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Economic pressure for Kingdom and Thailand to reopen borders

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A current labour shortage in Thailand coupled with the economic fallout of widespread flooding in Cambodia is putting pressure on authorities to reopen borders to migrant workers. The borders between Cambodia and Thailand were shut in March because of concerns that cross-border migration would increase the risk of spreading COVID-19.


The World Bank has said that approximately 120,000 migrant workers returned from Thailand since the pandemic began, which is estimated to host more than a million Cambodian workers in mostly low-skilled occupations, many of whom are undocumented. The exodus has caused many farmers in Thailand’s East to complain of worker shortages to help with fruit harvesting this season, while many farmers in Cambodia’s West have had their crops devastated from flooding last month and have debts to repay local lenders, forcing them to seek income from elsewhere.


Thai authorities have been planning a trial group of 500 Cambodian migrants to work in a fruit warehouse setting up a permanent border for the workers in the Pong Nam Ron district of Thailand which links with Cambodia’s Battambang province. According to local reports, the screening processes, medical check-ups and quarantine would cost around $193 per person but dropped to only $86.76 if they are quarantined in the warehouse.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50779039/economic-pressure-for-kingdom-and-thailand-to-reopen-borders/

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Why shortage labour?

I could understand if they got paid unemployment money like Australia. 

Here no benefits paid doesn't make sense.

They must have hidden wealth.


9 minutes ago, robertson468 said:

"KINGDOM AND THAILAND to open Borders".  Are they not one of the same, or am I missing something out her?


it's just bad writing, kingdom in the context of the article refers to the kingdom of cambodia, and thailand refers to... thailand.

  • Thanks 1
8 hours ago, geovalin said:

A current labour shortage in Thailand

I think that's meant to read a current unwillingness to work from thousands of unemployed.

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4 hours ago, robertson468 said:

"KINGDOM AND THAILAND to open Borders".  Are they not one of the same

Technically yes, but at Poipet, for example, there are two borders - the Cambodian border in Poipet and the Thai border in Aranyaphratet. In between the two Immigration control points is "no man's land" (known as the Duty Free Casino Zone, indicated by the green broken line on the map)) with Chinese casinos. Having exited Cambodia, it is quite a long walk to enter Thailand. Photo shows the Grand Diamond City Hotel/Casino situated BETWEEN the Cambodian and Thai Immigration Border Offices which you pass when crossing - in effect, no man's land!


Gambling in Cambodia - Wikipedia650px-Border_Poipet.png



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