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Condo In Pattaya..


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Hi Folks! :D

I want to move to Pattaya for one year. and I wonder how much i need to pay for a mid-range condo there!?

are the electricety expensive over there?

Im going to need alot of that!! :D

is there any norwegian people who live there?

and two more things!!! is it hard to find a condo in Pattaya??

And is the hard to find a "job" there? I want to work as a dj! :D:o:D

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I will be glad to help you out.

Is there ALOT of crime in Pattaya?
There is no crime in Pattaya!
And is the hard to find a "job" there? I want to work as a dj!

There are thousands of bars here and they are always looking for DJ’s from Europe and they pay good money too!

I want to move to Pattaya for one year. and I wonder how much i need to pay for a mid-range condo there!?

10,000 Baht

are the electricety expensive over there?
Only if you like to turn on the AC when is 34 outside!
Im going to need alot of that!

Not if you like being hot!

is there any norwegian people who live there?
I think there are more Norwegian males in Pattaya than in Norway. I like them by the way.
is it hard to find a condo in Pattaya?

Takes about 15 minutes!

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  • 1 month later...
thank you billaaa777! :D:o

that helped alot :D


I have decorated studios for rent. It is "Jomtien Beach Condominium". For more information please PM me.


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Hi Folks! :D

I want to move to Pattaya for one year. and I wonder how much i need to pay for a mid-range condo there!?

are the electricety expensive over there?

Im going to need alot of that!! :o

is there any norwegian people who live there?

and two more things!!! is it hard to find a condo in Pattaya??

And is the hard to find a "job" there? I want to work as a dj!


I have two condos for rent @ 6,000 and 10,000 resp. I think that's mid-range, you can find both cheaper and more expensive. Generally you get what you pay for.

Electricity is not too bad, expect about 1,000 baht/month if you use aircon regularly.

Now in the low season there are plenty available, but starting September it becomes more difficult.

It is virtually impossible for a foreigner to get a job here. The law is very strict, if you are caught working, even without payment, you will likely be fined and deported.

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A decent condo will cost around 20,000 baht - but dont worry cos the streets are paved with gold.  Drinks are free for Norwiegians at most bars.  Most of the girls also prefer Norwegian men because they have light skin and known to be the worlds best lovers - as well as having the best dress sense.

PS  keep away from cheap condos like Nirum Grandville if you are new to town.

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My wife owns a chain of beauty salons here in Thailand. Head office is in Pattaya. She is always on the look-out for top class DJ,s to entertain her customers whilst they are having their hair washed.

I think she pays the top US DJ,s about 100,000 baht a week.

She thinks the NORWEGIAN DJ,s are the best because they have their finger on the pulse of the US Hip Hop scene.

Do they make better lovers? You would have to ask my wife. She normally charges 80,000 baht for 1 night but for Norwegians................its only 75,000. Go figure.

Dead easy to get work here. Lots of bars on Walking Street screaming out for Euro DJ,s. I was there tonight just checking on the crime scene ( no crime again in Pattaya so i was quite quick ) and i must have seen at least 20 noticeboards " NORWEGIAN DJ,S WANTED!!! APPLY WITHIN !! "

Electrickery is dead cheap here and often free. Most folks here just slice into the local street lights and use speaker wire to feed their homes and fridges and TV,s and aircon etc.

Downside is that sometimes a motorcy will run over the wire thus cutting off your power until the local Thai rescuers manage to resusitate the rider after his heart stoppage. They usually only take about an hour though so you should have your PC back on within the fastest time possible.

All Thai,s will work as fast as they can. Its a national disease here and us foreigners are trying to slow them down because to be honest........they make us look lazy ! Go figure huh?

If you have any problems trying to obatin a visa here in Pattaya................just remember that they appreciate it when you try to speak their language. I have always found this phrase most helpful when dealing with Thai police and Immigration officials. " Yet Khun "

Works wonders........trust me ( i,m a doctor ....as certified by my Phd in Linguistics, approved and printed by Khao San Road University Degree Validation Service..........a small deposit may be required )

You are so lucky to be in this favoured situation. I envy you your choices.

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PS  My wife has just phoned to say she has left me for a Norwegian DJ :o

Hardly surprising considering their cult status here in Pattaya.

I should have guessed something was going on she has been out to a disco every night for the past month. She has also been talking in her sleep - repeating; " Tormod stop please, you dance like John Tavolta, is their anything you cant do, Tormod oh Tormod!"

I have been looking in every disco in Pattaya for this guy, but its usless.  It seems like every club has a Norwegian DJ and they are all called Tormod.  All i know is that he is very handsome - but that doesnt help because all Norweigan men are handsome!

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I fail to see whats funny about yet another foreigners wife being stolen by yet another Norwegian DJ.

Quite frankly i am sick of the sight of them. They hog all the baht buses............long queues of them in every 7-11. Sometimes i have waited that long waiting for the awe-struck serving girl that my bottle of milk has soured.

Its seriously not funny. :o

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This thread has gotten my morning off to a really good start. I agree with Jiu-Jitsu that this is one of the funniest threads I have read in a very long time. Some of you must be retired comedy writers. Keep up the laughs. :o:D:D:D:D

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Weho is actually half Norwegian, some cross border skirmish with the Italians I think. You'd have to ask him. He is also only half DJ. I think it's the J part.

I,m still trying to work that one out. :o

PS I only posted that to make myself a SENIOR MEMBER. Now all you guys and gals have to listen to me.............coz i,m a serious contributor! Ok mai??

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