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I woulkd love to buy a compact digital camera 4 megapixel + that has the equivalent of say a 20 -70 mm lens if compared to 35mm film format.

I know I could buy a digital SLR that would achieve this but I like compact cameras that can be carried easily.

Does such a camera exist.

Thanks for any repies



i think you'll have an extremely hard time finding a compact digital camera with anything less than 28mm on the wide end...i've seen some with 24mm, but i don't remember which ones they were...

if you do end up finding one with 20mm at the wide end, please give me a heads up!


nikon 8400 review

i use a nikon coolpix 8400.

if you dont need a long zoom , then you might be interested.

24mm - 70mm zoom

8 million pixels

they stopped making them a year or so ago , but they are still available on the net and around bangkok.

accesories are available that enable 52mm screw thread filters to be used with the lens.

its not pocketable , but its a strong metal bodied camera that is easy to carry around.


Thanks for the info guys.

Tax I use to have a coolpix 5600 (looks similar to the 8400) good camera as I remember apart from the shutter lag.

I do like the viewing screen that swivels, makes taking candid shots easier


I believe Ricoh take the cake when it comes to wide angle compacts


28mm at the lower end, I don't think you get much lower.

Thanks for the link

I very much like the Ricoh GR Digital fixed 28mm lens F2.4 Ricoh also offers an optional wide converter lens that takes the focal length down to 21mm equivalent

All lovely kit but not cheap about 1000 US all together



Beware of converter lenses.

They often degrade quality and definitely reduce the speed (effective aperture) of the prime lens.


Some panasonic lumix cameras have a 28mm wide end. It might be in 16:9 format though, not sure. Should be able to get one cheaper than the Ricoh...

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