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After contacting the U.K. Gov by email re my Thai partners 6 month Tourist Visa was expiring on the 4th of September I received a standard reply that anyone whose Visa is about to expire should be making arrangements to leave the U.K. It did mention she could apply to stay longer but I don’t think she would fall into any of the criteria required.
I did emphasise we had a 5 year old and it would not be ideal for his Mother, I wouldn’t be returning to Thailand to spend 14 days in a hotel but I received the standard answer as above.

I have contacted the Thai Embassy by email asking how I register a Mother and child for a Repatriation flight but they just send back an application form for an individual, I will try and call them to confirm what the requirements are.

My main question is, is there a priority list of who can be accepted for a place on a Repatriation Flight, by all accounts all the places have been taken up for the August flights and no flights have been announced for September as yet ?



Any thai national can return, however, I would extend her uk visa unless you don't  want to see her or the child  for a year or so.

7 hours ago, uncleP said:

Any thai national can return, however, I would extend her uk visa unless you don't  want to see her or the child  for a year or so.

I am currently looking into that but there has to be a good reason, my reasons in my email were all the travel 400 kilometres from where we live, 400k time in London to arrange all the details would put them at a greater risk of contracting Cocid19. I also said it was unreasonable to expect a Mother to spend 14 days in a hotel with a 5 year old. What really concerns me if for some reason medical or otherwise we cancelled the flight it is non refundable.

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