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New Wife Advice


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thats very rude of you art.....................lol. insulting to all norweegians, thai girls and tampons........lol.

you are supposed to show your support here. at least thats the feedback ive been getting.

Edited by blizzard
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My take on this is you've been suckered big time, or you are a troll. If you're not a troll, my advice to you is, don't look for wife material on a online dating site. If you want to find a Thai GF/wife the only option is to go to Thailand and spend time here. If you're not a total jerk, you will eventually meet someone that matches you, and vice versa.

Back to your current situation, since you've been scammed I would think immigration in your country will take appropriate action if you explain your situation to them. I wouldn't for one moment think about your "wifes" situation since she did what she did only to get the benefits of your country's immigration laws, and using you as a tool to succeed. Get her out of your life ASAP, and take this experience as a lesson on how not to get involved with women, regardless of nationality.

Regarding her loosing face.... well, she deserves that for what she did, and that's not your problem anyway.

As a last note, without necessarily rubbing it in, what the hel_l where you thinking?

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George and mods, pleae don't get angry at me for this but I overheard a conversation where 2 TV members were discussing the possibility that the management of TV were either writing threads themselves or paying existing members to write threads themselves under new names to boost traffic as it were.

So many of the controversial 'sad' stories are by newbies and are plainly fiction, as someone mentioned in the OP's story above, a 47 Thai woman, previously married to a bank manager, says she's too old for sex and then drops her pants and pulls out a soiled tampon! A vivid and crude imagination from the OP.

Anyway, my point is if it's true we can be paid for creating controversial threads under new names could you tell me how much per line? I guarantee only mild vulgarity and all done in the best possible taste.


In imaginative anticipation,


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Hide all your assets in a safe place first,....then run!

Right on! Just walk, Thai men do it all the time.

I agree. Do whatever you can to get rid of her, and I mean whatever..................

Just make sure you protect and hide your assets first.

If you feel bad about doing this, don't, just ask yourself "what would she do if the situation was reversed?" Of course she would get rid of you if she was in your situation, and she proably would do it without the need to consult others. Don't be a fool for any longer, get her out of your life! If you have to, go behind her back, do what or as much as you can before informing her, incase she goes to the authorities with a lie. Distance yourself and make sure you have a wittness to say where you are in case she ever tries to make up a story of violence about you. I hope in your next post you will report some good news, like she is gone and is suffering! However, if you let this continue and she rips you off, please post it on here so we can laugh at you for not listening to us. Think about it, why have you asked us for advice if you will ignore it? We are all saying the same thing, so the decision shouldn't be to hard................. unless you were hoping one of us would say stay with her, give it time and you will see a rainbow, maybe that would make you feel better coz the longer she stays that is obviously what you're hoping for. Get her out!

Edited by aussiestyle1983
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A little advice here anyone.

I met my partner on the internet via a dating agency, I went to see her in Khon Kaen a few months after chatting and getting to know her, and stayed at her house.

, when I first met her she could not speak a word of English she can now converse with anyone and use a computer without any problems however I asked her the other day to explain a word in Thai and I was told " I am not a teacher get a book if you want to learn Thai"

When you met her she could not speak a word of English, you cannot speak Thai, and she seemed to have difficulty with conversing via computer.

How did you chat with her for a few months getting to know her when you cannot communicate ?


Give the guy a break please :o

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globey might have a point. the guy just might be opposite of cupid. lets see how much of a man miss is , does she stick to her words..........lol.

any show of supprot for the lovely lady here, we all know we just misjudging her.

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Nope, a wife holding out for no good reason instead of putting out is just plain mean. If I could get off just by sitting and looking at a woman, I'd go to the nearest bar instead of marrying one. Walk PO, use your nuts before you lose 'em.

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There is no such thing as money to her friends! I went through the same thing though not so fast. She might understand some things about immigration that you do not. Some things you might want to look into. That is the difference between you filing for a divorce and her filing for a divorce. In the USA if you file for divorce in the first five years she can stay in the USA and is entitled to alimony. IF she files for divorce within 5 years then she must return to her country and is not entitled for compensation or support. She is apparently trying to do to you what my Japanese wife learned from a Vietnamese and tried to do to me. Push you to file for divorce and drive you mad to help her prove abuse and abandonment. This just might give you a very difficult time if you ever decide to marry another foreign national. If I am right and the UK has any similar laws to the USA you had better start collecting evidence now. Put a recorder on the phone in the attic so she can’t find it. Tape the conversations of her defiling you to others or conspiring against you. Get documentation of her abuse for a court to hear. Put spy ware on your computer. Record on camera or tape your conversations. Make her think the last thing you want to do is divorce her. Act totally submissive and completely lethargic when the two of you are alone. Tell her the same terrible things she tells you, but only in front of “strangers”. Never in front of anyone who could be located to testify in court such as friends or co workers. This will make her desperate and careless about being verbally abusive. When she hears her own words out of your mouth the dumbfounded look on her face will be priceless and leave no room for rebuttal. Bring a camera every where you go to capture this look. You will want to frame the pictures after it is all said and done. Send her a new one every year on your anniversary along with a fake copy of a bank account in your name showing you had 250,000 ero. in some bank account the whole time you were married. The thought of all the money she failed to steal from you will kill her. If she is not sleeping with you she will be sleeping with someone sooner or later. So look for signs such as new English phrases that she did not learn from you but you know came out of an intimate conversation. If she is looking for a quickie she will carry tampons or pads in her purse when she is not on her period. Women use them to keep from getting a discharge in their underwear or messing them up when they get excited. You will find them in the trash when she is not menstruating. But you will have to get proof for a lawyer to work with so never question her about any evidence you find or it will be the last time you find anything. If this is not the case and she is just naturally cold as ice. Leave condoms in your pockets for her to find when she does laundry. Leave pictures on your camera of you with complete strangers. Go up to hot women and with a fake accent ask if you can take pictures with them. She will then be more careless about who she cheats on you with. Hire the same person that she will hire to have you followed to get pictures of her infidelity. He will make a great witness for you in court. You will get his information off the taped phone conversations and he will probably be sleeping with her as well so after she is gone and he is done testifying for you sue him for everything he is worth for taking advantage of your delusional wife and ruining your marriage. Take the money and go buy a sports car or Harley Davidson. Finally, share the detective’s photos of the men she slept with their wives. One of them will be extremely attractive, have a good job and Love to go for a ride.

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This is all too heavy for me. Some of the stories on this board have raised my blood pressure. Must I continue live alone to avoid all that aggro or are there actually some women out there who aren't just plain evil?

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There is no such thing as money to her friends! I went through the same thing though not so fast. She might understand some things about immigration that you do not. Some things you might want to look into. That is the difference between you filing for a divorce and her filing for a divorce. In the USA if you file for divorce in the first five years she can stay in the USA and is entitled to alimony. IF she files for divorce within 5 years then she must return to her country and is not entitled for compensation or support. She is apparently trying to do to you what my Japanese wife learned from a Vietnamese and tried to do to me. Push you to file for divorce and drive you mad to help her prove abuse and abandonment. This just might give you a very difficult time if you ever decide to marry another foreign national. If I am right and the UK has any similar laws to the USA you had better start collecting evidence now. Put a recorder on the phone in the attic so she can't find it. Tape the conversations of her defiling you to others or conspiring against you. Get documentation of her abuse for a court to hear. Put spy ware on your computer. Record on camera or tape your conversations. Make her think the last thing you want to do is divorce her. Act totally submissive and completely lethargic when the two of you are alone. Tell her the same terrible things she tells you, but only in front of "strangers". Never in front of anyone who could be located to testify in court such as friends or co workers. This will make her desperate and careless about being verbally abusive. When she hears her own words out of your mouth the dumbfounded look on her face will be priceless and leave no room for rebuttal. Bring a camera every where you go to capture this look. You will want to frame the pictures after it is all said and done. Send her a new one every year on your anniversary along with a fake copy of a bank account in your name showing you had 250,000 ero. in some bank account the whole time you were married. The thought of all the money she failed to steal from you will kill her. If she is not sleeping with you she will be sleeping with someone sooner or later. So look for signs such as new English phrases that she did not learn from you but you know came out of an intimate conversation. If she is looking for a quickie she will carry tampons or pads in her purse when she is not on her period. Women use them to keep from getting a discharge in their underwear or messing them up when they get excited. You will find them in the trash when she is not menstruating. But you will have to get proof for a lawyer to work with so never question her about any evidence you find or it will be the last time you find anything. If this is not the case and she is just naturally cold as ice. Leave condoms in your pockets for her to find when she does laundry. Leave pictures on your camera of you with complete strangers. Go up to hot women and with a fake accent ask if you can take pictures with them. She will then be more careless about who she cheats on you with. Hire the same person that she will hire to have you followed to get pictures of her infidelity. He will make a great witness for you in court. You will get his information off the taped phone conversations and he will probably be sleeping with her as well so after she is gone and he is done testifying for you sue him for everything he is worth for taking advantage of your delusional wife and ruining your marriage. Take the money and go buy a sports car or Harley Davidson. Finally, share the detective's photos of the men she slept with their wives. One of them will be extremely attractive, have a good job and Love to go for a ride.

would'nt mind seeing the lawyer's face when he walks in with a box of used pantie liners :D

you can surely not be serious ! :o

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"would'nt mind seeing the lawyer's face when he walks in with a box of used pantie liners

you can surely not be serious !"

are you sure? :o

imagine rutting about in a bin for used pantie liners ! what kind of advice is that , she'd be on the phone to the local nut house and he'd be carted of by the men in white coats

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So, I guess you went to Afghanistan to find a little peace, eh Bernie? chok dee

At the time it was a less cowardly way to commit suicide. I lived through some pretty crazy situations the first couple of years trying to go out without being the direct cause of it. But im allllll beter now :o

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I went to see her in Khon Kaen a few months after chatting and getting to know her,

when I first met her she could not speak a word of English,

Something a bit fishy here too!!

If this story is true, and you got married in UK, you are stuck for a year from your mariage date before you can file for divorce, even under an anullment agreement, unless this has changed in the last 5 years, im pretty positive about this, google it and see for yourself..

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would'nt mind seeing the lawyer's face when he walks in with a box of used pantie liners :D

you can surely not be serious ! :o

Their not for evidence chuckle head. Just to let you know what days that she is meeting them. My ex left the wrapper. I saw them when I went to throw some thing away and caught on. Or better yet, he can just count the new ones in the box. After i found the wrapper that’s what i did. It told me who it was because it coincided with the days that the local college took their breaks.

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This is all too heavy for me. Some of the stories on this board have raised my blood pressure. Must I continue live alone to avoid all that aggro or are there actually some women out there who aren't just plain evil?

Now you know why the devil was gods most beautiful angel

:o female :D

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we are out of our leagues when it cums to thai chicks. we spend thousands and travel 1000s of miles to get here. they dont do same same. that must say something.

if guys just accept its the money and then decide what to do all would be fine and dandy.

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