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When I Saw Parangs, I Thought Sure Die

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I am prepared to admit that my earlier uhm 2-bit analysis may be WAY off the mark and that this happens everywhere in Thailand.

But I have lived on Samui for 9 years and this kind of violence (small gangs displaying excessive violence to farangs over trivial issues) is a newish/escalating trend on Samui.

I have back copies of nearly every SamuiCommunity magazine (back to 1999 anyway), SamuiCommunity newspaper and SamuiExpress newspaper which all carry statistics for murders and attempted murders. I would be prepared to spend a few days going through ALL of them and compiling as accurate figures as possible if people feel this is helpful.

When I first arrived here (1999) and had some business trouble, locals and old timer farangs (in Bophut and Chaweng) often told me that in the not too distant past (i.e. early 1990s /1980s) Samui was like "the wild west" with shootouts in the streets, people carrying guns, bodies in the streets not removed for days, and so on. (Boy did I hear some stories!). So I know Thais are on a short-fuse and can be violent. It just strikes me that the nature of the violence ON SAMUI is changing (from Thai v. Thai to Thai v. farang, from business/money issues to more trivial issues, from one on one to gangs).

I FULLY admit I may be WRONG (so please no personal insults).

Edited by Shokdee
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I am prepared to admit that my earlier uhm 2-bit analysis may be WAY off the mark and that this happens everywhere in Thailand.

But I have lived on Samui for 9 years and this kind of violence (small gangs displaying excessive violence to farangs over trivial issues) is a newish/escalating trend on Samui.

I have back copies of nearly every SamuiCommunity magazine (back to 1999 anyway), SamuiCommunity newspaper and SamuiExpress newspaper which all carry statistics for murders and attempted murders. I would be prepared to spend a few days going through ALL of them and compiling as accurate figures as possible if people feel this is helpful.

When I first arrived here (1999) and had some business trouble, locals and old timer farangs (in Bophut and Chaweng) often told me that in the not too distant past (i.e. early 1990s /1980s) Samui was like "the wild west" with shootouts in the streets, people carrying guns, bodies in the streets not removed for days, and so on. (Boy did I hear some stories!). So I know Thais are on a short-fuse and can be violent. It just strikes me that the nature of the violence ON SAMUI is changing (from Thai v. Thai to Thai v. farang, from business/money issues to more trivial issues, from one on one to gangs).

I FULLY admit I may be WRONG (so please no personal insults).

I think the violence has allways been part of Samui (as else where in the world)and I dont hings have changed that much. the difference is that now there are more media chanels and the internet that are reporting it.

furthermore the population in Samui has cahnged very much and there are more farangs residing in Samui then 8 years ago and there are many more tourists then 8 years ago. so confrantations are bound to happen. and when you get to many people stepping on eaxh other toes so much its bound to have affect on the level of violence.

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I am prepared to admit that my earlier uhm 2-bit analysis may be WAY off the mark and that this happens everywhere in Thailand.

But I have lived on Samui for 9 years and this kind of violence (small gangs displaying excessive violence to farangs over trivial issues) is a newish/escalating trend on Samui.

I have back copies of nearly every SamuiCommunity magazine (back to 1999 anyway), SamuiCommunity newspaper and SamuiExpress newspaper which all carry statistics for murders and attempted murders. I would be prepared to spend a few days going through ALL of them and compiling as accurate figures as possible if people feel this is helpful.

When I first arrived here (1999) and had some business trouble, locals and old timer farangs (in Bophut and Chaweng) often told me that in the not too distant past (i.e. early 1990s /1980s) Samui was like "the wild west" with shootouts in the streets, people carrying guns, bodies in the streets not removed for days, and so on. (Boy did I hear some stories!). So I know Thais are on a short-fuse and can be violent. It just strikes me that the nature of the violence ON SAMUI is changing (from Thai v. Thai to Thai v. farang, from business/money issues to more trivial issues, from one on one to gangs).

I FULLY admit I may be WRONG (so please no personal insults).

I think the violence has allways been part of Samui (as else where in the world)and I dont hings have changed that much. the difference is that now there are more media chanels and the internet that are reporting it.

furthermore the population in Samui has cahnged very much and there are more farangs residing in Samui then 8 years ago and there are many more tourists then 8 years ago. so confrantations are bound to happen. and when you get to many people stepping on eaxh other toes so much its bound to have affect on the level of violence.

not quite the same as else where in the world Thailand number 3 in the world for murders with firearms look who is number 1 and 2 make you see how violent this country is

Crime Statistics > Murders with firearms (per capita) by country

Rank Countries Amount (top to bottom)

#1 South Africa: 0.719782 per 1,000 people

#2 Colombia: 0.509801 per 1,000 people

#3 Thailand: 0.312093 per 1,000 people

#4 Zimbabwe: 0.0491736 per 1,000 people

#5 Mexico: 0.0337938 per 1,000

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I am prepared to admit that my earlier uhm 2-bit analysis may be WAY off the mark and that this happens everywhere in Thailand.

But I have lived on Samui for 9 years and this kind of violence (small gangs displaying excessive violence to farangs over trivial issues) is a newish/escalating trend on Samui.

I have back copies of nearly every SamuiCommunity magazine (back to 1999 anyway), SamuiCommunity newspaper and SamuiExpress newspaper which all carry statistics for murders and attempted murders. I would be prepared to spend a few days going through ALL of them and compiling as accurate figures as possible if people feel this is helpful.

When I first arrived here (1999) and had some business trouble, locals and old timer farangs (in Bophut and Chaweng) often told me that in the not too distant past (i.e. early 1990s /1980s) Samui was like "the wild west" with shootouts in the streets, people carrying guns, bodies in the streets not removed for days, and so on. (Boy did I hear some stories!). So I know Thais are on a short-fuse and can be violent. It just strikes me that the nature of the violence ON SAMUI is changing (from Thai v. Thai to Thai v. farang, from business/money issues to more trivial issues, from one on one to gangs).

I FULLY admit I may be WRONG (so please no personal insults).

I think the violence has allways been part of Samui (as else where in the world)and I dont hings have changed that much. the difference is that now there are more media chanels and the internet that are reporting it.

furthermore the population in Samui has cahnged very much and there are more farangs residing in Samui then 8 years ago and there are many more tourists then 8 years ago. so confrantations are bound to happen. and when you get to many people stepping on eaxh other toes so much its bound to have affect on the level of violence.

not quite the same as else where in the world Thailand number 3 in the world for murders with firearms look who is number 1 and 2 make you see how violent this country is

Crime Statistics > Murders with firearms (per capita) by country

Rank Countries Amount (top to bottom)

#1 South Africa: 0.719782 per 1,000 people

#2 Colombia: 0.509801 per 1,000 people

#3 Thailand: 0.312093 per 1,000 people

#4 Zimbabwe: 0.0491736 per 1,000 people

#5 Mexico: 0.0337938 per 1,000

yes I know the stats from santion master

1 South Africa: 0.719782 per 1,000 people

#2 Colombia: 0.509801 per 1,000 people

#3 Thailand: 0.312093 per 1,000 people

#4 Zimbabwe: 0.0491736 per 1,000 people

#5 Mexico: 0.0337938 per 1,000 people

#6 Belarus: 0.0321359 per 1,000 people

#7 Costa Rica: 0.0313745 per 1,000 people

#8 United States: 0.0279271 per 1,000 people

notice that the USA with is at number 8 with not such a huge difference.

it can also realte to the fact that gun controll in those countries is very weak..

so when you go to all the above countries as a tourist try and avoid pissing the local off as they have a very short fuse.

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Clear message here then people. Dont piss off the locals - on any level - if you do, its your own fault for traveling to a country with the third highest firearm murder rate in the world. With this in mind, you only have yourself to blame when you wind up in a coma, for commiting the serious faux par of parking your scooter in a taxi rank by mistake, and getting set upon by 25 crazy Thai's.

When you politley smiled at that passing Thai girl in a crowded bar - you pretty much asked for a mob lynching inspired and enginered by her insecure, yabba riddled boyfriend and anyone else who was within stabbing range.

And when your wing mirror accidently bumped the side of that brand new Hi-Lux on the beach road, resulting in a hair line scratch that will likely polish out in 5 minutes - what on earth where you thinking of, calmly waiting for the police to show up? Just pay the guy the 60,000Baht he demands and be done with it! If you dont, you will piss him off and rightly be kicked half to death by any of the 20 brave locals within spitting distance.

I hang my head in shame - you tourists realy do ask for it.

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Clear message here then people. Dont piss off the locals - on any level - if you do, its your own fault for traveling to a country with the third highest firearm murder rate in the world. With this in mind, you only have yourself to blame when you wind up in a coma, for commiting the serious faux par of parking your scooter in a taxi rank by mistake, and getting set upon by 25 crazy Thai's.

or you can park where you are supposed to and avoid the problem in the first place.

When you politley smiled at that passing Thai girl in a crowded bar - you pretty much asked for a mob lynching inspired and enginered by her insecure, yabba riddled boyfriend and anyone else who was within stabbing range.

you dont get it from a smaile. you do get it when you are so pissed drunk that you assume that every thai girl is just begging to go to bed with you because you are a farrang and "all thai girls are jsut looking for it" and cant take a polite no... and when her boyfriend or others try and make you aware that you are going up the wrong tree. you still dont get it and offend the guy infront of his friends and girlfriend.

And when your wing mirror accidently bumped the side of that brand new Hi-Lux on the beach road, resulting in a hair line scratch that will likely polish out in 5 minutes - what on earth where you thinking of, calmly waiting for the police to show up? Just pay the guy the 60,000Baht he demands and be done with it! If you dont, you will piss him off and rightly be kicked half to death by any of the 20 brave locals within spitting distance.

that again where you are wrong.. the best way to sattle this is first appologise and then call your insurence and let them take care of it. and if the guy is angery be a little more simpathetic. no one likes to have a brand new car scratcehd not even farrangs.

i have seen many cases of this in Samui and if you looseyour temper you are wrong.. you bmped the guys car and he has every right to be upset. and when upset he may even say some nasty remarks or even try to ripp you off... so what?? but if you respond and get him even more angery

the main thing is not to loose your temper and start making acusations. keep a calm face and they will cool down.

I hang my head in shame - you tourists realy do ask for it.

you ust reale be hurting living here in TOL so ay dont you go back home to the UK and avoid those "nasty" thais. it seems through many of your posts that you realy dont like thailand.

for you sake i hioe you keeo your argumentative provocative tepremant only to the forums. with this type of attitude you are bound to hit problems soon.

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OK, if we get back to the original post about the Singapore guys that were attacked - they didn't appear to be drunk, abusive or to have p*ssed anyone off. What sticks in my mind is the poor guy saying over and over "Sorry Sorry". Some comments have been along the lines of "well they MUST have done something" (back to it's the victim's fault) but I have read the news story a number of time and I can't find anything.

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I’m getting really pissed off with this forum and its bloody keyboard warriors. Maybe my temperament is not suited to forum discussions as I seem to attract all of the dickheads who want a fight. What really pisses me off is that my opinions may be strong – but in a face to face situation they go down well. On this forum, I get the impression that the quiet guys who usually sit in the corner of the pub saying nothing feel the urge to make there voice heard, once I challenge there opinions.

Even the mods ban me for raising the heat a little. Whets wrong with you people? Why the urge to ‘kick off’ when someone has a strong opinion A little sarcasm is not intended as offensive – I am just challenging, that’s all.

HighDiver - you remind e of so many posters past and present who simply can’t grasp the concept of debate. Further more, you are typical of a poster who just twists, turns and manipulates posts with the sole personal intention of remaining dominant on the thread. Mate, if you have no answer other than twisting every single word posted, and then I suggest you don’t post at all. It tires me having to qualify my original posts time after time for dullards and losers who have nothing better t do than pick fights on web forums.

Taxi ranks;

High Diver – consider some floppy haired bloke from Sweden who mistakenly parks in a taxi rank. He doesn’t know it is a taxi rank, as there are no signs indicating so and the taxi bikes parked there are just normal bikes. He walks away from his bike; some crazy looking Thai dude approaches him and shouts – he shouts back, and then gets set upon. Can you please explain to me how a random tourist is supposed to ‘park where they are supposed to’ as you so intelligently and objectively see it.

Smiling at a Thai girl;

I guess every single guy tourist in LOS is smiling at a Thai girl with the sole intention of a little short time. Is that what you are saying? A smile is a smile – from a drunken 4am sex tourist to a guy in 7/11 buying chewing gum….. Jesus, do I have to be so careful with my examples? You can’t see the general point I am making without leaping to such finer points? Are you seriously suggesting that smiling at a Thai girl warrants a kicking? I smile at girls all the time! It’s called being nice pal – try it sometime.


<deleted>!!!! That’s exactly what I said!!! I said calmly wait for police so how am I wrong Mr.Bloody.Expereniced!!! Tourists are not going to call insurance, they don’t know how to!! Police is the next best thing.

“If the guy is angry be a little more sympathetic” Where in my post Mr Einstein did I suggest being anything other than sympathetic? I said ‘calmly waiting for police’ does that suggest being loud and unsympathetic to you?

Mate – I suggest you repost with an argument/debate.

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I like your style.

This is a horrible thing to happen to anyone. How can a simple loss of face,wich can be as individuale as sliced cheese, be met with such violence. Is'nt such over reaction a greater loss of face?

Why are so many on TV ready to blame the victims?

I worked in to many bars for to many years as security and can tell you RANDOM violence can be just that random. No reason except in the minds of the penile deficiants who commit it.

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I like your style.

This is a horrible thing to happen to anyone. How can a simple loss of face,wich can be as individuale as sliced cheese, be met with such violence. Is'nt such over reaction a greater loss of face?

Why are so many on TV ready to blame the victims?

I worked in to many bars for to many years as security and can tell you RANDOM violence can be just that random. No reason except in the minds of the penile deficiants who commit it.

The 'reasons' probably boiled down to a combination of an adverse football result and hysteria whipped up due to Toxins business dealings with Singapore. Distill this down to a drunken miasma and the local detritus will do the rest. Samui is only a microcosm of the world though, alienation and a large 'foreign' population result in the same thing everywhere, though I suspect this will get worse due to a deteriorating world economic situation. I fear this will result in the same tourists who boosted the economy being driven away in a vicious cycle as they are scapegoated for local economic problems.

P.S Any news of prosecutions in the case of the Israeli murdered at the full moon party?

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Steely: "The 'reasons' probably boiled down to a combination of an adverse football result and hysteria whipped up due to Toxins business dealings with Singapore".

But how in the world would that bunch of Thai thugs know that these 4 guys were from SINGAPORE, and not say Korea, China, Hong Kong, or Malaysia? It's often very difficult to pin down someone's nationality talking at length with them in broad daylight, let alone driving past on a motorbike 4am in the morning in a dark alley. (???)

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I find your response very contributing to the subject as it domostrates how a disucssion or a debate can escalate quickly into violence. and once violence starts its is usualy to late to stop it.

I’m getting really pissed off with this forum and its bloody keyboard warriors. Maybe my temperament is not suited to forum discussions as I seem to attract all of the dickheads who want a fight.

So all those people are just sitting waiting to have a fight with you... or maybe its you who is trying to be a a "warrior".

when you point a finger at someone remenber that four fingers are pointing at you.

What really pisses me off is that my opinions may be strong – but in a face to face situation they go down well. On this forum, I get the impression that the quiet guys who usually sit in the corner of the pub saying nothing feel the urge to make there voice heard, once I challenge there opinions.

you do have good and strong opinions it the way you present them that is a problem. its not what you say but how you say it.

Even the mods ban me for raising the heat a little. Whets wrong with you people? Why the urge to ‘kick off’ when someone has a strong opinion A little sarcasm is not intended as offensive – I am just challenging, that’s all.

there is a difference between chalenging and provocation or inflaming. the earlier can lead to a serious debate while the later usualy ends up with a fight.

HighDiver - you remind e of so many posters past and present who simply can’t grasp the concept of debate. Further more, you are typical of a poster who just twists, turns and manipulates posts with the sole personal intention of remaining dominant on the thread. Mate, if you have no answer other than twisting every single word posted, and then I suggest you don’t post at all. It tires me having to qualify my original posts time after time for dullards and losers who have nothing better t do than pick fights on web forums.

this is exactly the type of attitude that gets people in problems. you take a debate and make it personal. and once you make it personal you can never anticipate what the other guy will do.. so dont go there...

as for what you think about me personally it realy has no relevence to me of this post so I will refrain from addressing this issue.

you see how easy it was to not get in a fight. it realy takes 2 to tango and I can choose to respond to your remarks with vengence and continue this infentile discussion or try and debate the real issue.

Taxi ranks;

High Diver – consider some floppy haired bloke from Sweden who mistakenly parks in a taxi rank. He doesn’t know it is a taxi rank, as there are no signs indicating so and the taxi bikes parked there are just normal bikes. He walks away from his bike; some crazy looking Thai dude approaches him and shouts – he shouts back, and then gets set upon. Can you please explain to me how a random tourist is supposed to ‘park where they are supposed to’ as you so intelligently and objectively see it.

lets analise your question: someone makes a mistake and then is confronted with a very angry local who is shouting. do you realy think it contributes anything to shout back??? or is this leading to further violence?? why not just appologise and take the blame on your self and then take off. its better then showing the local Who is stronger and that he can not shout at you..

Smiling at a Thai girl;

I guess every single guy tourist in LOS is smiling at a Thai girl with the sole intention of a little short time. Is that what you are saying? A smile is a smile – from a drunken 4am sex tourist to a guy in 7/11 buying chewing gum….. Jesus, do I have to be so careful with my examples? You can’t see the general point I am making without leaping to such finer points? Are you seriously suggesting that smiling at a Thai girl warrants a kicking? I smile at girls all the time! It’s called being nice pal – try it sometime.

I agree with you that smiling does not create violence. its the refusal that some farrangs get and cant handle that get them going all tempered. and when they are are tempered they shoot thier mouth off. unforunatly and i have seen it in chaweng and infact in many other places around the world. a guy likes a girl and smiles and is all sweety with her.. but if she says she is not intrested she then becomes a traget for sarcastic and abusive remarks... many man just can take the fact that NO is an answer.


<deleted>!!!! That’s exactly what I said!!! I said calmly wait for police so how am I wrong Mr.Bloody.Expereniced!!! Tourists are not going to call insurance, they don’t know how to!! Police is the next best thing.

you are right its the "<deleted>" variations that you use in the same time that probebly may start a fight. its the way that you respond with escelating violent words that can get you in a mass..

“If the guy is angry be a little more sympathetic” Where in my post Mr Einstein did I suggest being anything other than sympathetic? I said ‘calmly waiting for police’ does that suggest being loud and unsympathetic to you?

No and I am glad that we agree on this point..

Mate – I suggest you repost with an argument/debate.

It seem you have such important views but with out generalising to much also have a tendency to present them in a way that intices violence.

As I told you before in my post its not what you say but rather as how you say it...

I thank you for allowing this debate and that the Mods have allowed it as it just shows how a debate can move of topic and escelate into violence. debate is not fighting. debate is not pissing other people off. debate is offering your views with out offending anyone personally.

in this forum people have some time to think before they post and reply. and still there are those who may decide on posting flaming remarks and abusive personal insults..and an isult is how the insulted memeber feels..in the foeum case once this is out of line the Mods step in warn and ultimatly remove you. in our day to day lives we dont have that luxury of moderators and our responses to others people can be cruital. if you dont mind your language you wil find your self in a big problem specially here in thailand.

and for the record if by any way you have been insulted personally by me i appologise. it has been my intention only to disuss this issue .

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No matter how serious or unjustified the violence towards some tourist there is always some aplogist on this board says its the tourisrs fault for whatever reason

Faced with an argument its always go home of you do not like it

I just hope these people never have the same sentiments pointed towards them after an incident

I am glad I do not live in the same jungle!

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Speaking of calling the police, what is their phone numbers? Do you call the tourist police even if you are in a remote area? What about a phone number to one of the hospitals to request an ambulance. I think I better program these into my phone and fast!

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I understand all about "face" but that doesn't explain the excessive violence, the roaming gangs. Here's my 2 cents worth:

It's a social problem stemming from the breakdown of local community and community values. The local Samui people who had big, valuable pieces of land, have sold out and moved to Bangkok. Those with less land are left behind. More and more NON SAMUI people come in to replace the locals. Not only construction, but at 7-11, Tesco, Big C, everywhere. These people have no ties to the island, there is no network of "face saving" within the community anymore. The neigbourhood watch, the shame in the family, all those things that keep a community together are gone. So that is one big cause of problems on Samui - TOO MANY NON-LOCALS WITH NO FAMILY TIES HERE.

But there is also another, related, aspect. Those left behind are increasingly feeling left out, increasingly seeing these non-locals pouring in. Feeling of helplessness, frustration builds amongst the locals. They start to feel like strangers on their own island. This leads to excessive violence. I predict you'll see more and more local gangs (schoolkids oftentimes) taking out their frustrations as their society is ripped apart. So a second cause is FEELING OF HOPLESSNESS/FRUSTRATION AMONG LOCAL TOUGH GUYS.

Which leads to another point. Slowly you'll see the local bullyboys and local small fry mafia (taxi, tourguides, boats, sex, drugs) will also be squeezed out as Samui ratchets up to be millionaire playground. The BIG BOYS (international mafia) will start stepping in as the stakes rise to a point where it makes it viable for them to get involved. (The 2 Russian ladies shot at Pataya is, I think, an example of what I'm talking about). So the third cause is LOOMING POWER STRUGGLE OVER WHO HAS THE POWER ON SAMUI.

Really I love Samui very much, but I see the problem is deep rooted and not easy to solve. You can gloss it over as isolated incidents but I think it is only going to get worse!

I will say you said what I have since 2002, and it is taking the top problem, like the building/ rape of the Island, since it's a matter of $$$, and No time to local problems (youth) especially with the internet, how youth hear what going down, and even the internet and what have you. Im giving it at most 3 years, and it'll be a upperclass Pattaya, with the International/Thai mob running the Island.

<Gimme Shelter> :o"rape, murder, its just a shot away"!

Edited by SamuiJens
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not quite the same as else where in the world Thailand number 3 in the world for murders with firearms look who is number 1 and 2 make you see how violent this country is

Crime Statistics > Murders with firearms (per capita) by country

Rank Countries Amount (top to bottom)

#1 South Africa: 0.719782 per 1,000 people

#2 Colombia: 0.509801 per 1,000 people

#3 Thailand: 0.312093 per 1,000 people

#4 Zimbabwe: 0.0491736 per 1,000 people

#5 Mexico: 0.0337938 per 1,000

Those statistics are wrong! I've mentioned that in other topics already.

The total murders by firearms are 20,032 :D whilst the total murders in Thailand is 5,140; and that's odd, isn't it?


There is a message about that on the above website regarding the error, but couldn't find it; nevertheless the # 0.312093 per 1000 people is not correct.

It's: #14, Thailand: 0.0800798 per 1,000 people (total murders per capita/country)


Still, not a number for a country to be proud of... :o


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SamuiJens - good point about internet cafes! They are packed with kids day in and day out and ties in to these gangs roaming looking for trouble.

About Stats - don't know why bit I feel a slight relief that Thailand has dropped from #3 to #14 sad.gif

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I’m getting really pissed off with this forum and its bloody keyboard warriors. Maybe my temperament is not suited to forum discussions as I seem to attract all of the dickheads who want a fight. What really pisses me off is that my opinions may be strong – but in a face to face situation they go down well. On this forum, I get the impression that the quiet guys who usually sit in the corner of the pub saying nothing feel the urge to make there voice heard, once I challenge there opinions.

Even the mods ban me for raising the heat a little. Whets wrong with you people? Why the urge to ‘kick off’ when someone has a strong opinion A little sarcasm is not intended as offensive – I am just challenging, that’s all.

Well done.

You are banned again (suspended for 7 days) for criticising moderator decisions..................

See No 5 in the Forum Rules

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TIT This is Thailand.

the govements job bascially is to look after themselves and mess everyone else about at the same time.

they want to force you to kiss thier arse so to speak.

example the electric office.

we have a person come and check our electric every month for 1 year.

yet today when we go to pay the electric at natong. the lady tells us that we have to come back next week because the man cannot find our meter. the same man that has been checking it for a year.

forangs are like oil to arabs. i don;t see many arabs pointlessly thoughing oil away.

then This is thailand.

Edited by sbk
please read forum rules regarding posting extremely negative views
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TIT This is Thailand.

the govements job bascially is to look after themselves and mess everyone else about at the same time.

they want to force you to kiss thier arse so to speak.

example the electric office.

we have a person come and check our electric every month for 1 year.

yet today when we go to pay the electric at natong. the lady tells us that we have to come back next week because the man cannot find our meter. the same man that has been checking it for a year.

forangs are like oil to arabs. i don;t see many arabs pointlessly thoughing oil away.

then This is thailand.

Hey BigC, maybe (I don't know where you live) but maybe with all the new houses poping up, I get lost too, when I'm going to an address where I haven't been in a few months, so if this is the kind of neigbourhood you live in, cut the guy some slack, if NOT, then tell him he owes you some Baht for the gas/time you wasted, AND don't tell us about on this thread, unless you're going to kill the guy, or did you get the wrong thread??? :D :D one Thais mix-up does'nt mean all thais are Ting Tong, probably as many as other nationalitys?

My point is, what has your problem to do with Gangs with Parangs? :D:o Not the Goverment, is it?

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sorry about the affending fraze i shall refrase what i said and say that some thai's are stupid and lazy and don't care. same as some forangs. cannot argue with that. that is not affensive that is a fact.

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I’m getting really pissed off with this forum and its bloody keyboard warriors. Maybe my temperament is not suited to forum discussions as I seem to attract all of the dickheads who want a fight. What really pisses me off is that my opinions may be strong – but in a face to face situation they go down well. On this forum, I get the impression that the quiet guys who usually sit in the corner of the pub saying nothing feel the urge to make there voice heard, once I challenge there opinions.

Even the mods ban me for raising the heat a little. Whets wrong with you people? Why the urge to ‘kick off’ when someone has a strong opinion A little sarcasm is not intended as offensive – I am just challenging, that’s all.

HighDiver - you remind e of so many posters past and present who simply can’t grasp the concept of debate. Further more, you are typical of a poster who just twists, turns and manipulates posts with the sole personal intention of remaining dominant on the thread. Mate, if you have no answer other than twisting every single word posted, and then I suggest you don’t post at all. It tires me having to qualify my original posts time after time for dullards and losers who have nothing better t do than pick fights on web forums.

Taxi ranks;

High Diver – consider some floppy haired bloke from Sweden who mistakenly parks in a taxi rank. He doesn’t know it is a taxi rank, as there are no signs indicating so and the taxi bikes parked there are just normal bikes. He walks away from his bike; some crazy looking Thai dude approaches him and shouts – he shouts back, and then gets set upon. Can you please explain to me how a random tourist is supposed to ‘park where they are supposed to’ as you so intelligently and objectively see it.

Smiling at a Thai girl;

I guess every single guy tourist in LOS is smiling at a Thai girl with the sole intention of a little short time. Is that what you are saying? A smile is a smile – from a drunken 4am sex tourist to a guy in 7/11 buying chewing gum….. Jesus, do I have to be so careful with my examples? You can’t see the general point I am making without leaping to such finer points? Are you seriously suggesting that smiling at a Thai girl warrants a kicking? I smile at girls all the time! It’s called being nice pal – try it sometime.


&lt;deleted&gt;!!!! That’s exactly what I said!!! I said calmly wait for police so how am I wrong Mr.Bloody.Expereniced!!! Tourists are not going to call insurance, they don’t know how to!! Police is the next best thing.


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MeatG, Im not a mod. meself, as you know, I had a bet you would be warned or banned as well, as the rules, if read properly can get almost any post delated or give you a suspention or banning, not that I agree with all the rules, since you have to limit your output! But those are the rules we all signed on here with and have to live with them. At least you didn't get Suspended (banned)!!

Edited by SamuiJens
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Discussing moderator issues in open forum is against the rules. In the future, address your issues to a moderator on duty. I don't know what post was deleted but suspect it had more to do with quoting stick's post than anything to do with what you posted.

Lets get back on topic, instead of discussing this or the meter reader.

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