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UN warns lockdown consequences may kill hundreds of thousands of children


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For those who think this lockdown is all fun and games, is some kind of political activity, or for those who try and take the moral high ground that this lockdown is necessary to save lives, the UN basically just called you potential baby killers. I'm paraphrasing obviously. They were much more diplomatic in the article.


It is instructive to remember the consequences of these lockdowns though. It is not a joke. I worry for myself, as I am out of savings, have no idea how I am going to provide for my family nor meet the 400k requirement for my next visa. I am staring at being separated from my children, and that is causing horrific stress. But there are millions who are looking at even worse fates than me as a result of what is being imposed upon us.


There are no easy answers here, but I do get very tired of hearing people pontificate about how evil I am because I espouse the view that the actions being taken in response to this virus are actually far worse than the disease.


Articles like the above deserve significantly more attention than they are getting.


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The sheeple will always attack the free thinking minority. That is what the masters rely on, to a large extent. Anyone that questions the masters voice, is called out as crazy or conspiracy theorist etc. The sheeple only hear one voice and it's never to be questioned. The sheeple will be hearded by the masters dogs but they will never realise that they are being hearded, because sheeple don't think.... 



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7 minutes ago, UbonThani said:

Save maybe 20k sick people for 2 years. Kill 20k kids. Great idea these lockdowns.

i think you forgot a zero there no ? 200k kids.


stay home everyone we can beat this virus together. well except for those couple hundred thousand kids that is.


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