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Flying to a new country (not home country)?

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Dear Sirs or Ma'ams,


Has anybody heard anything about being forced to fly to our home countries? I spent lockdown in Nepal and now I'm trying to continue my travels with more countries opening. I'm attempting to fly into Dubai, but I'm hearing conflicting reports about people only being able to buy tickets to their home countries. Granted this was a report from June but I'm totally unsure and don't want to waste the money.

Have any of you had any experience with this or know what the deal is? Or who I should contact to confirm (current country's immigration, new country's immigration, embassies, etc). It would be a huge waste of time and money for me so I'd like to know for sure.

Thank you for your time. Take care.

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I know a number of people who’ve travelled to countries other than countries they are nationals of, and have purchased tickets without too much difficulty, other than a little research.

You clearly need to ascertain the current position of each country you’re considering visiting, and keep in mind that restrictions, both on entering and in country, could change overnight.

Likewise airlines could change their schedules at the drop of a hat, with a credit note rather than a refund often being offered.

I think many of us want to travel again, I certainly do, but I’m not keen on being stuck somewhere when travel plans are scuppered.

Each to their own.

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