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Firstly, I am saddened by the death of this American man, I feel very sad for his family, friends and offcourse Mr Johnson himself.

What I cannot understand is why 1 man's death gets so much attention, but the 700 killed in Fallujah was never broadcast on TV.

Yes, torture is very bad and should never have happened. But the killing of over 700 civilians, and the maiming of over a thousand in Fallujah, a city that General Kimmit and his colleagues threatened to “level” was never shown on American TV. The US would have leveled the city—but were stopped by the international outcry—this dastardly deed has never been seen by the U.S. public to this day. Yet, we know that American media people did see some of the corpses and major devastation. Al Jazeera offered the tapes to the US, but none of our media and our “courageous” media moguls wanted to show these tapes. If they had, perhaps the American people could better understand why there is so much hatred and fear of America in Iraq.


I find the media to be always one sided and forget there is two sides to a conflict and "good people" on both sides are being killed everyday.... :o

Maybe you should explain how this thread pertains in any way to Thailand? There is another forum for this sort of stuff. :D


get angry if you want to :o

It is a follow on from the other postings on Mr Johnson, have a xanax and put things in perspective :D

It is a follow on from the other postings on Mr Johnson, have a xanax and put things in perspective :o

Whilst the whole situation is very sad, this thread has nothing to do with thailand...

Sorry Tornado, but i agree with Thaihome on this one.

Maybe you should explain how this thread pertains in any way to Thailand? There is another forum for this sort of stuff. :o


What has it got to do with Thailand? we all live in this world and that is what is being threatened.......

I have looked in on the "other forum" , 10 consistent posters calling every one names is not a debate!

I suppose it is back to "how many bar girls are you in love with" :D


This is about Mr Johnson and other innocents being killed as a result of US foreign policy. Whether it has to do with Thailand is irrelevant....this is a forum so let it be !

  • 2 weeks later...
Tornado take you hate somewhere else eh?  Its clear to see where you are trying to go with this...

Sorry Sully but I didn't see any hate, just a concern that sympathy and compassion to the victims in this war seems to be often a little one sided.


tornado, are you sure the 700 people killed were civilians?

al jazeera offered the tapes!!!

ummmmm...they wouldnt have been edited to show the worst would they??

i agree with you that this is not the best american act to date, but surely its maybe better than having 700 americans dead?

which could have been the result if action was not taken.

im not saying that its good to kill but it is war and in war its usually better to kill than be killed.

the death of one man got the attention it did because of the way it was conducted!

plus he was american.

why cant you understand that?


SPLITLID !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY ??? is that better than 700 dead americans ????? paul johnson was killed because american foreign policy cares nothing for the life of others . you may think his death is more important than iraqi women and children ,but dont think the whole world feels the same way !!! WHY CANT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT ???????

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