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EU to allow in visitors from Thailand


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9 hours ago, bbi1 said:

If someone has an EU passport (for example a Western dual national) and currently in Thailand, can they now fly to any EU country they wish?


If someone with an EU passport enters any EU country of their choosing, are there any limits as to how long they can stay in that country without a visa? 

I'm pretty sure yes. I can't see a country refusing entry if you have a passport for that country.

If you hold say a German issued EU passport then Germany can't refuse entry.

What other EU countries you could enter from there would depend on what borders are open/closed because of Covid.

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18 hours ago, reallyaffiliated said:

Do you guys think this means that Thailand will open up their borders to tourists from the EU? I mean they could also just allow Thai's to travel here and not allow us to come there...

This is supposed to be a reciprocal agreement between country's, but I see no mention of the Thai government saying which country's will be allowed in without quarantine yet.

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19 hours ago, overherebc said:

At the moment UK is still in the EU. ????

U.K. expected to make an announcement later today on the lifting of foreign travel, which some of you will be pleased to know will then revalidate your travel insurance infectious diseases.

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On 6/30/2020 at 4:11 AM, ThailandRyan said:

Well that is just so comforting to know.  I live here in Thailand but am not a citizen, so who gives 3 <deleted>es about being able to travel to the EU.  If we could fly there then unless we met the stringent conditions put in place by this government we would not be able to return whence we came.  Sorry for the flame.


well, for example who have a girlfriend in thailand?

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I read that US citizens who reside in one of the approved countries are allowed into Europe. Not sure how that all works proving that you actually reside abroad, but it's better than nothing. Perhaps getting something from an Embassy in Bangkok to show you are coming from here might work. 

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The idea of "travel bubble" is not tied to nationality/passport, but location.  It will mean that there is a free travel corridor between countries that vow reciprocity and to control entrance to the bubble.  So if you are "in the bubble", it won't matter what passport you hold.  But if you leave the bubble you are going to have to be quarantined (at least) in order to get back in.

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