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Gulf Of Thailand Won't Rise With Global Warming, Expert Claims

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I know there has been a lot of criticism on Fox News and CNN of the Al Gore Movie

" An Inconvenient Truth " - I have an open mind and when I saw it two months ago

I confess I believed what was presented - surely even if there are inaccuracies it can't all be wrong ?

In the movie he shows places like Shanghai and Calcutta being very severely affected-

so if they will be so badly hit I dont see why the Gulf of Thailand will be any different :D

My impression exactly...

Also, I thought that his comment about Thailand being "too far away" from the melting glaciers was the bit that has exposed him as being foolish. Distance is no bar to increasing volume of water in the sea overall.

Maybe he was misquoted, or maybe the ministry of information and communication technology has blocked the water surge... :o

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Also, I thought that his comment about Thailand being "too far away" from the melting glaciers was the bit that has exposed him as being foolish. Distance is no bar to increasing volume of water in the sea overall.



In a worst-case scenario, if all the glaciers on the planet melted, it’d dump enough water into the ocean to raise the level more than anyone would like. If anyone thinks we’re overcrowded now, just imagine what it’d be like when the land space is smaller. Don’t think so? Then you'd better figure in all the glacial ice covering Greenland and Antarctica.

The reason it may not seem like a big deal is because the bulk of all this ice is located on landmasses, which are above sea level. Dump it all into the ocean and the water’s gonna rise.

Just because there are height differences in various parts of the ocean doesn’t mean Thailand won’t be affected. Regarding plate tectonics, although things can happen suddenly, in general it's a very slow process in geological terms. But the variations of height differences of the ocean have nothing to do with volume. A simple experiment proves that.

Fill a tub halfway with water. Draw a few things at the water level and above to represent land level. Measure the depth. Now add a block of ice to the water. Now measure the depth again. The level will have increased in height and be above the "land" drawings because of displacement. When the ice has completely melted in the water, the water will remain at the same higher level because of volume. Now put that on a larger scale, where you have ice covering a continent a mile or so deep.

Fill a tub halfway with water. Draw a few things at the water level and above to represent land level. Measure the depth. Now add a block of ice to the water. Now measure the depth again. The level will have increased in height and be above the "land" drawings because of displacement. When the ice has completely melted in the water, the water will remain at the same higher level because of volume. Now put that on a larger scale, where you have ice covering a continent a mile or so deep.

thank you archimedes ,

so there you have it .

conclusive proof.

I think people are getting thrown off by the variations in sea level that exist throughout the world. While these variations are a fact, they do not mean that water from melting glaciers and snow caps are all going to pile up somewhere while the rest of the world's oceans remain unchanged.

The mean sea levels of the Atlantic and pacific will continue to be different from each other, but the overall level of all seas around the world will rise accordingly as well. The differences due to density, current, and wind patterns will still be there to cause differences, but they cannot stop the volume of contiguous water that makes up the world's oceans from growing larger.

It would have been nice if you had cited the source of that comment as well. I was just reading very similar things especially this part "The differences due to density, current, and wind patterns" on the internet somewhere. Hmmm. (I understand you wanted to appear smart, but at least cite the source.) :D

I didn't cite the source because the comment came from my own knowledge. I didn't have to look it up.

If you want to compare IQ's I'll stand toe to toe with you any day and guarantee you will emerge bruised and battered. I've seen how you debate with "idiot" and "stupid" and your contributions that you paste from elsewhere, and to be honest I think I can say quite confidently that my intelligence is superior to yours, and I'm far from the smartest guy around here so I suggest you go back to your books and study like a good little goon because if you want to start measuring up intelligence then you are far out of your league here boy.

You bleat on about how people here are insulting Thailand but in reality little casts Thailand in a worse light than your rude behaviour here.

he criticises farangs because he loves them. he just wants whats best for them. :o


Even if an enormously large object like Al Gore falls into the North Atlantic, sea levels in the Gulf of Thailand are unlikely to rise. If he loses the next election and retires in Jomtien, all bets are off.



I put it down to the fact that Thais only shower and have never used a bath.

When you fill the bath the water always expands to fill the bath,

but this will be little known to most Thais. :o

Even if an enormously large object like Al Gore falls into the North Atlantic, sea levels in the Gulf of Thailand are unlikely to rise. If he loses the next election and retires in Jomtien, all bets are off.

Thanks mdeland - yet another one of your thoroughly constructive postings :o

Are you smoking something down in Hua Hin :D


I love armchair expertise, it has it's own style conventions, such as using phrases like "it just ain't that way" to suggest that the contributor could even be a complete fool (e.g. would not know how to speak proper english) and even then he wouild know that the person being ridiculed was wrong. This gets especially rich when the armchair expert has missed a major point (for example, naively assumes global crustal stability) and is too lazy to think about his own assumptions or read the reference which has been provided. A band of such knee-slapping fellows may appear to be a mob of ignorant oafs.

Jack Swelters


I guess when you look at a globe the water will need to run uphill to fill the gulf and that will stop it from happening. I hope they don’t use the same logic with the nuclear plant they want to build.

I love armchair expertise, it has it's own style conventions, such as using phrases like "it just ain't that way" to suggest that the contributor could even be a complete fool (e.g. would not know how to speak proper english) and even then he wouild know that the person being ridiculed was wrong. This gets especially rich when the armchair expert has missed a major point (for example, naively assumes global crustal stability) and is too lazy to think about his own assumptions or read the reference which has been provided. A band of such knee-slapping fellows may appear to be a mob of ignorant oafs.

Jack Swelters

Careful Jack, next thing you'll be saying is the world ain't flat......

Anyways, if all those ice cubes do melt all at the same time don't it mean that more evaporation takes place, more clouds form, the colder it gets and all that fresh water bungs up the Atlantic conveyor and then it gets real cold real quick and then all them ice cubes come back? Thai man speak good, maybe na?

Sure I read about it somewheres but it could've been in a Xmas cracker or something like, innit?


"and to be honest I think I can say quite confidently that my intelligence is superior to yours..., so I suggest you go back to your books and study like a good little goon because if you want to start measuring up intelligence then you are far out of your league here boy."

Looks like someone was standing at the end of the line when God handed out humility!


The Big Melt Coming Faster Than Expected

By Stephen Leahy

06 April, 2006

Inter Press Service


"Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Cambodia, along with China, could suffer sharp cuts in their gross domestic product as a result of a rise in sea level, it added. "

More here:

And, to make this thread even more controversial and contradictionary:

"Will Sea-Level really fall in the Gulf of Thailand?"

Small excerpt:

" Analasys of 56 years data............................revealed that sea levels are falling slowly, ..........who reported that sea-level falls in the low latitudes and the Gulf of Thailand of 0-50 millimeters...."

From (22 pages in PDF):


Enjoy reading :o


Come on! - Land can rise and fall and sea levels are not "level"

That may be true, but land masses don't usually make a noticable rise or fall to the overall surface of the planet's land within a hundred years or so. Glaciers have been around since the ice age but are disappearing at an astonishing rate. The ice mass at Antarctica has been around even longer and has calved incredibly large chunks of ice. So, yeah, I guess maybe you're partially right. If they all melted (again in a worst-case scenario) then there might well be less land surface.

What does sea levels are not "level" have to do with volume? Although levels may differ in various parts of the ocean, looking at the ocean as a whole you can get a mean average of "level".

For what it's worth, I don't think we'll be seeing the planet turn into Waterworld any time soon. However, I do think the reasoning behind the claim that the "Gulf of Thailand won't rise" is either seriously flawed, or a misunderstanding by the press as to what was meant.


Where was this expert Hydrologist when the proposal of draining the Snake Swamp for the Airport was issued? Was this expert there then, because if so...... Hmmmm


Then do you have a degree in Hydrology? Or have you been stuck on extensive research earnestly trying, and exhausting all resources to finish your research before obtaining your PhD in Hydrology? If so, don't worry you are not alone.

Where was this expert Hydrologist when the proposal of draining the Snake Swamp for the Airport was issued? Was this expert there then, because if so...... Hmmmm


The truth is now out...

He probably moved on to pontificating about global warming when he :o discovered :D that tarmac does not float that well when Boeing 777's land on it!


I was mildly surprised when I saw that headline in the Nation but after reading the article and thinking about it a bit I wouldn't shout my mouth off.

The whole idea of "mean sea level" means that in some areas it's higher and in some areas it's lower.

For the ice cube in the glass experiment - try stirring the water and see how it's level becomes uneven. If you lived on the island in the center you might notice that the stirring reduced the level more than the melting increased. As you add more ice you will find a point where stirring and melting perfectly negate each other. How to calculate that point on the global scale?

Or try another experiment - take a big long tray and fill it with water, then heat one end almost to the boil and at the same time drop ice cubes at the other end. Will the level be even? I don't think so, not even for a second as there will be constant flow, in opposite directions. Would you notice 0.01% difference? That is 1m change for 10km deep ocean.

It is not unimaginable that melting ice caps would introduce new patterns of water movement that would make water level in the Gulf of Thailand drop below the global mean and remain lower than the present level, at least in the near future.

Besides they keep the records - water level has been dropping and glaciers have been melting at the same time.

I didn't cite the source because the comment came from my own knowledge. I didn't have to look it up.

If you want to compare IQ's I'll stand toe to toe with you any day and guarantee you will emerge bruised and battered. I've seen how you debate with "idiot" and "stupid" and your contributions that you paste from elsewhere, and to be honest I think I can say quite confidently that my intelligence is superior to yours, and I'm far from the smartest guy around here so I suggest you go back to your books and study like a good little goon because if you want to start measuring up intelligence then you are far out of your league here boy.

You bleat on about how people here are insulting Thailand but in reality little casts Thailand in a worse light than your rude behaviour here.

:D I guess I did hit the nerve. Anyway, I'm quite impressed now that you are beginning to be able to understand what I (and other people) say unlike earlier when we were discussing about corruption problems in Thailand. Your ability to understand simple words and sentences seems to have improved a little bit. :o Keep it up Cdnvic. :D

"and to be honest I think I can say quite confidently that my intelligence is superior to yours..., so I suggest you go back to your books and study like a good little goon because if you want to start measuring up intelligence then you are far out of your league here boy."

Looks like someone was standing at the end of the line when God handed out humility!

I know you and Thaigoon have some sort of romance going on, but if you want to quote me, then quote exactly what I said, and don't take sentences out of the middle that completely alter the context of what I was saying.

"and I'm far from the smartest guy around here" was what you removed.

Your ability to understand simple words and sentences seems to have improved a little bit. :o Keep it up Cdnvic. :D

Keep it up boy. I've seen a thousand trolls come and go.

Your ability to understand simple words and sentences seems to have improved a little bit. :o Keep it up Cdnvic. :D

Keep it up boy. I've seen a thousand trolls come and go.

:D I'll keep it as simple as I can when I talk to you. :D

As if he could help it. :D

Hmmm, given the fact that I failed to make you grasp the difference between simple sayings of "the problem will disappear" and "the situation will improve" in the corruption thread, then maybe even simple wording won't help. :D:o

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