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32 Pheu Thai MPs vow to stand by student protesters


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1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Did you hear about Google? You can search for articles and pictures. And you should be able to find lots of them.

I was here and I saw lots of people giving those flowers to the soldiers.

I myself gave soft-drinks to them.


It's no surprise that you don't know what you are talking about if you only look at one picture.

I'll have to start typing slower so that you can better comprehend what is on the screen before you.


The point is, old chum, if the army is so popular why can they not ever win an election.


If everyone so loved the army that soldiers were showered with flowers after the coup, why did the Generals feel the need to write such and undemocratic constitution and then rig an election.



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2 hours ago, scorecard said:

I very much doubt that, do some reading of what their student leaders have been saying and note that one of their role models is khun Thanathorn.  


None of that aligns to thaksin. 

So why the continued "but, but Thaksin".

The students want democracy and human rights in Thailand - do you?

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2 hours ago, Loongharkok said:

You have a very long post history here (424 pages to be exact).

Who and what you support is not up for debate.


An unhealthy Thaksin obsession is by far and away the most potent and accurate indicator identifying those who "love the other side".


Stop hiding behind Thaksin and start being honest - if not with the world at large, then at the very least with yourself.



 Total rubbish. By the way it's my right (everybody's right) to like or dislike whatever they choose. 


I have explained many times with details why I dislike thaksin. And I have many times before (which folks like you always ignore) that I don't support the current regime, if you do more reading, you'll find dozens of posts explaining why I don't like the current mob.

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13 minutes ago, Loongharkok said:

I'll have to start typing slower so that you can better comprehend what is on the screen before you.


The point is, old chum, if the army is so popular why can they not ever win an election.


If everyone so loved the army that soldiers were showered with flowers after the coup, why did the Generals feel the need to write such and undemocratic constitution and then rig an election.



No need for your first paragraph.

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3 minutes ago, Loongharkok said:

So why the continued "but, but Thaksin".

The students want democracy and human rights in Thailand - do you?

So looks like we have a new protector on TV. 


The students are clearly talking about democracy/real democracy, freedom of speech, reduce the gap and more.


PT/red shirts trying to join the students is a ploy, they have no history of pushing for real democracy and their own 'organization' is not formed, lead, managed by democratic principle. 


Thaksin, you can try the age old 'but but thaksin', I raise it because I suspect he's behind the reds pushing to join the students. I don't have proof of that and you don't have proof that he isn't doing that!


End of discussion. 

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16 minutes ago, scorecard said:

 Total rubbish. By the way it's my right (everybody's right) to like or dislike whatever they choose. 


I have explained many times with details why I dislike thaksin. And I have many times before (which folks like you always ignore) that I don't support the current regime, if you do more reading, you'll find dozens of posts explaining why I don't like the current mob.


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8 minutes ago, scorecard said:

So looks like we have a new protector on TV. 


The students are clearly talking about democracy/real democracy, freedom of speech, reduce the gap and more.


PT/red shirts trying to join the students is a ploy, they have no history of pushing for real democracy and their own 'organization' is not formed, lead, managed by democratic principle. 


Thaksin, you can try the age old 'but but thaksin', I raise it because I suspect he's behind the reds pushing to join the students. I don't have proof of that and you don't have proof that he isn't doing that!


End of discussion. 

The students want democracy and human rights in Thailand - do you?


Why do you think it is you avoided answering that question?


You are not opposed to Thaksin.


Rabbiting on about Thaksin is how you communicate your political views because you lack the courage to simply state what it is that you believe in.


Try and comment on Thai politics without mentioning Thaksin, you simply will not be able to do it until you front up to yourself and accept you sit on the outer limits of the extreme right and have not the slightest interest in democracy.


End of discussion - no what you mean is that you don't like being confronted with truths that shatter your factually unsupported beliefs and would rather remain ignorant to reality than learn, grow and change for the better.


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On 8/16/2020 at 2:20 PM, rasmus5150 said:

Keep the demonstrations "clean", keep out Pheu Thai.


If they involve Pheu Thai, then the end result will not be democracy but only more corruption and incompetence.

thatll  be  the  end  result  with ANY of them

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15 hours ago, Loongharkok said:

But, but Thaksin

Until the day you die.


These kids, the ones fighting for their country, there is an awful lot you need to learn from them.


The simplest and most obvious thing, don't ever side with those who conduct coups with anti-democratic fascist undertones.


You would think something so mind numbingly obvious would not need to be stated, but here we are hey?


But, but Thaksin.

You take everything out of context. There are a a lot of you guys. I already stated Thaksin is a problem and always will be so will the Prayut and his followers. The youth should be independent and not fall for the same trap and go for good leaders.



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13 hours ago, Loongharkok said:

The students want democracy and human rights in Thailand - do you?


Why do you think it is you avoided answering that question?


You are not opposed to Thaksin.


Rabbiting on about Thaksin is how you communicate your political views because you lack the courage to simply state what it is that you believe in.


Try and comment on Thai politics without mentioning Thaksin, you simply will not be able to do it until you front up to yourself and accept you sit on the outer limits of the extreme right and have not the slightest interest in democracy.


End of discussion - no what you mean is that you don't like being confronted with truths that shatter your factually unsupported beliefs and would rather remain ignorant to reality than learn, grow and change for the better.



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17 hours ago, Loongharkok said:

How hilarious are you guys.

These kids would, given the opportunity, all willingly vote for Thaksin in a heartbeat.

The kids are risking all for a cause that is diametrically opposed to your ramblings.

The students and Pheu Thai are aligned - it is your thoughts and musings that require realignment.

What a stupid remark, these kids are independent from the PTP only in your dreams would they vote for the PTP. These kids are certainly NOT (yet) aligned with the PTP. They are against the junta. That is a totally different thing. 


That is like aligning with a snake to get away a rat. Then when you got the rat gone you still have the snake. Thankfully the students are smarter then this.



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16 hours ago, Loongharkok said:

I'll have to start typing slower so that you can better comprehend what is on the screen before you.


The point is, old chum, if the army is so popular why can they not ever win an election.


If everyone so loved the army that soldiers were showered with flowers after the coup, why did the Generals feel the need to write such and undemocratic constitution and then rig an election.



At this point going through my  mind is something Sam Clemens said long ago.  "Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." But I  have a fact for you....I was there when the flowers were given to soldiers by dozens of Thais.  Not only that the soldiers were given food and drinks.  Why did they do it?  Happiness,  the trouble was finished and very few ordinary Thai people were killed or wounded.  It was a special moment in time. 

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9 hours ago, Grumpy John said:

At this point going through my  mind is something Sam Clemens said long ago.  "Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." But I  have a fact for you....I was there when the flowers were given to soldiers by dozens of Thais.  Not only that the soldiers were given food and drinks.  Why did they do it?  Happiness,  the trouble was finished and very few ordinary Thai people were killed or wounded.  It was a special moment in time. 

There are about 70 million Thais......so dozens, even hundreds or thousands giving flowers to soldiers is but a drop in the ocean and far from a sufficient number to extrapolate popular support for the coup.


An election of course could clearly reveal where support truly lays......curious then why one side is so opposed to democracy.....don't you think?


The special moment in time is yet to occur, but don't fret, not long to wait now.


BTW - why is it that so many of you pro-coup supporters seem to think that being in Thailand during periods of unrest somehow turns your nonsense into facts? It doesn't. Such claims simply highlight the logical weaknesses underlying your utterances.

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11 hours ago, robblok said:

What a stupid remark, these kids are independent from the PTP only in your dreams would they vote for the PTP. These kids are certainly NOT (yet) aligned with the PTP. They are against the junta. That is a totally different thing. 


That is like aligning with a snake to get away a rat. Then when you got the rat gone you still have the snake. Thankfully the students are smarter then this.

So close, yet so far.

Prior to the coups Thailand's democracy was a work in progress.

Power was achieved via the ballot box and policies such as universal health care were enacted.

It was far from perfect, but heading in the right direction.


Those that were unhappy with the growing liberalisation and freedoms said "Thai democracy is not perfect, it is a rat and we need a snake to get rid of the rat to clear the way for a perfect system of governance to magically appear"


So some welcomed the coups. 

The snake devoured the rat and, surprise of surprises, after the rat was gone, the snake remained and democracy and good governance were further away than they'd ever been.


So here we are, Thailand is stuck with the snake, the rich are getting richer, the people have less and less of everything bar misery.


The cure was manifestly worse than the disease - the students are here to rectify the situation.


As for the likes of you, day after day spewing out exaggerated, untruthful nonsense about the rat whilst completely ignoring the devastation and destruction wrought by the snake, well, like I said, so close, yet........



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