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Don't Treat Me Like An Idiot!


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By this time my wife & myself were in hysterics. We called the owner over, who is a personal friend, & quickly remedied the situation.

You and your wife sound like a couple of wannabe snobs, belittling and bullying a female waitress who is just trying to make an honest living.

You're kidding?

If not, you are welcome around my wifes familys biz to shop some. Only the best price for you.

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I had something similar happen to me.

Ordered a cheeseburger and thats what I got!

2 buns with a slice of cheese inside!! No meat!!

I asked the waitress and she said that I had ordered a cheeseburger and I got a cheeseburger!!

I can see her point!! When things are taken literally then they can be quite amusing!

But my favourite is listed in a menu in Cha-am:

Roasted Chicken Chest!!!!!

Menu in a Chinese reataurant in Germany - SEA FOOD SPECIAL TODAY- CRAP ON TOAST

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By this time my wife & myself were in hysterics. We called the owner over, who is a personal friend, & quickly remedied the situation.

You and your wife sound like a couple of wannabe snobs, belittling and bullying a female waitress who is just trying to make an honest living.

Im not sure if this statement is deliberately provocative?

Are people supposed to take this sort of treatment in a restaurant ZukiSuzuki? Would you have been happy to pay the bill for something you didn't eat or order? The "losing face" issue is tiring and does not excuse all Thais for sloppy service or bad business etiquette. Overcharging is not acceptable whether it is in Thailand or abroad. The waitress spoke to him as if he were stupid, he did not bully or belittle her in any way at all.

Quite frankly i think he should be commended for the way he handled this unfortunate incident. I just hope that if i ever find myself in this situation i am also able to handle it with the same dignity as the OP.

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I have to agree. The way the OP handled this is a good example of how to deal with misunderstandings in Thailand. Don't lose your temper, and talk things out with a smile.

Don't just put up with being ripped off either. It's not 100% your responsibility to ensure nobody in your radius loses face. They have their own part to play. The OP played his as good as can be expected.

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By this time my wife & myself were in hysterics. We called the owner over, who is a personal friend, & quickly remedied the situation.

You and your wife sound like a couple of wannabe snobs, belittling and bullying a female waitress who is just trying to make an honest living.

I don't see anything wrong with being hysterical, especially when a complete idiot has just accused you of eating the t-bone from the t-bone steak you never had.

If you wouldn't find that funny at the least, then you obviously don't have a sense of humor..............

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You must have eaten it sir".

:o You big, greedy farang, you !! :D Better check the table to see if any of its legs are missing !! :D

Have experienced quite a few errors, but nothing quite so BONE-headed !

When you say you were hysterical, was that with frustration or mirth ?

with mirth...

My lovely wife might eat the bone, however, I myself am not partial to that particular culinary delight. :D



On a lighter note, i took my thai wife to a restaurant in wales ( uk ) where we ate king prawns,. oh how i laughed when the waitress collected the plates and asked " where are the prawn tails etc " ? .my wifes eaten them i replied ! her face was a picture !

Edited by mikethevigoman
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On a lighter note, i took my thai wife to a restaurant in wales ( uk ) where we ate king prawns,. oh how i laughed when the waitress collected the plates and asked " where are the prawn tails etc " ? .my wifes eaten them i replied ! her face was a picture !

:D That got me in the beginning too. :D She likes them if they are crispy :o

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By this time my wife & myself were in hysterics. We called the owner over, who is a personal friend, & quickly remedied the situation.

You and your wife sound like a couple of wannabe snobs, belittling and bullying a female waitress who is just trying to make an honest living.

Are you serious or are you just trying to be a flamer? :o

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By this time my wife & myself were in hysterics. We called the owner over, who is a personal friend, & quickly remedied the situation.

You and your wife sound like a couple of wannabe snobs, belittling and bullying a female waitress who is just trying to make an honest living.

Are you serious or are you just trying to be a flamer? :o

From a person who I heard likes to collect used panties, no I don't think the poster was too serious.... :D Cheers. Happy songkran! :D


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By this time my wife & myself were in hysterics. We called the owner over, who is a personal friend, & quickly remedied the situation.

You and your wife sound like a couple of wannabe snobs, belittling and bullying a female waitress who is just trying to make an honest living.

Are you serious or are you just trying to be a flamer? :o

'He' is a comedy construct. A small (and not very well written) piece of AI software, designed to inject a little humour to random threads. A good try, but it comes nowhere near passing the Turing test ... quite a good laugh though, don't you think?

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  • 4 months later...
yes handled that well didn't you - rule #1 never lose temper - it makes you the one at fault

reads to me as if they were in fits of laughter , not losing their temper ......................

Yeah, stupid post from crow boy there..............

Sounds to me like the OP dealt with the situation well, the waitress is just a dumbass too embarressed to remedy the situation, instead she says he must have eaten the bone??


And if she doesn't know the difference between a sirloin and a T bone she shouldn't be working in the establishment.

if you pay peanuts ,you will get monkeys ,a good way to look at it is if she had a brain she would'nt be a waitress :o

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My wife and I ordered dinner at a roadside restaurant/karaoke bar in Isaan from a menu with the prices clearly marked. When the bill came, the prices were escalated well above the menu prices. The only thing I can figure is that the waitress accidently brought me the Thai menu rather than the farang menu with the "special prices" . My wife got the prices corrected after some terse Thai dialog with the manager but I had to laugh at their blatant and clumsy attempt.

In the future, I will hold the menu at my table until the bill arrives :o.

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  • 1 year later...
By this time my wife & myself were in hysterics. We called the owner over, who is a personal friend, & quickly remedied the situation.

You and your wife sound like a couple of wannabe snobs, belittling and bullying a female waitress who is just trying to make an honest living.

And you would have done what ?
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Well all I want to know is was the waitress worth "boning" or not

plus if she was a right dog maybe she ate the bone

Are you for real? You bumped a 2007 thread just to make a crass crappy boring joke?

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if you pay peanuts ,you will get monkeys ,a good way to look at it is if she had a brain she would'nt be a waitress :o

If you have got monkeys it was because YOU offered them a job.

Many, many ladies in Thailand have been awarded degrees, not that I have have high regard for a degree these days, especially one awarded by a Thai university. Not a few of these ladies end up as 'cashiers', check out girls and suchlike and a prime reason for this may well be because they do not have the right connections - no pun intended.

You appear to have snobbish tendencies; you, of course, are a Captain of Industry.

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Happened more than one time to me and my wife that we go out, order food and only one of us get food. In Thailand we are never served at the same time anyway, so by the time the one has finished the meal we start to say "did you understand that we also ordered....". And they say "no, solly, you ordered only one". It really pisses me off. I can fully understand that it can be my english/Thai that is confusing. But what i have problems with is that i always ask 2 times "did you understand?". When the waitress say "yes" i think it´s her job to make sure she got it right. And lets face it, if there is 2 persons on the table, and i got only one order on my paper, should i not be able to think myself "maybe i should doubblecheck because it really makes little sence that they ordered food only for one, lets ask and see if i got it right"?

Op was funny. And did the right thing. Laughed about it and solved the situation. He didnt make her loose face. She did that herself.

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Went to a local restaurant last night for dinner.

Had the same meal as always, sirloin steak with japanese side dishes of sushi & the like. Good meal, a couple of bottle's of beer, the enjoyment of my wife's company.

When the bill came it listed a T Bone steak at twice the price of a sirloin.

I pointed this out to the waitress (new at this particular establishment, & judging by her age not a new-comer to the service industry). (thai language only)

The waitress said that I must be mistaken, I had definately eaten a T Bone. I told her that it was definately a sirloin. She said "no, definately a T bone, I served it to you, I should know". I then asked her where the bone was, & she replied "You must have eaten it sir".

By this time my wife & myself were in hysterics. We called the owner over, who is a personal friend, & quickly remedied the situation.

How many of you out there have had situations like this?

Always the change of 500 when you give them a 1000. A friend always mark his notes and a few years ago sat in the bars near the Lek hotel; the 500 change for a 1000 happened to my friend. After all the lies and screaming you stupid farang, my friend went to the police; he showed them where he marks his note, and what a surprise they came to the bar they checked the till and found the 1000 baht note. The police closed the bar and took every girl to the station. After 5 hours they gave my friend back his 1000 baht and charged the cashier and service girl.



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OP did right.

Me, I would had trouble in this situation, as Im one of the more hot tempered people.

But all the talk about loss of face in this situation.

Remember folks, in most countries, and especially here, the loss of face issue is secondary as soon as we talk business.

When money is at stake, the loss of face issue is not longer the most important.

I am always amused when me and my wife have been out, and how she is "auditing" the bill when it arrives.

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I know it snot good when "we" make a thai loose face. I know I always try and avoid it. I honestly can see that in the OP there was an overly assertive waitress who was rude to a customer and the customer in a good humoured way sought help from the managment in a friendly way ( he say he is a friend afterall ) and resolved the matter. He didn't beat an apology out of the poor girl!

I ordered a plah Pow the other day. I made a point of asking if they had it. She said yes. I waited and waited. They bought one to the table and then took it away. all the other food had come. I waited more. then this dish arrived covered in cabbage. My Thai friend pointed out that we had asked for Plah Pow (bbq'd salt covered fish cooked in the skin). She said this is plah pow foil. cooked in foil. We looked at eachother, my friend and I. We knew how how much we had planned this treat because it was my favourite meal. We had driven miles to this place. everything else was perfect. We nodded, and ate a fair portion of wha was there. water mushy fish. I thought to myself, "I've cracked it".

Back home I would have politely refused it and asked for what I had ordered but here that is just not how it seems to work. I felt kinda good inside that I had grasped that while it was not my mistake, the cost of repairing the situation to them was maybe the entire profit of the meal wheras the inconvenience of eating some other less enjoyable dish was a good lesson in humility. I confess however, If it had been a friends place I would have nodded to them and they would doubtless without so much as a request have seen the problem and remedied it. Its nice being a regular.

This thread did make me laugh. I wonder what the background music is in that place. Boney M?

Usually Thais "lose face" because of their stupidity or they have been caught in a lie, or the like. What a wonderful rule to live by. I can do what ever negative thing I like to you, and if you show your displeasure, then YOU are the one who loses face and negates the need for me to apologise to you. <deleted>?

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sometimes this dancing around trying to save face is tiresome

and i will just get up, put the correct amount on the table and leave.

i dont want to be regularly dealing with incompetent or

malicious people wasting my time and

energy as i have to run thru the bill and what i had

over and over.

it happens all to often.

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