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3BB's TV Box is Rubbish !!!


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On another thread, now closed, a few members seemed to express dissatisfaction with 3BB TV's box.

When we switched to the 3BB TV package, we did so for the cheaper internet rates. The TV was an added "bonus".

When the 3BB crew went to setting it up, it didn't want to work. After trying 3 different boxes, on either of the 2 HDMI port on our TV, they just about gave up. But, when one tech decided to try our existing HDMI cable, everything worked like a charm. Bad cable!

However, after they left, we plugged our other box into the second port on our TV, the sucker started acting up again. Discovered that our TV's "smart" HDMI switching was confusing things. 

Now we just use which input device we chose and leave the other unattached. Going to pick up and try a "stupid", manual 2-into-1 out switch when I get a chance. 

Maybe this might solve some the other members' problems




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My 3BB box works on TV and PC monitors fine whichever HDMI cable I use. 

Only problem is the content is absolute rubbish. Cannot install apps from Playstore. Had it four weeks, cannot return as the Mrs signed for 12 months. Ah well, it's only Bht 107 a month.

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It's a Sony. I don't know the model. But, whatever the TV or model, the problem may exist for others. 

Yes; 3BB TV fare is limited. But, in our case, we cut our monthly rate significantly and got TV in the deal. TV was not the incentive. 

Happened by Fortunetown today and picked up a 250 baht HDMI switch. Works great! Now I won't be wearing out the HDMI ports. 

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