November Rain Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 Dr. Naam,That is the funniest dog picture!! If it is your's you should send it in for pulication somewhere, or to the companies that sell photos for advertising. I can totally see this photo on some sort of greeting card. Don't think it's Dr Naam's image to sell. That's that dog from America (I believe it's a Chihuahua, but it's hard to tell ) that won the "Ugliest Dog" Contest.
Mobi Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 Are those the remains of the last intruder that Cookie's chewing on? Scouse. I've been waiting 2 days for someone to make that comment
chinthee Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 So, what was the best recommendation for a relatively inexperienced dog person for a guard dog? I guess it is a larger breed, could be one of the Thai dogs as mentioned, and could be a poodle for reasons mentioned. I'm setting up a second home/small resort and will also be looking for a little bit larger combo guard and friendly house dog. I love Labs and Goldens but know they really are too friendly to be effective. I'm slightly afraid of Rots (not personally, but that they might frighten guests). Who can suggest an optimal dog that would be friendly to guests, but wary of strangers? Does such a breed exist. Seems one of the posts had a dog like that, was a Thai dog. I would be interesting in buying a dog as a puppy and would probably go do this at J2J market in BKK.
mikethevigoman Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 what about a goose -silent, but deadly - and if it doesn't work out then you can barbeque it... . That had me rolling about,.. i had a jack russell once that killed a rottweiler ! ,got stuck in his throat
mikethevigoman Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 don't know much about breeds.but i think rotweillers would be too big for me. but any breed does a good job at guarding a home and land? does the standard thai dog, mutt do ok? HERES ONE THAT GUARDS THE SHOPPING !
Gary A Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 I wanted a dog that would warn us if anything strange was happening. By the same token I didn't want to have to worry about him biting people especially children. We have a VERY large Golden Retriever named Cookie. I'm really not sure what he would do if anyone threatened my wife. We have two rai surrounded with a two meter high block wall. When a stranger come to the gate, he barks and has a deep growl. The hair stands up on the back of his neck and as of yet no one has tested him. Just his size, about 40 kilograms, scares people. I'm quite happy with him.
mikethevigoman Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 Thai dogs. 100%. Fantastic dogs. I've a Ban Kaew mix in the Center who was in the house recuperating when someone got a bit violent towards me. My own dogs did nothing. She jumped in & attacked, despite having a broken leg. Ridgebacks (d'you mean Lang Ans JG?) are also brilliant. Thai mutts (mix or pure) are the most faithful, loving, smart, dogs in the world IMO Absolutely .... BUT .... they remain always one step behind the BOXER Sorry, just couldn't resist I had 2 boxers, i had one from a shelter at 18 months, he died at 14 ,a great age for a boxer, stills brings tears to my eyes when i think of him, docile, not a bad streak, the other one i had from a pup,was a ronnie ( barker ) and a bit feirce with other dogs, took off his danglers and transformed him ,beautiful, dog, died at 5 and a half from cancer, i spent 10k uk trying to save him . i lost my two kids within months of each other.i still have theur pics in the living room,. . ill never get over it,. my advice get a street dog, dont get too attached if you love dogs and can avoid it,. i wont have any now as i couldnt take any more loss,.
mikethevigoman Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 Edit - I work with dogs every day & have done for more than 3 years. I have owned dogs for 15 years (myself) & had them in my family all my life. Although I would take a pit bull into the center, if it was needed, I would not have one in my home with my 5 year old son. And in the center, I would deal with it personally, until I was confident that other staff could handle it sensibly. I had a rescued husky in boarding recently. In the rescue house, he was put together with a pitbull. What exactly caused the aggression, I don't know, but the pitbull sure bit the husky's tail of. Then, there was this family (in Chiang Mai) with their pitbull mixes. Mother and son killed two of the other pups (Puppies of the mother and littermates of the son), and they once attacked a cow. And these people have a young child! If it was up to me, i wouldn't keep any pitbull with other dogs. Not only pitbulls I keep seperate, also bull terriers and steffies. Not that they immediately will attack, most probably they will play and they were absolutely adorable with me and my workers. But their way of correcting the other dog is quite drastic, and as i mentioned before, once they start it's hard to stop them or unlock them. Nienke If anyone i know were to get a rottweiler/pitbull /doberman i would knock them off the visiting list, im taking no chances with a 4 year old daughter in tow, i like dogs as pets and love it when someone strokes it and you know there will be no problems, boxers, no 1 for sure, my opinion and im sticking to it . real characters ,.miss mine like crazy !
mikethevigoman Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 Everyone just has to warn of the all evil pitbull. If you want an inside dog their is no better breed. they don't shed so bad and don't drool like the other bulldog breeds. my wife has a mutt named minny that will kill anything breathing. but minny doesn't make the news because she doesn't look good on the front of the news paper. go through a litter and lay the dogs on their back and rub their stomachs. pick the one that doesn't bite at your hands or fight the submission. this will show good temperament. i have had a female pitt that was never trained but i could walk her without a leash. control her around cats and rabbits. never thought twice about zoi around infants. my nieces would pull her ears and chew on her nose. On the other hand i had a male that i would never let around children un attended even though he slept in my mothers bed. he had a very strange demeanor and was scared of people even though he had never been beat. any dog that is kept on a chain will run wild if they get loose. Their are so many publicized incidents because pit bulls are the most abused dog of any breed. Idiots buy them and idiots fight them. If you neighbors poodle bit a child or killed a cat it doesn't make the news papers! But let a pit bull piss on a hub cap and a lynch mob comes out of the wood work. Saying a pit bull is more likely to bite than another breed is the same as saying a man is going to commit more crime because he is black. You can get a small female pit that will never get more than 30 lbs. that will have the strength of a 60 lbs dog, and the agility of a cat. And regardless of what anyone else tells you will be extremely intelligent. A small female makes the perfect house dog. You don't have to get one that's going to get 70 lbs. I have seen them fully grown at 20lbs. Don't crop the ears and tail and most people will not know what she is. Their incredibly beautiful and intelligent dogs its not their fault they were born black. Bernie, Re-read the initial post. OP doesn't seem to be an experienced dog owner, does he/she? Do you really think any breed of fighting dog is a good dog for an inexperienced owner? We are giving advice to this particular person. I like many big dogs/fighting breeds, personally. But I think they need to have the right owner. They need someone who can train & control them under all circumstances. There are many owners like that. Unfortunately, there are also some idiots who get such a dog to prove their machismo, or as a status symbol, while knowing nothing about them . That's where we hear the horror stories. And which do you think is most likely to end up in a rescue center like mine? The well adjusted dog from a responsible owner? Or the neurotic dog who is fearful/aggressive because of his idiot owner who trained him by beating him? And then couldn't handle him? That's all we're saying. There are a lot of idiots or inexperienced owners about. Your last line says it all,,. look at most of these pit bull / rottweiler /doberman owners .,most have been bought for image and/or to frighten people,. i love all dogs, owners . not likely !
mikethevigoman Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 My Thai dog " Mio " Thats a proper TRD, beautiful
Nienke Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 If anyone i know were to get a rottweiler/pitbull /doberman i would knock them off the visiting list, im taking no chances with a 4 year old daughter in tow, i like dogs as pets and love it when someone strokes it and you know there will be no problems, boxers, no 1 for sure, my opinion and im sticking to it . real characters ,.miss mine like crazy ! DISAGREE!!! You don't know my teddybear 'Bigge Boss' Took this pic in Februari this year (end of April he became 11 years old) And how much I can imagine that you still miss youur boxers after all these years. Mine passed away 4 years ago on April 11th. And still, I miss her like crazy and get tears in my eyes each time I write about her, or think (too deeply) of her. Boxers just have something that can touch your heart right in the middle, where it get stuck. At least, that's my experience. Below pic's of a customer dog that stayed with me and my dogs in my house (just couldn't resist) for half a year before she went to Holland to be reunited with her owners. She was quite similar to my boxer. Although, she had a thyroid problem, causing the skin and coat problem as you can see on the pic's. Also my GSD male adored her. Nienke
mikethevigoman Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 I think you should be looking for something else than a dog.Consider a crocodile......... Anyway dogs that bark do not bite so you wanna have some kind of dog that just shows his teeth when there is an intruder is much better. I had a dog once trained to guard and defend. I took it home and told her to guard while I went to bed. I only forgot to tell my brother that I just purchased this dog. My brother came home at night and stick his key in the lock, the dog without warning almost bit off the doorknob. This dog saved me once while I was in the city when a gang wanted to attack me, it took out three members, then they backed off. The point is that if you want to have a dog to protect you and your family you need at least a well trained medium sized one. Have it trained to attack and guard on command. A pittbull comes into mind, they are not very big but are real slaughters when you train them well. But you need to be a strong person and the leader, 24/7. Why not go for an IR and/or movement sensor detection solution with a direct connection to the police? Many ways you can secure your property and family, did you think about other options? Boxer and an AK47. perfect !
mikethevigoman Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 If anyone i know were to get a rottweiler/pitbull /doberman i would knock them off the visiting list, im taking no chances with a 4 year old daughter in tow, i like dogs as pets and love it when someone strokes it and you know there will be no problems, boxers, no 1 for sure, my opinion and im sticking to it . real characters ,.miss mine like crazy ! DISAGREE!!! You don't know my teddybear 'Bigge Boss' : And how much I can imagine that you still miss youur boxers after all these years. Mine passed away 4 years ago on April 11th. And still, I miss her like crazy and get tears in my eyes each time I write about her, or think (too deeply) of her. Boxers just have something that can tough your heart right in the middle, where it get stuck. At least, that's my experience. Below pic's of a customer dog that stayed with me and my dogs in my house (just couldn't resist) for half a year before she went to Holland to be reunited with her owners. She was quite similar to my boxer. Although, she had a thyroid problem, causing the skin and coat problem as you can see on the pic's. Also my GSD male adored her. Nienke Thanks nienke, we have a lot in common, old softies !your picture is now my screensaver , thankyou,
Nienke Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 Thanks nienke, we have a lot in common, old softies !your picture is now my screensaver , thankyou, This is my screen saver and avatar and picture on the wall : Picture taken 3 months before her death: Nienke
mikethevigoman Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 Thanks nienke, we have a lot in common, old softies !your picture is now my screensaver , thankyou, This is my screen saver and avatar and picture on the wall : Picture taken 3 months before her death: Nienke Ive changed it for that one,, beautiful and sad .. i used to tell people that i loved my dog most because he wagged his tail ( stump ) and not his tongue !
Jet Gorgon Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 ...We have a VERY large Golden Retriever named Cookie. HEY! That's Mobi's dog. What's going on here? I like Mikethevigoman's comment: Boxer and an AK47. perfect. Nienke, those are fab snaps of your dogs. Sorry, they really cracked me up. Too sweet.
Jet Gorgon Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 One of my guard dogs. He had a great bark and I loved him to bits. Bless him. Here's a great security duo.
lannarebirth Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 One of my guard dogs. He had a great bark and I loved him to bits. Bless him. Here's a great security duo. Jet, what the hel_l is that standing next to your polar bear? Is that a gremlin?
Jet Gorgon Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 One of my guard dogs. He had a great bark and I loved him to bits. Bless him. Here's a great security duo. Jet, what the hel_l is that standing next to your polar bear? Is that a gremlin? Dunno...Thai shopowner's creature. Thought it made a good size, species contrast.
Nignoy Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 Nice to see so much love for dogs but I still say the best guard dog is the mutant ninja yorkshire terrier Nignoy
Luckydog Posted June 1, 2007 Posted June 1, 2007 don't know much about breeds.but i think rotweillers would be too big for me. but any breed does a good job at guarding a home and land? does the standard thai dog, mutt do ok? Go get a Ma Thai. They are free and loyal and intelligent and I have two. If anyone would like to try to get into my house when I am away......go on TRY!
Mobi Posted June 1, 2007 Posted June 1, 2007 ...We have a VERY large Golden Retriever named Cookie. HEY! That's Mobi's dog. What's going on here? I like Mikethevigoman's comment: Boxer and an AK47. perfect. Nienke, those are fab snaps of your dogs. Sorry, they really cracked me up. Too sweet. Thailand seems to be full of Golden Cookies Maybe we should have a "Cookie convention" (I know of at least 2 others) When I take Cookie for a walk around the sois every night , all the kids follow us on their bikes, calling out Cook-ie Cook ie, and take it in turns to stroke her. There's dozens of soi dogs around - some of them very beautiful, but the kids all love Cookie. What a guard dog!!
mikethevigoman Posted June 1, 2007 Posted June 1, 2007 ...We have a VERY large Golden Retriever named Cookie. HEY! That's Mobi's dog. What's going on here? I like Mikethevigoman's comment: Boxer and an AK47. perfect. Nienke, those are fab snaps of your dogs. Sorry, they really cracked me up. Too sweet. Thailand seems to be full of Golden Cookies Maybe we should have a "Cookie convention" (I know of at least 2 others) When I take Cookie for a walk around the sois every night , all the kids follow us on their bikes, calling out Cook-ie Cook ie, and take it in turns to stroke her. There's dozens of soi dogs around - some of them very beautiful, but the kids all love Cookie. What a guard dog!! There is a scary looking guy in pattayhills2, body builder type ,looks like a white mike tyson ! ! huge,. walks 2 beautiful golden retreivers, i acidently bumped into him the other day ,started talking to him about the dogs and hes a lovely guy, im considering one of the pups,. what is it with dogs, bring out the best in people !
mikethevigoman Posted June 1, 2007 Posted June 1, 2007 One of my guard dogs. He had a great bark and I loved him to bits. Bless him. Here's a great security duo.
Gary A Posted June 1, 2007 Posted June 1, 2007 ...We have a VERY large Golden Retriever named Cookie. HEY! That's Mobi's dog. What's going on here? I like Mikethevigoman's comment: Boxer and an AK47. perfect. Nienke, those are fab snaps of your dogs. Sorry, they really cracked me up. Too sweet. Thailand seems to be full of Golden Cookies Maybe we should have a "Cookie convention" (I know of at least 2 others) When I take Cookie for a walk around the sois every night , all the kids follow us on their bikes, calling out Cook-ie Cook ie, and take it in turns to stroke her. There's dozens of soi dogs around - some of them very beautiful, but the kids all love Cookie. What a guard dog!! Some time back a Thai family opened a new car wash not far from our village. I stopped in to give them a try and got the usual 40 questions. Where are you from, do you have a Thai wife, etc.. They didn't know my wife but one of them asked me if we had a BIG yellow dog. I told them we have a Golden Retriever and that was instant recognition. Everyone in the village knows Cookie and they all call him by name. ALL the kids love him. Even the soi dogs now show him respect. He would rather play but he will fight is he has no choice. It's a little strange because he usually doesn't bite the soi dogs. He knocks them down and grabs them by the throat but he doesn't bite down. They usually get the idea without getting hurt.
chinthee Posted June 1, 2007 Posted June 1, 2007 Some time back a Thai family opened a new car wash not far from our village. I stopped in to give them a try and got the usual 40 questions. Where are you from, do you have a Thai wife, etc.. They didn't know my wife but one of them asked me if we had a BIG yellow dog. I told them we have a Golden Retriever and that was instant recognition. Everyone in the village knows Cookie and they all call him by name. ALL the kids love him. Even the soi dogs now show him respect. He would rather play but he will fight is he has no choice. It's a little strange because he usually doesn't bite the soi dogs. He knocks them down and grabs them by the throat but he doesn't bite down. They usually get the idea without getting hurt. I'm beginning to think we should get a Golden. However, I do believe I've heard of several cases where such beautiful dogs were stolen from the owners' homes, alledgedly for breeding. Is this a danger with a dog like this? Also, does anyone know if the J2J dog market sellers have them?
Jet Gorgon Posted June 1, 2007 Posted June 1, 2007 don't know much about breeds.but i think rotweillers would be too big for me. but any breed does a good job at guarding a home and land? does the standard thai dog, mutt do ok? Go get a Ma Thai. They are free and loyal and intelligent and I have two. If anyone would like to try to get into my house when I am away......go on TRY! I LOVE Thai dogs. You gonna figure out how to post pics, LD?
Nienke Posted June 1, 2007 Posted June 1, 2007 This is Mee, a Ban Keaw mix. Found on the street, by somebody I know, more dead than alive, skin and bones, no hair, full of abcesses, and full of mange. Brought to the nearby vet, who said he had heartworm (and treated him for that), gave him cheap disgusting dog food while he needed so much good nutrition, neutered him and said he vaccinated him. After a month was brought to another vet. They found out he, although very wary of strangers, was ok with all at the vet except the male assistent. This guy was a look-a-like of the assistent at the first vet. After a test it turned out he did NOT had heartworm, but did had tick disease. The rescuer did pay for the heartworm treatment though. And an animal should NEVER be vaccinated when the immune system is down, and from Mee is was VERY down at that time. After the second vet Mee was brought to me. The one who brought him mentioned that, in case he was unadoptable, he could stay with me for the rest of his life. When Mee came I was the only one he trusted, he was scared of other dogs and people, hard noises, sudden movement, pretty much everything. Now he's much much better. Good in the coat, will alarm bark, but when I let him loose with stranger he will go to them for a cuddle while wagging his tail IF the person looks non-threatening in Mee's mind. He is very good with other dogs, except when a male wants to bully him. But then, who blames him for that. After several months in boarding with me, he was dumped by both the rescuer and the one who said he could stay with me for ever. Thank goodness, a friend of mine fell in love with him and will adopt him. Why I didn't adopt him myself? Because I have my own (elderly) dogs and he wouldn't be accepted in the pack. Then my new guard dog, Beethoven. He is not mine but a long time boarder. I've put him to work and he's taking his task very (too) serious. Barks your head off when people come on, now HIS, property. He loves the special attention in and around my house, although not exactly toilet trained And last but not least, my super-great therapy dog, Junioranother Thai mix. Also not mine, but long-term boarder. When a very shy, anxious or scared dog comes in I ask Junior to help me and he always manages to put the animal at ease. He is just great! Nienke
quiksilva Posted June 1, 2007 Posted June 1, 2007 The Saint Bernard is gorgeous, my wife and I were looking at one, and she was so keen, right up until she actually met a "pup" in person, that deep throaty bark put her off the idea entirely. Shame, I thought he was great, and would have made a fantastic watch dog. Not sure about a guard dog though, they are such gentle giants.
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