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I thought of putting this in the Ladies section but might be thought of as sexist so here it is in general topics.

When you wash cloths do you soak them in fabric softener or do you just do the final rinse in softener?

The reason I ask is because in a former life in a country far far away I used to have an all buttons, bells and whistles automatic washing machine where you put the softener in a little compartment in the tray next to the washing powder and pushed the button and the softener was just in the final rinse.

Now being an older and married and poorer man we don’t have an automatic washing machine. To be fair darling D did not want an automatic. So we have one of those twin tubs where you have to move the laundry from one tub to the other. Anyway when it comes to the softener part darling D always puts everything in a bucket of softener for several hours before spin dry to hang up.

There is nothing riding on this, no divorce or family bust-up just my personal quest for knowledge for its own sake.

Soak in fabric softener or not?


P.S. To answer a question about washing machines from long time ago, we have a Sharp Aquamagic Health Master ES-70T FW. Had it for couple of years and no problem.


Ive always had an automatic but my misses, before we got wed, soaked for 2-3 minutes. She says it said to do that on the pouch.


I haven't used fabric softener for years. I think it is a terrible invention. The main reason I don't use it is because it reduces the absorbency of towels and this gets worse over time. Lab tests show it takes about ten wash cycles without softener to remove the softener from towels and restore full absorbency. Also softener is just another source of water pollution and unnecessary.

I haven't used fabric softener for years. I think it is a terrible invention. The main reason I don't use it is because it reduces the absorbency of towels and this gets worse over time. Lab tests show it takes about ten wash cycles without softener to remove the softener from towels and restore full absorbency. Also softener is just another source of water pollution and unnecessary.

'popshirt', agree with your environmental concerns, but my underwear must smell good :o


I've got a twin tub, too. I add the softener to the final rinse, run water through while spinning for a few mins & then a few mins spinning (no water). Does soaking actually make them any softer? Seems like a lot more effort to me... :D Laziness rules!! :o


The general consensus seems to favor just final rinse not a soak.

Well I won’t tell darling, no need to upset the balance of the universe. :o




My missus who is very pedantic about these things insists that soaking them for five minutes after the wash is the ticket. I've also heard that fabric softener gradually takes the "fluffiness" out of towels too so am doing my best to talk her out of the using fabric softener all together. I agree it is unnecessary.


What came first? the all automatic washing machine or softener :o , if we know this, it could lead us to the answer, that is if softener solely was made for automatic washing machines when it first came out, then the correct answer is as many have posted "the last rinse" if on the other hand softener is an entirely independent product with no special connection to washing machines then the "soaking" might be correct

We must know the correct answer to this crucial question, otherwise we risk hundreds if not thousands of TV members struggeling with this for many days to come, it is just one of those nagging things you might not be able to get out of your head, please somebody lets have the complete historie of softener :D

All this might be a case of me having to much spare time :D:D



here in the holyland, if u do not add softener to your rinse, then your jeans and underwear are stiff like boards after hanging out to dry. towels also. however, i have yet to find a real softener that actually softens properly... we have hard water so can only use israeli detergents etc or those that are made for here... also, our waste water goes out to the garden so have to take environmental issues in to hand also.

BUT, that does explain why anon just dumps the tide powder and the softener on the closed drum and puts the machine on cycle one. (three hours since that is the pre wash, 90 degree celsius whites only wash. he refuses to learn that dark laundry, even my goat manure work clothes, can be washed in 40 degree, regular/ extra dirty dark number 6. and whites must be at 7 which is slightly hotter . (here, the machines heat the water so the hotter it is, the longer the machine runs, using more electricity which costs more money, etc.).

and why he doesnt know that u must separate whites from darks and reds cause my kids are sick of their white shabbat clothes turning pink or grey.

we now have three! re wired and re hosed washing machines in my yard since anon is addicted to repairing washing machines.

still cant explain environmentally friendly to him yet.........


I haven't used fabric softener for years. I think it is a terrible invention. The main reason I don't use it is because it reduces the absorbency of towels and this gets worse over time. Lab tests show it takes about ten wash cycles without softener to remove the softener from towels and restore full absorbency. Also softener is just another source of water pollution and unnecessary.

'popshirt', agree with your environmental concerns, but my underwear must smell good :o

then you don't agree

I've got a twin tub, too. I add the softener to the final rinse, run water through while spinning for a few mins & then a few mins spinning (no water). Does soaking actually make them any softer? Seems like a lot more effort to me... :D Laziness rules!! :D

No twin tubs for me yet ...i have a six pack...and I didnt get it down the gym! :o

And as for the conditioner yes put it in with the final rinse.

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