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Huge conflict of interest in those appointed to ensure vaccines are safe


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A law firm has uncovered all the nefarious goings on behind the scenes of vaccines.  They have now sent the above linked communication to the health secretary, Fauci, Birks and Atlas.  They have asked that any members sitting on the board be removed when there is a conflict of interest. 


As I was reading about the various vaccines I was led to believe by Fauci that those that oversee the trials are independent and beholden to no one.  It turns out this is a blatant lie and two of the people overseeing the trials were inadvertently named.  It also turns out these people have deep ties ( now deeper pockets) to the various pharma companies they are supposed to be overseeing.  


Here's a couple quotes from Fauci,
"The accumulation of data and the analysis of data is unbiased. An independent group called a Data and Safety Monitoring Board is associated with every clinical trial that has NIH [National Institutes of Health] fingerprints on it"
"On September 2, 2020, in a STAT News interview: “It’s up to the DSMB, in their judgment, to balance the safety issue, the efficacy issue, and the
duration of the trial issue…And that’s the reason why they’re an independent group"


The two people that were named from these "secret boards" are Richard Whitley, who in the last In the last six years alone, has been a consultant for Gilead Science,AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Sanofi, Sequirus, La Roche, and Allergan. He was paid over $2.6 million for the work he performed for these companies during this period. He also took 280 trips paid for by these companies totaling 173K


The second person named, Dr Kathryn Edwards, who is overseeing the Pfizer vaccine was a paid adviser to Pfizer before joining the safety board.  No conflict of interest there!


I wonder if any of these secret members actually don't have ties to pharma companies.


Bottom line all those in the pharma and health industry are thick as thieves, not to mention reek of corruption when seeing evidence like this.  They don't have citizens health in mind, they have lining their pockets in mind.

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There has long been a conflict of interest between regulators and drug manufacturers. With the amount of money in play of course they try to rig the game. Regardless we are all being conditioned for a vaccine, it will be coming and it will by hook or crook be mandatory. Lets just hope the side effects will be manageable.

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