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It's nice to admire Gone with the Wind’s Melanie, but Scarlett is the one we relate to


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It's nice to admire Gone with the Wind’s Melanie, but Scarlett is the one we relate to




Vivien Leigh (l) and Olivia de Havilland (r), the latter of whom has died aged 104, in Gone with the Wind / CREDIT: Alamy


When I was a girl I loved only Melanie.


I saw Gone with the Wind far too many times, far too young.


We didn’t own a television so I used to go round to a friend’s house and watch the David O Selznick classic and the first Star Wars on rotation.


I couldn’t think how anyone could be prettier than Olivia de Havilland, who played Melanie, and died this week, an astonishing 81 years after the film was released. 


Full Story: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/films/0/gone-winds-melanie-taught-moral-certainty-youth-naive/

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