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Shea butter locally


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have you tried macca root shaving cream from The Body shop? I find it the best locally available cream available or you could buy from someone like connaughtshaving.com. I use Taylor of old bond street as my preferred brand at this time; they have a sensitive skin cream. I think all aerosol shaving creams are rubbish.    As a 13 year convert to the old fashion wet shaving  using a safety razo :razor blades cost me 200b every 2-3 years. Hairdressing suppliers sell cheap chinese rubbish,  , Russian made Astra platinum ( my choice) or japanese  made Feather brand which are super sharp. You can get a german made razor imported or a chinese knockoff on aliexpress. Plastic safety razors are available locally to get anyone going. My razor of choice is a Merkur 700 (futur) which has 5 settings and costs 58 GBP. Mine is 12 years old and looks the same as the day I bought it blah blah blah shaving used to cost me 350b a month with these 3 blade things. Just putting this out there ????

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10 minutes ago, uncleP said:

My razor of choice is a Merkur 700 (futur) which has 5 settings and costs 58 GBP. Mine is 12 years old and looks the same as the day I bought it blah blah blah

I paid $10 for my Merkur Futur Chinese copy from AliExpress.

Been using it for 3 years now.


Back to OP, you don't need Shea butter or almond oil to make shaving soap.

Just leave them out of whatever recipe you're using and it works just as well.

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5 hours ago, uncleP said:

have you tried macca root shaving cream from The Body shop? I find it the best locally available cream available or you could buy from someone like connaughtshaving.com. I use Taylor of old bond street as my preferred brand at this time; they have a sensitive skin cream. I think all aerosol shaving creams are rubbish.    As a 13 year convert to the old fashion wet shaving  using a safety razo :razor blades cost me 200b every 2-3 years. Hairdressing suppliers sell cheap chinese rubbish,  , Russian made Astra platinum ( my choice) or japanese  made Feather brand which are super sharp. You can get a german made razor imported or a chinese knockoff on aliexpress. Plastic safety razors are available locally to get anyone going. My razor of choice is a Merkur 700 (futur) which has 5 settings and costs 58 GBP. Mine is 12 years old and looks the same as the day I bought it blah blah blah shaving used to cost me 350b a month with these 3 blade things. Just putting this out there ????

Brilliant. The Macca Root's world class though expensive. If you want 10 points of forum cred, go buy cream or soap from Truefitt & Hill: https://www.truefittandhillthailand.com/


There are shaving soaps on Lazada nowadays. Ebay has a lot of vendors, Palmolive, Gillette creams from India are pretty cheap. One of our members used to buy a case of Arko of Ebay periodically. 


In a pinch you could use a cheap moisturizing cream from Lazada as a pre-shave then Dove soap on top of it. Some members here will claim they use hair conditioner but that's too thin IMO.


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