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PM disappointed over the need to issue restrictive measures


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16 hours ago, natway09 said:

There are over 1,300 hospitals in Thailand.

Give them the vaccine & the related requirements to administer.

Average 400 per day x 6 = 2,400 x 1300 = 3,120,000 per week.= 81,120.000 in 6 months

It CULD have been all done now if Thailand had any idea about being pro active.

Yes, expensive, but what is it costing per day now ?

This is the minimum they should be doing NOW

But no, dither,dither penny wise pound foolish

They are still investigating the best personal advantage, it takes time with so many variables at play. 

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22 hours ago, Mavideol said:

????????????????????  500,000 doses is less then 1 percent of the Thai population, can somebody please help him, he's loosing whatever he had left of any sanity 555

I was going to ask who the "Him" was.... But then I realised it referred to anybody//everybody in the government

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