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Hi all,


I am trying to ship my home wood and machine shop to Thailand from the US. My milling machine and lathe are heavy. I was wondering if anyone on this forum has had a similar experience. Any replies would be most appreciated.






Are you SURE you want to run 60Hz equipment on a 50Hz supply??? 

...here are some forum threads to peruse while you wait for an "I recently did this" answer from fellow members


American Electronics that will work in Thailand
By DanFromHawaii, October 15, 2019 in The Electrical Forum


Shipping container US --> Thailand
By gamb00ler, June 10, 2019 in General topics


Shipping 20 ft container from US to Thailand questions.
By sirineou, May 26, 2018 in General topics



I've already checked and everything will run OK on 50 Hz. The motors won't have as much power but for what I want to do it doesn't matter. The electronics will run with no issues.


Thank you for the suggestion,



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