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There is a widespread habit amongst the Thai, mostly but not exclusively older ones, to chew bethelnut, miang and... any suggestions?

Bethelnut: slice the fresh or dried nuts (mahk), wrap in a special leaf (bai boo), coated with red or white lime powder (poon). This is chewed and the resulting red juice spewed out. A lot of old women do this all day, and have red toothstumps, since lime is an aggressive acid.

This is supposed to be a light stimulant, and from experience I can tell that it is disgusting and burns your mouth, but made me all red faced (not from the juice) for a couple of minutes, much to the amusement of my Gf's aunt who administered the concoction.

Miang consists of steamed leaves (of which plant?), which spiced with a bit of salt and sugar, is chewed for hours and juices swallowed. Supposed to make one strong to work in the ricefields, I was informed. I haven't been able to keep the stuff long enough in my mouth to notice any effects -again much to the amusement of various Thai friends.

Do any of these have potential for being marketed as the new club hype?


Miang is fermented tea leaves with a touch of salt. You use it a bit like that Svenske chewing tobacco and let in ride in your cheek. It is a mild stimulant. I use to put a wad in my mouth every morning before I began my motorbike ride down the mountain to the paved road on my way to teach at the college in the early AM.

Now it is much harder to find in the villages. The neighboring village in the mountains that was once noted for its miang switched from tea to chemically laced flowers for the export market.


I've often toyed with the idea of possibly marketing Betel Nut extract in combination with Red Man chewing tobacco. Talk about some spitting fools! :o


the green leaves, maybe its what we call 'gat'; the yemenite people chew it here in israel, they say its better then viagra, been known since the bible, and gives extra energy too...it looks like a small tree, low bush with dark green leaves

maybe not the same, couldnt find that it is grown in tropics

NAME: CATHINONE, Kat, Khat, Qat, Quat, Chat, Catha, Abyssiniantea, African Tea



TYPE: Natural Occurring


The buds on fresh leaves of a tree/shrub (catha edulis) are chewed. The dried leaves can be used but are less potent. Commonly used in parts of Africa and Arabia, and has been used since ancient times.




Euphoria, hallucinations, mental clarity, paranoia and anxiety.


Similar to amphetamines. Increase in blood pressure, repiratory rate, laughing and talking.


Psychological dependence may develop.


Availability is limited to large cities where immigrants from Yemen and East Africans are located. The fresh leaves are flown in and must be used within 48-hours for best results.


Thank you for your comments.

Miang:So it's tea leaves, I should be able to improve on the flavour, and take some samples to Europe without being arrested.

Bina, Cathinone, doesn't sound like the same, never heard of anybody having hallucinations. But bai katom, growing in Southern Thailand, might well be what you mention. I haven't mentioned it, because it is illegal in Thailand, possession carries a fine of 500Bt per leaf, although the bushes grow wildly like weeds.

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