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Amnesty extension for a Canadian (sorry)

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Apologize for this drawn out topic! Having somewhere to post and read about this is very helpful, even if nothing comes of it 


Any Canadians out there? I’ve been bothering the embassy for an extension letter, and haven’t been able to succeed. Back there I share a home with an elderly immunocompromised person and I’d rather find a way to stay here with family rather than go there and endanger her. Any Canadians here able to convince the embassy with enough proof and poking? It’s a long shot but I had to ask, stay safe everyone. 

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I cannot locate any info on the Canadian embassy website to help you. See: https://travel.gc.ca/assistance/embassies-consulates/thailand

Perhaps try one of the contact numbers for the embassy or one of the consulates.

Maybe we will know more later today after the cabinet meeting about whether the ministerial notice (aka amnesty) will be extended or not.

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Hey Zord, fellow Canuck here in Thailand.  I have also checked with embassy in Bangkok and consulate in Chiang Mai and have gotten the same answers as you.  No help from them currently or any information that they might help with extension letters soon.  

I'm in the same predicament as you regarding returning to a home with elderly people.   I prefer to stay here, however if I have to return I will.  I do have a ticket booked for Sept. 26 but I can cancel it up to 2 hours before takeoff.  Many airlines are offering flexibility.  I can get 1 free change without penalty or a travel voucher.  I figure I'll need it eventually so it seemed like a good option to take in case we are forced to go next week.

Anyway, good luck to you and stay safe.

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I'm under 50 so my options are limited and I also have a hard time bringing myself to pay an agent bribe money.  I worked hard for my money and I don't want to support the corruption.  I waited too long to apply for some of the conventional visas, such as ED, but that is my own doing and I accept that I will go home if I have to.  I didn't want to commit to a full year of staying here studying. I'm hoping for just long enough for other neighboring to open, but who knows when that will be.

I would gladly pay the government/immigration a fee to stay month to month or every few months if I knew it wasn't lining someone's personal pocket.  Would rather that money go into the system which would hopefully benefit others through incentive programs, relief funds, etc.

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