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Things That Irritate Me


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Why is it whenever the mother is around or for that matter when she's not whenever food is consumed there's a mandatory 30 minute discussion about how arroy it was and if it wasn't where it's done better and why?

I get so tired of the constant discussions about food whenever it's consumed. to me it's just food and I don't have to analyze it to death.


If you are married and support your wife overseas and she earns money there but expects me to pay most of the time. How would you feel if every time her mother opens her wallet to pay for something she offers to pay herself or ask me to contribute. Note: when we are in Thailand I'm expected to pick up most significant expenses. ie. my wife is happy to pay for her mother to tour somewhere but I'm expected to pick up the expense for any touring my wife and I do. I don't think this is a "fair" balance of expenditure.

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Why is it whenever the mother is around or for that matter when she's not whenever food is consumed there's a mandatory 30 minute discussion about how arroy it was and if it wasn't where it's done better and why?

I get so tired of the constant discussions about food whenever it's consumed. to me it's just food and I don't have to analyze it to death.

How was your dinner ?

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The Thais are much like the Italians and the French in this respect when it comes to discussing food to the nth degree.

Why, because food is central to their culture. And that explains why the food in Thailand, Italy and France is so good.

Your other points have been done to death on TV and usually wind up in a flame fest.

...........oops! I see the attacks have already started.

Edited by GuestHouse
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For the record my wife isn't Issaan cannot speak a word of english Thai. Wife has a degree and has worked overseas already and has above average English skills.

i f your wife is thai, so whats new. it their way of them knowing you lub her. i mean whats the porpoise of marrying a farang if you dont get money from him
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For the record my wife isn't Issaan cannot speak a word of english Thai. Wife has a degree and has worked overseas already and has above average English skills.
i f your wife is thai, so whats new. it their way of them knowing you lub her. i mean whats the purpose of marrying a farang if you dont get money from him

and what's the purpose of learning English if you don't use it to ask your farang husband money ? (great Blizzard :o )

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The Thais are much like the Italians and the French in this respect when it comes to discussing food to the nth degree.

And so does every cultured society.

Discussing delicacies is good manners anywhere in the world.

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Well it just gets so irritating and repetitive to hear this over and over every time something is consumed. Note: I've been married for over five years but this still continues to annoy me to this day.

The Thais are much like the Italians and the French in this respect when it comes to discussing food to the nth degree.

And so does every cultured society.

Discussing delicacies is good manners anywhere in the world.

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Well it just gets so irritating and repetitive to hear this over and over every time something is consumed. Note: I've been married for over five years but this still continues to annoy me to this day.
The Thais are much like the Italians and the French in this respect when it comes to discussing food to the nth degree.

And so does every cultured society.

Discussing delicacies is good manners anywhere in the world.

If you removed the words "arroi" and "suai" from the Thai lexicon, 75% of all Thai conversation would cease.

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Well it just gets so irritating and repetitive to hear this over and over every time something is consumed. Note: I've been married for over five years but this still continues to annoy me to this day.
The Thais are much like the Italians and the French in this respect when it comes to discussing food to the nth degree.

And so does every cultured society.

Discussing delicacies is good manners anywhere in the world.

If you removed the words "arroi" and "suai" from the Thai lexicon, 75% of all Thai conversation would cease.

do asi do eat alone with your laptop :o

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If you removed the words "arroi" and "suai" from the Thai lexicon, 75% of all Thai conversation would cease.

It is the Asian style of conversation, aimed first & foremost at preserving social cohesiveness, face and mutual good feeling.

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Why is it whenever the mother is around or for that matter when she's not whenever food is consumed there's a mandatory 30 minute discussion about how arroy it was and if it wasn't where it's done better and why?

I get so tired of the constant discussions about food whenever it's consumed. to me it's just food and I don't have to analyze it to death.


If you are married and support your wife overseas and she earns money there but expects me to pay most of the time. How would you feel if every time her mother opens her wallet to pay for something she offers to pay herself or ask me to contribute. Note: when we are in Thailand I'm expected to pick up most significant expenses. ie. my wife is happy to pay for her mother to tour somewhere but I'm expected to pick up the expense for any touring my wife and I do. I don't think this is a "fair" balance of expenditure.


I thought Italians were the worst/fanatical about food preparation and discussion of said preparations, being raised in an Italian family. Food was a "religion."

But I know exactly what your saying about Thais while eating. They take it to a whole other level. Honestly I get a kick out of it and I'm often the first to say,"Wow, arroy na." That really gets 'em going. Eating with Thais is my second favorite thing to do while in Thailand.

As far as paying, it's always my pleasure. I like when they sometimes feign being angry or a least irritated that I always pay.

I walk over to the counter and lay the bills down with the sever first before anyone else can and point to myself and say, "bill to me only." and give her a nice tip.

(My wife used to get angry about my tipping some times.)

Then come back to the table and say "Soo arroy na, soo iem yu na, one more beer Sing cup" Everyone gets a good laugh.

I also love spoiling my nieces and nephews, but you only have a small window for interactions like this so I spoil them rotten. My sister in-law, their mom and my wife don't like it.

Grand ma just cracks up laughing, we all have a good time.


Hey you gotta get your kicks some how... :o

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whats the porpoise of marrying a farang if you dont get money from him


You sound like an expert!

Get used to it .................. Somchai ..... :D:o:D .

Dont need to get used to it.


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Well it just gets so irritating and repetitive to hear this over and over every time something is consumed. Note: I've been married for over five years but this still continues to annoy me to this day.
The Thais are much like the Italians and the French in this respect when it comes to discussing food to the nth degree.

And so does every cultured society.

Discussing delicacies is good manners anywhere in the world.

If you removed the words "arroi" and "suai" from the Thai lexicon, 75% of all Thai conversation would cease.


Are you sure something else is not bothering you?

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Why is it whenever the mother is around or for that matter when she's not whenever food is consumed there's a mandatory 30 minute discussion about how arroy it was and if it wasn't where it's done better and why?

I get so tired of the constant discussions about food whenever it's consumed. to me it's just food and I don't have to analyze it to death.

How was your dinner ?


Hey Maigo,

How about a nice hot Italian sausage...

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know what you mean about Aroi and Suay. I take trips with my Thai friends and every thing is "Suay Mai?" so I started saying "Mai Suay". till they got the joke. Same with Food. I don't want to change their culture, I respect it. I just don't want to be confronted with the blatantly obvious every 30 seconds without being able to make a joke of it. Everyone is happy. Sanook Mak Mak Mai?


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whats the porpoise of marrying a farang if you dont get money from him


You sound like an expert!

Get used to it .................. Somchai ..... :D:o:D .

Dont need to get used to it.


well....... , as long as your used to it then markr.... :bah::o , ignore the advice :D:bah: .

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whats the porpoise of marrying a farang if you dont get money from him


You sound like an expert!

Get used to it .................. Somchai ..... :D:o:D .

Dont need to get used to it.


well....... , as long as your used to it then markr.... :bah::o , ignore the advice :D:bah: .

Money is not my purpose, money is not always the reason that someone would marry a falang either, hence the reason I would not need to get used to it. I really hope there is more to peoples relationships than wallets, its a very sad state if theres not.


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I'm not married but I find this thread annoying. :D

I'm not married either but I find this thread amusing. :o

'qwertz', borracho is drunk!

That's no excuse. There's enough tipplers on this board already. Let's have a little decorum,gentlemen, before this noble forum descends to the level of the notorious ##.

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