen have their own car . compare to many who travel by redpickup and rental bike .

there maybe studying in chiangmai or send to study in chiangmai by their rich parent who know that giving them a AEON card and lastest nikoa phone get her kids in the top ranking school or well to do family status .

let not compare . but let not degrade each other by assuming . we are a more superio being here .

had not been clubbing hard for a long time now ,. kinda got titeed of teh clubbing sence since i started at 16 or so .. had so much of club that i got bored of ti .

the thai style club for the older folk fit me better where i sit and have nice food and listen to good music .

i was hanging out at the warmup when there are back in a wooden house near riverside . and seriously speaking had not been there since there move .

been 2 monkey a few time but don't really like the place cos is kinda jam with groupy .

mandalay is full of gay . not that i am against them .

Discovery is ok - know the door girl . and had been alway nice to see her . but seldom go nowaday cos i am lazy to stand around .

once thing i hate about the thai style club sence is the DJ talk too much .

There woukld break up in between music just to speak something for no reason what so ever .

this piss me off . but the thai really enjoy this .

i know many Dj personally and ask them also why there speak so much .


their answer is the crowd love it and is the thai trend to speak somethign or tell a dirty joke in between song .

club in bangkok used to be nice . was a member at the club beside foru wind hotel . you got t pay high fee for door entry . and a member allow you to sign in at least 5-10 people .

so in the past my group just hang around the door . and girl will wait at the door for people to sign them in .

basically the the bouncer is your best friend . and you tip him as much as you can to keep him in your pocket .

this work both way in bangkok and back in singapore i am lucky cos few of the bouncer back in zouk was my army mate .

chiangmai chiangmai - there are many places .. some are for working girl after there knock off or a second roundparty places ,. which end at 5-6 am in the morning so you can drive to have your breakfast before you hit the bed .

ok here there cream which most would want to know .

i don't know about you and your taste but i am happy that asian have different taste with farang .

so i don't mind clubbing with you'll cos while you feel that my choice is some ugly chick . same apply to yours in some case whahah

that what i alway say to oen of my aus friends here which i went clubbing with him a few time whahahha

rigth OZ ? whhahahahahha

anyway . do the basic . keep a clean shave , nice clothes smell good look good .

every one like a smart person .since most club . have very poor lighting . smelling right is very importance .

and also a the choice of clothes can make a different also .

all this is what i follow when i was much younger of cos .. nowaday i give a ###### less about how i wear whahah a.

to sum up here a few i would aviod which i brand as MEAT MARKET -

HOT SHOT SPICY BUBBLE - to me this is farang and a place where deal is made .

place worth considering .

well anywhere but the above .

if you are out for fun then just be out for fun .

if you are just some cheapo waiting to get free fuc.k

have fun but be safe - notthing is free . alot of the girl that sleep around is HIV infected .

trust me i got a fren working at a blood lab .

you won't believe the kinda girl that come in for blood test and result positive .

Good luck


sometime i ponder also cos my mind have the right words . but when i spell i have another words instead .

sometime is not that i don't know the spelling .

eg.. Four wing hotel was in my mind but when i type i got four wind whahahhaha

anyway .. i guess i am special in my own way ..

i go to bannrak also . cos i find it easy for parking .. but one of my fren got his car audio rip off there .. and we still is the guy we tips at the parking .

Its intresting going into the Warm up, because as Falang we are used to places where they treat us as something special because we are different. There on Nimehamihn, we are just another dude trying to get laid. The formula for getting your rocks off generally works like this

1. you go in and stand around and nobody talks to you.

2. some thai university boy with a funny haircut decides you will be his friend and parades you around as his pet falang and introduces you to his friends.

3. one of the girls in his group decides she likes you and harmlessly flirts and dances with you as you buy the table drinks :o

4. at the end of the night, despite your insistence she wont go home and sleep with you, but rather gives her phone number and tells you to call tomorrow

5. you go home, rub one out and call her the next day. you agree to meet for dinner at some place by the river that is fairly nice, but not to public either. she keeps drinking until she relaxes a bit and follows you back to your hotel/apartment without a word.

6. you have semi-passionate condom sex, then she goes home and writes in her diary that she slept with her first falang and you never hear from her again

sometimes its just either to goto spicy with a thousand baht in your front pocket.....

Forget all that,. get down to the nana hotel disco . marvellous !

sometime i ponder also cos my mind have the right words . but when i spell i have another words instead .

sometime is not that i don't know the spelling .

eg.. Four wing hotel was in my mind but when i type i got four wind whahahhaha

anyway .. i guess i am special in my own way ..

i go to bannrak also . cos i find it easy for parking .. but one of my fren got his car audio rip off there .. and we still is the guy we tips at the parking .

You are that Ta "i guess i am special in my own way"

It's been a long time since I was close to being considered "young" and I was never what you could call "good looking" but maybe I should team up with you and the combination of your Asian good looks (and inside info) and my charm we might just be a team to be reckoned with :o

(not sure what the gf might say though :D )


I agree with most of what was said above, but all is not doom and gloom out there!

NOT all! :o

Most is ! :D :D

Anyway, I met this most one wonderful Thai woman at the place I would least recommend anyone to go meet a "good" girl/woman: Bubbles. It was New Year's eve (for sure a better time to meet good women at Bubbles, although the ratio was still 1/10 from what I could gather), I had nothing to do, ... a friend phones me, and we ended up at Bubbles (first time for me). I avoid those places like the plague (or HIV, if you get my drift). Anyway, the lady I am with now was definitely NOT into me at first. Paradoxically, that is a good sign because many women with dubious motives were, ... body massaging me on the dance floor, asking for drinks ot be paid to them,... Anyway, that did not last very long and the good woman which I happened to be sitting beside warmed up to me and my great personality :D . She did mention to me,... after ... that she thought I was one of those crazy foreigners (the ones who think all Thai women sleep for money), but that I was too well behaved to be a crazy guy!* This woman has a decent job and speaks decent English. She has never asked me for anything (even though I do offer to/ pay for dinner together. She is always trying to get a good deal for dinner (not that I am, but that's definitely nice of her and telling). So, here you go, guys. Just use you head and be patient. It took me 3 months to find a decent woman who was into me and I was into her, metaphorically speaking, that is! :D To be fair, there were other women that I thought could have done, but no mutual attraction, physical AND emotional AND intellectual. By the way, I am not counting my chicken before they hatch,... time will tell if this can be a long term deal.

BTW, beside all the Nimmi. places and Bubbles (which has dancing, but the smoke), there is Spices near Thaepae Gate, but the odds are --I think-- even worse than Bubbles for good women. There is Western type of dancing, but the usual smoking. :bah:

Mike, what is the ratio of loose women to normal Thai women at the Nana Hotel? Now, don't use this as a reason to find out empirically, unless you are done with the experiment, of course! :bah: What is the music like? Do I have to wear a gas mask? (Hey! I think I will do this once for Halloween! Sort of killing 2 birds with one stone! :o ... a stone or a cigarette! ;)

* Hopefully ... this is not a line that they all use to fool the guys like me looking for something long term and real (or close enough)!

Forget all that,. get down to the nana hotel disco . marvellous !

Mike, what is the ratio of loose women to normal Thai women at the Nana Hotel? Now, don't use this as a reason to find out empirically, unless you are done with the experiment, of course! :o What is the music like? Do I have to wear a gas mask? (Hey! I think I will do this once for Halloween! Sort of killing 2 birds with one stone! :D ... a stone or a cigarette! :D

Sometime i don't get the statment ,

" looking for girl who is not after your money ."

are you really that rich ? or you felt that you are rich ?

are you really that much a lady killer and expect to be laid once you are in a club ?

or is it cos you watch so much asian porn that you feel that all asian girl is really after a trail test of farang exp ?

- when i was staying in japan . most girl avoid farang . for one reason there feel that is not safe -

and go whom go with farang . in term of at a club as branded as working girl .

in the older days . japanese girl is the most sexually advanture asian around , there are the huntress and trust me man at the club are their rabbit .


I am with Ta22 on this one. As I said Bubbles and Spices ... are meat market for sure.

I also cannot stand the interruptions within songs. A song is a piece of art! It is to be listen to or dance to,... ! Anyway, I guess Thai are used to it ... and I guess if I could understand Thai it would be not as bad, I suppose!


* abbreviated (no offense Ta22)


I've not been to Spices or Spicy or whatever it's called...but I was under the impression you were paying for any girl that left with you.

That doesn't make it a "pick up" as the OP wanted to know about...that's simply buying company.


all smile

mai pen rai .

welcome back had not seen you for a while .


well pointing at nobody or any direction ..

i love fishing .

sometime you need to Charm the fish to come .

what you do is throw a brunch of bread in a small area . but sually very small and unfilling stuff .. then you cast your Lure over the area .

i am fine with woman or man who show their INTENTION > those that dance like postpad on you .

or those that ask .. is those that i don't mind ..

is those that plot and plan , so in a few month or years time there can be sure to infect the most pain that you should worry about ..

Pain is alway the last thing we felt before thing happen .

good luck and happy hunting or being hunted

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