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Having a dog center & bringing in new soi dogs, I'm really used to most types of parasite. Lice are one of my least favourite, as I always seem to end up crawling with them whenever we get a new dog & have to shower asap! They itch!

We have a really old Cocker Spaniel who has loads wrong with him: bilateral cataracts, yeast infections on skin (continual, we get rid of it & it comes back!), behavioural problems... Anyway, my son & I love him & he lives permanently at my home. But he keeps getting lice infestations & I have no idea where from. He doesn't go out for walks (too many soi dogs) just exercises in the garden. No real contact with new dogs, which I spray before they come in anyway. No other dogs get lice (we have a big tick problem, but not fleas or lice).

I bathe him with anti parasite shampoo & spray him when I see them & he gets Ivomec'ed about every 2 months, same as the others. He has stopped going to the grooming parlour as I thought he might be getting them there. How on earth does he keep getting them & how do I stop it?

Any advice gratefully received, as I just blitzed him for a new lot today. Thanks. :o


strange with these lice :o maybe try a spot-on, i always use a cheap thai brand which comes in tiny bottles, should kill all living crawlies on your cocker. also good against the ticks...

good luck :D

Having a dog center & bringing in new soi dogs, I'm really used to most types of parasite. Lice are one of my least favourite, as I always seem to end up crawling with them whenever we get a new dog & have to shower asap! They itch!

We have a really old Cocker Spaniel who has loads wrong with him: bilateral cataracts, yeast infections on skin (continual, we get rid of it & it comes back!), behavioural problems... Anyway, my son & I love him & he lives permanently at my home. But he keeps getting lice infestations & I have no idea where from. He doesn't go out for walks (too many soi dogs) just exercises in the garden. No real contact with new dogs, which I spray before they come in anyway. No other dogs get lice (we have a big tick problem, but not fleas or lice).

I bathe him with anti parasite shampoo & spray him when I see them & he gets Ivomec'ed about every 2 months, same as the others. He has stopped going to the grooming parlour as I thought he might be getting them there. How on earth does he keep getting them & how do I stop it?

Any advice gratefully received, as I just blitzed him for a new lot today. Thanks. :o

Hi NR,

Due to the many problems in this cocker, it sounds to me that his immune system is pretty down. Especially as the problems are re-occurring (meaning that the conventional med's do not work, but are only symptoms treating and donot go to the cause of the problem).

Therefore, the first thing I would do is start boosting his immune system, and if it would be my dog, I would switch immediately to a raw food diet and especially no grains at all anymore.

Then a cure with garlic, the natural antibiotic. For the cocker 3 times a day 1/2 a teaspoon of crushed raw garlic mixed with raw pure honey for a period of not more than 3 weeks. My GSD is on it at the moment. He has for years an skin allergy. Can't find the cause, although it did started shortly after he got his puppy vaccines. Since I started the cure his coat has become more shiny and softer, the biting and scratching has almost disppeared, and because of this he's fattening up as well. Not sure, after the cure is finished the problem will come back, as I don't know if I'm treating the cause. But for now I do know that the garlic cure is very beneficial to him.

Every day a bath in lemon rinse can treat fungi as well as anti-parasitic. conut oil with sulfur powder mixed in it also can do wonders against fungal infections and mange.

Fungi does not like acid, so ringworm and other fungal infections can be treated this lemon rinse or with a 50-50 base of vinegar and water. You can use the cheapest vinegar there is. It's even much cheaper than and safer than the broad-spectrum anti-fungal med's, which are on the longer term immuno-suppressive. And that's the very thing your cocker can't use.

As for the ivermectin: I read on the net that there is a high chance that heartguard is going to be taken from the market. The exact reason I don't know (didn't take the time to read it all), but I do know that an ingredient in heartguard is ivermectin. Ivermectin can give damage to the liver. As your dog isn't 100% already, I would try to find other, safer methods to treat him.

Hope this will be of some help to your cocker,


Oh, and for his cataracts, soemtimes a drop of olive oil in each eye daily can be very beneficial.

he gets Ivomec'ed about every 2 months, same as the others. He has stopped going to the grooming parlour as I thought he might be getting them there. How on earth does he keep getting them & how do I stop it?

Ivercec is highly efective against "sucking lice" (less so against"biting lice"(different species)) and Ivermec is excreted from dog's body in 1-1.5 mths , you may need to inject your dog more often.

other external parasititcides such as pyrethrin , amitraz and rotenone for dipping,washing or spraying.

Alternative way - Herb >> Noi Na ΰΈ™ΰΉ‰ΰΈ­ΰΈ’ΰΈ«ΰΈ™ΰΉˆΰΈ² /Custard Apple 's seeds of Leaves


From past many Thais have used it for against lice in human . From the reserch it works well with animal aswell.

1 Grinded Noi Na's seeds with vegetable oil such as coconut oil then apply the solution on animal for 1-2 hrs.Rinse it later

2 Grinded Noi Na's leaves with vegetable oil such as coconut oil then apply the solution on animal for 1-2 hrs.Rinse it later

3 Grinded Noi Na's seed as powder. Then Mix it with 10%alcohol solution (70% rubbing alcohol 1:water7) and left if for 24 hr

- propotion Noi Na's seed as powder :10%alcohol solution =1:2

Filter this solution (let's Sol.A)


1)1st week >>> Use Sol.A +10% alcohol solution = 1:6 spray on dogs (It can also kill ticks,mites)

2)2nd week >>> Usa Sol.A +10% alcohol solution =1:300 spray on dogs

repeat it every week for 8-16wks


1 Noi Na has about 36 seeds that you can make Sol.A for 7 cc

when u mixed with 10% alcohol (as 1:300) you will get all solution about 2.1L.

2) U can keep this solution in the fridge for 3 years ( but the fresher is the better)

3) in Noi Na 's seeds and leaves has alkaloids "Anonaine" that can kill lices ,ticks and mites

ANYWAY...According to your situation, you have to takecare many dogs.If i were you ,I'd head to the althernative therapy as herb .. as the(3)


comb him out with lice comb for kids; u have to get the eggs and btw, the eggs stay in your house, etc.; so treatment is the same as for kids: comb every day, get rid of the nits also, just comb them out; u have to wash all materials that he sleeps on in very very hot water and dry in sun (same as for mites); try rosemary oil drops that u can comb thru also but check with homeopath if this is ok on dogs (it works supposedly for human children/also lavender oil drops or even maybe basil oil drops; none work for my daughter but work on my nieces/nephew) but some herbs arent taken too well by dogs cause of the smell (put on skin, not feed it to him).

probably like many children and adults some are just more prone then others.

lice develop resistance quickly to all the pesticide shampoos etc; probably u can use the same shampoos against lice as for kids but check ingredients first and u have to switch often.


oops. bambi beat me to it... with a local thai herbal thing; how come its not made for humans too?? israel has a huge lice problem with the kids and we'll do almost anything to get rid of the critters!!!! custard apple hu? how do i prepare the seeds???

oops. bambi beat me to it... with a local thai herbal thing; how come its not made for humans too?? israel has a huge lice problem with the kids and we'll do almost anything to get rid of the critters!!!! custard apple hu? how do i prepare the seeds???

Oh Bina ..Noi Na's seeds and leaves extracted are used in human before animals (dogs and livestock) in Thai.

For seeds.. grind them as powder with a mortar.

the (1) and (2) are for human (some recipes add Tobacco(has rotenone) as ingredient aswell)




Hi Nienke,

I was interested in a few things you wrote about. Firstly...

" I would switch immediately to a raw food diet and especially no grains at all anymore. "

I have a year old Rottie, and would like to feed him a raw food diet, what do you recommend, and do you have any recipes.

"Every day a bath in lemon rinse can treat fungi as well as anti-parasitic. Coconut oil with sulfur powder mixed in it also can do wonders against fungal infections and mange."

Secondly what amount of lemon juice, my Rottie is about 40 kilo's and suffers from fungal infections on and off which the vet can't treat...i.e lots of tablets with no benefit! Same for the coconut oil, how much and how much sulfur.

Thanks alot



Do you think the custard apple cure would work on human head lice? Girls back at school today :o and I am wondering how long it will be before we get the lice letter home? :D

Hi Nienke,

I was interested in a few things you wrote about. Firstly...

" I would switch immediately to a raw food diet and especially no grains at all anymore. "

I have a year old Rottie, and would like to feed him a raw food diet, what do you recommend, and do you have any recipes.

"Every day a bath in lemon rinse can treat fungi as well as anti-parasitic. Coconut oil with sulfur powder mixed in it also can do wonders against fungal infections and mange."

Secondly what amount of lemon juice, my Rottie is about 40 kilo's and suffers from fungal infections on and off which the vet can't treat...i.e lots of tablets with no benefit! Same for the coconut oil, how much and how much sulfur.

Thanks alot


Hi Chubbly,

As for the raw feeding I advice your to go to my profile and click on my website. Go to articles, where you find all the details on how to feed raw together with a schedule to start with. If you click on β€˜links’ you’ll find some on raw feeding. Once you are more comfortable with feeding raw, you will see that you won’t keep strict with this schedule anymore. As long as you keep on providing the dog with a various diet, and not (as some people do) only chicken for example.

That your rottie doesn’t react to the loads of med’s can be: a. the treatment doesn’t do anything about the cause of the problems but only suppress and, thus, after a while the problems reoccurs, b. the environment hasn’t been properly disinfected.

Bleach can be used well against fungi, and/or c. the immune system of your dog is somehow down.

To help the immune system you can give the dog ginseng (30 mg dried herb per lb twice daily, or1 drop tincture per lb 2 times a day. Also Echinacea can help (1 drop tincture per lb 2 times a day).

Often only switching to raw food, and skipping to give all corn and wheat products can do wonders.

Garlic can be used internally, and externally for the treatment of ringworm (which is a fungi, not a worm).

Coconut oil/sulpher mix Β½ tsp sulpher to 1 ounce of oil. This you massage into the skin. Good for your own hands as well. Once daily. According to Thai customers and friends, this seems to be another traditional treatment often applied.

Lemon rinse: 1 whole lemon (thinly sliced including the peel) to 1 pint almost boiling water. Steep overnight. The next day you can apply the solution to the skin with a towel or sponge and let it air-dry. Once daily.

Wish you good luck,


Alternative way - Herb >> Noi Na ΰΈ™ΰΉ‰ΰΈ­ΰΈ’ΰΈ«ΰΈ™ΰΉˆΰΈ² /Custard Apple 's seeds of Leaves


From past many Thais have used it for against lice in human . From the reserch it works well with animal aswell.

1 Grinded Noi Na's seeds with vegetable oil such as coconut oil then apply the solution on animal for 1-2 hrs.Rinse it later

2 Grinded Noi Na's leaves with vegetable oil such as coconut oil then apply the solution on animal for 1-2 hrs.Rinse it later

3 Grinded Noi Na's seed as powder. Then Mix it with 10%alcohol solution (70% rubbing alcohol 1:water7) and left if for 24 hr

- propotion Noi Na's seed as powder :10%alcohol solution =1:2

Filter this solution (let's Sol.A)


1)1st week >>> Use Sol.A +10% alcohol solution = 1:6 spray on dogs (It can also kill ticks,mites)

2)2nd week >>> Usa Sol.A +10% alcohol solution =1:300 spray on dogs

repeat it every week for 8-16wks


1 Noi Na has about 36 seeds that you can make Sol.A for 7 cc

when u mixed with 10% alcohol (as 1:300) you will get all solution about 2.1L.

2) U can keep this solution in the fridge for 3 years ( but the fresher is the better)

3) in Noi Na 's seeds and leaves has alkaloids "Anonaine" that can kill lices ,ticks and mites

ANYWAY...According to your situation, you have to takecare many dogs.If i were you ,I'd head to the althernative therapy as herb .. as the(3)

Great info, Bambina. Didn't know this. Thanks!



Nienke, Isn't there a risk of intestinal worms from raw meat? I've always been wary of raw meat, because of that. I'm sure Burt (Cocker's name) would love it, though! Also, how do you get them to take the garlic & honey? Do they actually like the taste?

BambinA, where can you buy the seeds of the custard apple?

Thanks for the advice everyone - lots of new things to try! :o

BambinA, where can you buy the seeds of the custard apple?

Talad (market) u have to buy the whole fruit but it's cheap

you may ask it from somebody who has it's tree

Nienke, Isn't there a risk of intestinal worms from raw meat? I've always been wary of raw meat, because of that. I'm sure Burt (Cocker's name) would love it, though! Also, how do you get them to take the garlic & honey? Do they actually like the taste?

BambinA, where can you buy the seeds of the custard apple?

Thanks for the advice everyone - lots of new things to try! :o


Your fear of worms is very general under those who are not yet known with the raw diet :D Pretty much everybody starts of with this fear, and the fear of their dogs (and cats) eating bones. I was no exception.

I give raw to my dogs for the last 6 to 7 year and I never had problems with worms. That is because the digestive system of a carnivore (and a dog is a carnivore) is different form us. Through adding garlic, pumpkins seeds, papaya seeds and coconut (all in limited amounts) you make the environment in the intestines unpleasant for the worms. You can give, if preferred, once in a while a cure of those ingredients.

Having worms in the intestines is not a big deal, as long as there aren't too many. In fact, having a few worms triggers the immune system. A healthy immune system keeps the worms in check. By providing a raw diet you all nutrients in its natural form which is easily absorbed by the animal.

What you can do, before switching over, is become a member of the raw feeding list: [email protected] Loads of info there with people who feed raw for decennia. They can and will tell you all about it :D

As for the garlic and honey. I just put one kilo of garlic through the blender; some water, garlic, honey and blend-blend-blend. This blend you mix with barley powder or oatmeal. !/2 tsp, you give as if giving a pill, on the back of his tongue, then push it in his throat. If he tends to close his mouth when your finger is still in, you can push his lips over his teeth with your other hand.

Hope this helps. Wish you good luck,


BambinA, where can you buy the seeds of the custard apple?

U may ask a favour from your TH neighbour



di chun ja ha /seu noi na dai jak thee nai

(where can i find /buy noi nah(custard apple) ?)

Noi na is a tropical fruit ..you can find it from any part of Thailand ..even in Hua hin :o


(noi na's seeds /// grinded seeds)


great advice nienke!

as for ringworm ketonazole helps also, but the natural ways you described are surely better!

for raw meat: you can see the difference in raw fed dogs! teeth, coat, immunity - everything improves! even my 4 weeks old handraised puppies run mad for raw beef tartar and leave anything else untouched! good is also raw egg yolk, cooked fish. for adult dogs give rather meaty bones like chicken carcasses. you will see the difference in your cocker!! never had worm from raw meat either in my dogs, the 2 monthly invermec doses kill any worms too and for tapeworm you would see the moving things on their poo if there were any...

flax oil and vitamin c and b also recommended.

great advice nienke!

as for ringworm ketonazole helps also, but the natural ways you described are surely better!

for raw meat: you can see the difference in raw fed dogs! teeth, coat, immunity - everything improves! even my 4 weeks old handraised puppies run mad for raw beef tartar and leave anything else untouched! good is also raw egg yolk, cooked fish. for adult dogs give rather meaty bones like chicken carcasses. you will see the difference in your cocker!! never had worm from raw meat either in my dogs, the 2 monthly invermec doses kill any worms too and for tapeworm you would see the moving things on their poo if there were any...

flax oil and vitamin c and b also recommended.

ketaconazole is the broad-spectrum anti fungi med I was talking about. it can be immuno supressive when given too long, and that's what they often prescribe here in CM.

The most common side effects are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. These may be reduced by giving ketoconazole with food or by dividing the dose into several smaller doses. If nausea is severe, it should resolve with discontinuation of the medication.

At higher doses or in certain individuals, liver disease can result from administration but this should resolve with discontinuation of the medication. This is usually a problem for cats rather than dogs.

Some individuals will show a lightening of the hair coat while taking ketoconazole. This effect reverses with discontinuation of the medication.

Ketoconazole interferes with testicular secretion of testosterone and may produce a feminizing effect in males.


Ketoconazole is best not used in breeding male animals due to its feminization effect. It is also best avoided in patients with pre-existing liver disease or with decreased platelet (blood clotting cell) levels.

Ketoconazole has potential to cause birth defects.

When ketoconazole therapy will continue for months at a time, veterinarians should monitor liver enzymes and complete blood counts. This is not necessary when medication is used for only a few weeks.

In my opinion, if I can solve the problem with natural stuff, i rather do that. But if not, then broad-spectrum anti-funi med's in combination with topical natural stuff and, when possible supported by homeopathic med's



thanks for info nienke, actually i use ketonazole only topically, never used tablets, only shampoo and cream.

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