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German Man Dead: Soi Neun Pleub Wan, Pattaya......

libya 115

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SOURCE: Pattaya City News: April 11th 2007

German Dies after he is suspected of choking on a sandwich.

Police Lieutenant Colonel Supachai from Banglamung Police was called to house number 47/5 at the Rattanagorn Village 1 in Soi Neun Pleub Wan on Wednesday Afternoon by Khun Jariyar aged 55, the wife of Mr. Heinze Durr aged 63 from Germany who had just passed away after apparently chocking on some food.

At the scene, Police made a full inspection of the room and body and only found a half eaten meat sandwich. Khun Jariyar explained that her husband appeared to choke. She panicked and tried to dislodge the food from his throat without success.

Moments later Mr. Kerr stopped breathing. The German Embassy in Bangkok have been informed and are conducting their own investigation into the case and Police are awaiting the results of a post mortem examination before they comment further on the cause of death.

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To be serious ( for once ) the first aid treatment for this is called the Heinletch maneuver , I think , and the victim is clasped from behind round the abdomen with both hands clenched in a double fist over his stomach .

The first aider then vigerously clasps the victim towards him or her several times and the residual air in the lungs causes the blockage to pop out.

If you are alone then clasp your clenched fists in front of you and fall onto a couch arm or even the floor face first.

Broken ribs are better than dying .

The problem with such a blockage is the patient can not tell anyone and often appears calm as instinctively they do not use up there oxygen by panicking.

Edited by swanks
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if you cannot dislodge the stuck item with your fists under you ribs as in pushing against your stomach, use the top of a chair. keep ramming it under your ribs to wind yourself in the hopes of dislodging the item in your throat.

you can save someone by running behind them, locking your arms under their ribs and squeezing the air out of them repeatedly while making upward movements with your arms against their stomach to force the wind up.

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The same thing happened to me in my office early one Friday evening nearly 20 years ago. I was alone at my desk happily munching away on a Marathon Bar (thats a Snickers for those who don't qualify for the "Retirement" Visa) and a peanut got lodged in my throat.

I stopped breathing so I ran down the corridor and located my assistant who thought I was about to attack him and he put up his fists in self defence! At that stage I collapsed through of lack of oxygen and he (very sensibly, to my mind) pulled me up, got behind me and performed the Heimlich Manoeuvre. The offending peanut shot across the corridor and I regained my breath. But for the presence of mind of that gentleman, Chief Petty Officer Dave Goodwin, Royal Navy, I wouldn't be here today.

IMHO it is worth all our whiles spending a few moments to instruct our GFs/Wives in perfoming the Heimlich manoeuvre because you never know when you'll need it.

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Life or death ? Depends what was in the sandwich

From the photos it looks like some type of liverwurst.

And his name was Heinz Dürr (or Duerr if you can't manage the umlaut).

The PCN seems to be living down to their lack of journalistic standards.

Condolences to family and friends. R.I.P. Herr Dürr.

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Life or death ? Depends what was in the sandwich

Could have been ham ,.. same thing killed mama cass ,...I heard a lab rat died after eating 2 hot dogs,. mustard poisioning im told !

That's an urban legend. The offending ham sandwich had not net been eaten. She died from a heart attack.

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Life or death ? Depends what was in the sandwich

Could have been ham ,.. same thing killed mama cass ,...I heard a lab rat died after eating 2 hot dogs,. mustard poisioning im told !

That's an urban legend. The offending ham sandwich had not net been eaten. She died from a heart attack.

i do apolagise, ive also been told the rat died of a ketcup o/dose, not my day is it ! .ps why was the ham sandwich mentioned ?

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