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One day Benny found a magic lamp. After rubbing, a genie appeared and granted him a wish. Benny wished to have a lot of money. The genie said, "I will grant you the wish on one condition - you must not shave. If you shave all your money will be gone and you will turn into an urn." Benny agreed.

Benny became very rich and enjoyed dining, travelling and buying everything he wanted. But his beard kept on growing and growing until it irritated him. Finally he could not stand it anymore and shaved it off. Sure enough, he turned into an urn.

The moral of the story...............

A Benny shaved is a Benny urn.

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Have you heard of the proverb "A penny saved is a penny earned"? This is a pun on the proverb.

Btw, you authorised you to be the administrator of this "Jokes" forum?

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Have you heard of the proverb "A penny saved is a penny earned"? This is a pun on the proverb.

Btw, you authorised you to be the administrator of this "Jokes" forum?

Actually it would be moderator not administratore and fyi that joke was really crap. Not an official statement but a personal one, we are all entitled to make comments on this board. You may not like it, you may not agree with it, but if you want to get along with the greater community I suggest you treat people such as seugha in a civil manner.


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Have you heard of the proverb "A penny saved is a penny earned"? This is a pun on the proverb.

Btw, you authorised you to be the administrator of this "Jokes" forum?

Actually it would be moderator not administratore and fyi that joke was really crap. Not an official statement but a personal one, we are all entitled to make comments on this board. You may not like it, you may not agree with it, but if you want to get along with the greater community I suggest you treat people such as seugha in a civil manner.



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Have you heard of the proverb "A penny saved is a penny earned"? This is a pun on the proverb.

Btw, you authorised you to be the administrator of this "Jokes" forum?

Actually it would be moderator not administratore and fyi that joke was really crap. Not an official statement but a personal one, we are all entitled to make comments on this board. You may not like it, you may not agree with it, but if you want to get along with the greater community I suggest you treat people such as seugha in a civil manner.


Thank you CB. Considering that everyone and their best mate has heard the 'proverb' it's funny that someone posts to explain it! Now that is funny!!! The joke didn't even qualify as lame - it is total poo...

The replies have been funny, unlike the joke.

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Have you heard of the proverb "A penny saved is a penny earned"? This is a pun on the proverb.

Btw, you authorised you to be the administrator of this "Jokes" forum?

Actually it would be moderator not administratore and fyi that joke was really crap. Not an official statement but a personal one, we are all entitled to make comments on this board. You may not like it, you may not agree with it, but if you want to get along with the greater community I suggest you treat people such as seugha in a civil manner.


Thank you CB. Considering that everyone and their best mate has heard the 'proverb' it's funny that someone posts to explain it! Now that is funny!!! The joke didn't even qualify as lame - it is total poo...

The replies have been funny, unlike the joke.

On hindsight, I admit my 'joke' is not that funny.

A thousand apologies to Suegha.

Subject closed.

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Have you heard of the proverb "A penny saved is a penny earned"? This is a pun on the proverb.

Btw, you authorised you to be the administrator of this "Jokes" forum?

Actually it would be moderator not administratore and fyi that joke was really crap. Not an official statement but a personal one, we are all entitled to make comments on this board. You may not like it, you may not agree with it, but if you want to get along with the greater community I suggest you treat people such as seugha in a civil manner.


Thank you CB. Considering that everyone and their best mate has heard the 'proverb' it's funny that someone posts to explain it! Now that is funny!!! The joke didn't even qualify as lame - it is total poo...

The replies have been funny, unlike the joke.

It was like when Libya115 did that "fish and chips of a bicycle joke" and everyone took a collective intake of breath and said <deleted> - for the next 375 posts it was "I don't get it" "can someone explain this?" and Libya doing his best "well it is a bit obscure" routine. I STILL DON"T GET THAT STUPID JOKE!!!


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It was like when Libya115 did that "fish and chips of a bicycle joke" and everyone took a collective intake of breath and said <deleted> - for the next 375 posts it was "I don't get it" "can someone explain this?" and Libya doing his best "well it is a bit obscure" routine. I STILL DON"T GET THAT STUPID JOKE!!!


Crow Boy, you and me both. :o

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Not to hijack the thread but the thread title Benny got me thinking of a story I heard shortly after joining the Army in the 1980's.

The UK had just won the Falklands War and a larger garrison was installed there than prior to the conflict.

Some of you may remember a TV soap called Crossroads at the time that aired daily featuring a character called ‘Benny’ that was ever so slightly cerebrally challenged. Not to cast a bad light on the Falkland Islanders but the troops started calling the locals Benny.

Well one day the local Government official approached the Commanding Officer and requested that the troops stop referring to the locals as Benny as they were suitably insulted.

The troops obeyed this order and took to calling the locals ‘Stills’, now when the local Government official complained once again to the Commanding Officer he could not work out the derogatory nature of this word but knew there was one attached to it judging by the smirk on each soldiers face each time they addressed the civilian population.

When the Commanding Officer asked what the connotation meant the reply was:

There still Benny's.

Such is Sqaddie innovation and humour...

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Not to hijack the thread but the thread title Benny got me thinking of a story I heard shortly after joining the Army in the 1980's.

The UK had just won the Falklands War and a larger garrison was installed there than prior to the conflict.

Some of you may remember a TV soap called Crossroads at the time that aired daily featuring a character called ‘Benny’ that was ever so slightly cerebrally challenged. Not to cast a bad light on the Falkland Islanders but the troops started calling the locals Benny.

Well one day the local Government official approached the Commanding Officer and requested that the troops stop referring to the locals as Benny as they were suitably insulted.

The troops obeyed this order and took to calling the locals ‘Stills’, now when the local Government official complained once again to the Commanding Officer he could not work out the derogatory nature of this word but knew there was one attached to it judging by the smirk on each soldiers face each time they addressed the civilian population.

When the Commanding Officer asked what the connotation meant the reply was:

There still Benny's.

Such is Sqaddie innovation and humour...

This is similar to when we were in Somalia, I was detached to a garison of US Marines and they used to refer the to the locals as Skinnies and Sand N***** . Unit was ordered to cease and desist so they referred to them as "stills" for the same reason as in your explanation. The thing that intrigued me at the time was that we were allowed to return fire and kill them but not racially abuse them. If anyone can explain the logic to that please enlighten me.


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No logic CB. No enlightenment. It's just war!

Always reminds me of Oscar Wilde's saying on truth. 'It is never plain and rarely simple.' Sorry if I didn't get this quite right, but you get the jist.

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Suegha's What ??? has had me chuckling for hours - thanks,


Cheers mate, glad I gave you a chuckle!

i don't get it. :D

Exactly what don't you get kayo?

Out?, Life?, Laid? the list is endless



Nice one CB :o

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