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interesting...take a little bit to get used to , but the active posts is nice.

and also like the top ten posters for the day? are you at work LC or what? :o

a yes vote from me george.


will you have the general link at the top of the page take you back?

I notice it does not at the moment.

agreed........me too .....Why not poll it George?

Feel free to setup a poll, but be sure to mention that this is an alternative menu. The members will have the choice which one they will use. The default will be the original menu.


Misinterpreted your original posting George.........i thought you were considering replacing the present menu system...........if members have the choice of either menu, then that sounds a good idea. :o


gads, why wouldn't everyone like more choices as long as once you select your choice, it remains locked in.

Any format that allows complete reading of the complete original thread allows decision making since many subject lines of original threads are misleading.


Hope none of the below makes me sound really fick :o

Now what I'm looking at on the alternative menu is all the latest new topics in all forums, with newest at the top of the page...?

If so, it doesn't mention what forum each new topic has been posted in. Also doesn't mention how many follow-up comments have been posted per topic (if any at all).

I like the ability to preview the first x characters per topic, gives a more clear indication of the topic's subject.

Trouble is, there's no ability to start a new topic in a forum (presumably because the page covers all forums), or filter the page for new posts per a selected forum...

Overall, prefer the default view as it's much clearer (or familiar - still trying to decide). However, the new page is good for pointing out new topics of interest in all forums.



Now what I'm looking at on the alternative menu is all the latest new topics in all forums, with newest at the top of the page...?

If so, it doesn't mention what forum each new topic has been posted in. Also doesn't mention how many follow-up comments have been posted per topic (if any at all).

I like the ability to preview the first x characters per topic, gives a more clear indication of the topic's subject.

View new posts in all forums:

You have that feature already, see "View new posts" at the top oif each screen:


Preview the first x characters per topic is a good idea, I will look into that. The problem that I could see with it is:

1. All the text needed for the mouseover would have to be downloaded each time you view the forum listing of topics. If you are displaying 20-40 topics per page that preview for each could become a big sum of text.

2. The mouseover is already used to tell when the topic was created.

3. There would be extra load on the database to load the post text needed.

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