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In order to get an extention on your 90 day non-immigrant o visa you have to show proof of income of at least 40,000 baht a month..

Now my question is this..

do have to show immigration that you receive an income of atleast that much or do you have to show immigration that you transfer 40k a month to a thai bank account

can somebody please explain this to me....


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In order to get an extention on your 90 day non-immigrant o visa you have to show proof of income of at least 40,000 baht a month..

Now my question is this..

do have to show immigration that you receive an income of atleast that much or do you have to show immigration that you transfer 40k a month to a thai bank account

can somebody please explain this to me....


Immigration wants to see proof of income not proof of transfer of funds in a bank account.

It seems that for income in Thailand, tax return proof is sufficient, for income from abroad, a letter to that effect from your Embassy is required.

It is a good idea to have all relevant 'proof' papers with you when applying as some immigration offices have been asking to see them

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I started a thread on this two days ago after a visit to my local imm office. I was told by the officer that the 40k minimum had to be transferred to a Thai bank and that there had to be a 3 month history of that. All the verification from my home country (bank statements) and a confirmatory letter from my Embassy were required as well. All the other stuff - ie my wife, marriage certificate, her ID card, tabien bahn, address in Thailand etc etc go without saying.

I havn't given up yet as I was only there to get a check list, rather then apply. I had no documentation with me, other than my passport. So, I'll wait until the necessary bank statements reach me and go again - this time a bit better prepared. I didn't think I needed to be last time. It was like a "social visit" not a formal application, but the transfer of funds bit threw me.

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This is beginning to look like another "grey" area where each officer will have his own interpretation. :o

However as the applications are ultimately dealt with in Bangkok a clearer picture may emerge.

For the OP I suggest you visit your local office and ask what proof they want to see.

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Totally agree with the BKK scenario, Astral.

I'll have one more try here to get clarification of things when I've received the financial information, but not actually apply. If I get another knockback, then I'll consider applying in BKK.

There really aren't many other options for me, other than to let my visa run its course until December and mess around with Tourist Visas until I reach 50 next year!!

It's not the end of the world, but after being here for 9 years and married for almost 2, I thought I was in a good position now to further legitimise my visa status. I can transfer the funds over, but it's not what I want to do as I have a business to run in England. I need to be sure that any savings, whether here or back home, can be transferred to where they're needed quickly.

I'll keep you all posted.

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