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What would you do if you were in charge...

Andy from Kent

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I would issue everyone with free zinc tablets like Lacessit mentioned above. They help protect the bodies cells, and boost the immune system among other things. I have taken zinc for the last 15 years because I use to catch colds and flu very easily. Since then I have only had flu 3 times, and mainly because I had no zinc to take. 

Zinc is a vital mineral to the human body as it mediates more than 100 biochemical reactions, aiding enzymes to catalyze metabolic cascades and interfering with the transcription of DNA and RNA.
In particular, zinc plays an integral role in the immunity since it helps in the replication and growth of immune cells in the bone marrow and thymus (primary immune organs).
In a recent review paper, researchers analyzed the effects of zinc on several viral species and concluded that it protects the host’s cell by the following mechanisms.


In the meantime I would wait until there is a clear winner in the vaccine race, and stock up on it, until there was enough to immunize everybody within a 3 month time frame.

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Close the borders and strictly enforce it.


Cancel all short-term visa or visa exempt entry entitlements.


Make face mask use and hand sanitizer provision mandatory.


Initiate a track and trace system based on smartphone technology.


Lock down the country for 6 weeks with only shopping for essential items at designated stores allowed.


Night time curfew apart from workers in essential businesses.


Ban alcohol sales for the first 4 of the above 6 weeks.


Close sports bars, restaurants, sports venues, gyms, entertainment establishments and suspend public events for 2 months.


Cancel local and national holidays.


Close schools and universities and initiate a online home-schooling system.


Repatriate nationals through a mandatory test and quarantine regimen.


Initiate a gradual and sequential easing of entry restrictions for foreigners with bona fide proof of abode in Thailand that follows the same regimen as above.


It's far quicker just to endorse everything that Thailand has done and do not repeat anything that the UK, European nations or the US has done. I think that someone in Australia maybe feared their nation becoming a "plague island" which is the only way I can see justification for their drip-feed repatriation and permit to travel scheme. Interesting to hear the opinions of Australians on this though, both those back there and those who want to go back there.



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3 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Close the borders and strictly enforce it.


Cancel all short-term visa or visa exempt entry entitlements.


Make face mask use and hand sanitizer provision mandatory.


Initiate a track and trace system based on smartphone technology.


Lock down the country for 6 weeks with only shopping for essential items at designated stores allowed.


Night time curfew apart from workers in essential businesses.


Ban alcohol sales for the first 4 of the above 6 weeks.


Close sports bars, restaurants, sports venues, gyms, entertainment establishments and suspend public events for 2 months.


Cancel local and national holidays.


Close schools and universities and initiate a online home-schooling system.


Repatriate nationals through a mandatory test and quarantine regimen.


Initiate a gradual and sequential easing of entry restrictions for foreigners with bona fide proof of abode in Thailand that follows the same regimen as above.


It's far quicker just to endorse everything that Thailand has done and do not repeat anything that the UK, European nations or the US has done. I think that someone in Australia maybe feared their nation becoming a "plague island" which is the only way I can see justification for their drip-feed repatriation and permit to travel scheme. Interesting to hear the opinions of Australians on this though, both those back there and those who want to go back there.




I too think Thailand has handled it perfectly.

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8 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Vaccinate everyone with BCG, there seems to be a link between tuberculosis vaccination and resistance to coronavirus infection. 500 frontline health workers in South Australia are currently in a clinical trial to test the hypothesis.

Issue free zinc tablets to boost immune systems.


It's a little difficult to get vaccinated when there's no vaccine currently available but I get your point.     I as well hope not to many people resist a proven safe as far as can be detected vaccination.

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3 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Close the borders and strictly enforce it.


Cancel all short-term visa or visa exempt entry entitlements.


Make face mask use and hand sanitizer provision mandatory.


Initiate a track and trace system based on smartphone technology.


Lock down the country for 6 weeks with only shopping for essential items at designated stores allowed.


Night time curfew apart from workers in essential businesses.


Ban alcohol sales for the first 4 of the above 6 weeks.


Close sports bars, restaurants, sports venues, gyms, entertainment establishments and suspend public events for 2 months.


Cancel local and national holidays.


Close schools and universities and initiate a online home-schooling system.


Repatriate nationals through a mandatory test and quarantine regimen.


Initiate a gradual and sequential easing of entry restrictions for foreigners with bona fide proof of abode in Thailand that follows the same regimen as above.


It's far quicker just to endorse everything that Thailand has done and do not repeat anything that the UK, European nations or the US has done. I think that someone in Australia maybe feared their nation becoming a "plague island" which is the only way I can see justification for their drip-feed repatriation and permit to travel scheme. Interesting to hear the opinions of Australians on this though, both those back there and those who want to go back there.




I'd go along with your ideas.      I've read on this forum many expressing frustration at the measures so far taken by Thailand.   Some go  as far as suggesting the virus is a hoax.

3 hours ago, Techno Viking said:


I too think Thailand has handled it perfectly.


Seems to me Thailand has done well.       On an upcoming trip to Bangkok I made a hotel reservation for two nights at a hotel a 100 meters from the Embassy I have to go to and I told the Missus I'd like to stay in a less expensive hotel for another 3 to 5 nights.     She said she doesn't think that' a good idea  because of the alarm caused by a Thai lady coming back from a  hotel  near the Mymamar    border.         Apparently this lady traveled around extensively and possibly exposed a lot of people.   The Missus is  very concerned about the potential spread of  the disease and I can't blame her.


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6 minutes ago, Andy from Kent said:


It's a little difficult to get vaccinated when there's no vaccine currently available but I get your point.     I as well hope not to many people resist a proven safe as far as can be detected vaccination.

If nothing else, BCG vaccination would reduce the incidence of TB in SE Asia, which is on the rise.

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35 minutes ago, Andy from Kent said:


It's a little difficult to get vaccinated when there's no vaccine currently available but I get your point.     I as well hope not to many people resist a proven safe as far as can be detected vaccination.


I think at the end of the day everyone is going to have to realise that even with the vaccinations being released, they can still get infected with the virus, i.e. if unlucky enough because no vaccines are 100% bulletproof, just look at the annual influenza shots, they have a 50%-60% success rate at best, but a 90%-95% success rate sounds damn pretty good IMO.


The above said and knowing if we had the shots we can still be infected and be asymptomatic, I think it's a no brainer, especially as we age, so does one take their chances of not getting vaccinated, well for me who gets the annual flu jab and who had their first pneumonia jab this year with a booster due next year, I have to put my trust into the science behind all of the madness, especially when they say the vaccines have a 90%-95% success rate.


The more people that get vaccinated, the earlier we reach herd immunity level which I believe is 60%-70%, that said I think it's going to be a hard sell with all the conspiracy theories, but all things being equal, I'm in for what precious time I have remaining on this planet.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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Call in for a major press conference, tell people to clean their hands and stay home if they get flu symptoms. Tell them to up their vitamin C, D (if necessary) and Zink intake, and show them the science behind it in fighting Covid-19. Then show them the fatality rates, and how this affect people with no underlying conditions.


Call for the end of using PCR-tests to diagnose any Covid strains


End tourism for all obese people because they are at risk of dying (anyway) 


All Chinese people would have to show proof of vaccination, and wear a tracking bracelet during their stay. (no Chinese tourist visas issued)

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On 12/6/2020 at 6:05 PM, Andy from Kent said:


It's a little difficult to get vaccinated when there's no vaccine currently available but I get your point.     I as well hope not to many people resist a proven safe as far as can be detected vaccination.

They said that about Thalidomide and it had gone through the full and lengthy certification process.,  I won't trust it until we see the side effects over a substantial period of time, at least one and possibly two years. It may well end up that the 'cure' is worse than the virus. we will see. 

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