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Stop Smoking Aids - Do they really work?


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The world is filled with people who believe quitting smoking is simply a matter of will power. The majority of those people are, of course, non-smokers. If you are a smoker who has tried to quit only to fail time and time again, the problem does not lie with your will or desire. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on Earth, and you will have a much better chance of success if you have some help.

You can walk into any pharmacy and find countless products that are designed to help you quit smoking. The problem is that most of them do not work. Many of the gums and patches on the market contain nicotine, so even as you are using them to quit, you still can't get the chemical out of your system! At ??????????, our ???????? patches offer you an effective, natural alternative to the nicotine-derived products on the market.

Our patches represent the fastest and safest way for you to quit smoking. By combining the effects of a variety of natural formulas, ???????? patches are able to reproduce the properties of nicotine without the harm of nicotine. They allow your brain to release dopamine just as it does when you smoke. This means that you will not undergo the mental and physical stress generally associated with quitting. With ??????????, you can quickly and safely be on your way to a healthier you!

When you use our patches, you'll find that you lose the desire to smoke completely. Even if you get the urge to cheat during the process, after one puff, you'll find that ??????? makes smoking unpleasant--the temptation will be gone! We are so confident that our natural alternative will work for you that we offer a full money-back guarantee. There's nothing to lose!

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Stop smoking aids continue to flood the market, giving hope to those who have been unsuccessfully trying to quit for years. While many of the products available will help you reduce your cigarette cravings for a period of time, the majority of them are not successful at helping you quit for good. In fact, most stop smoking aids only work 20 percent of the time!

On the other hand, ??????? patches work 97 percent of the time. The reason behind this incredible success rate is that they take an entirely different approach to the situation. Most products give you small doses of nicotine throughout the day in hopes that your addiction will subside. Our patches were designed by people who realized that in order to quit, you have to remove nicotine from your system entirely. Plus, the active ingredients in ?????????? patches are all-natural, so you don't have to worry about trading one addiction for another.

People are often concerned about the withdrawal symptoms like weight gain, tension, and fatigue that go along with quitting "cold turkey." Our patches eliminate these painful and frustrating symptoms by reproducing the effect that nicotine has on your body. The result is a smooth, relaxed transition from smoker to non-smoker.

??????????/ patches are more effective and safer than any other product on the market. Our faith in this product is so strong, we are willing to offer you a money-back guarantee. If you try our patches for 20 days and you are unhappy with the results, you can send back the remainder of your patches to receive a full refund. To get started, you can order your supply of ???????????? today!

If you have been unsuccessful in your attempts to quit smoking, you have probably experienced those moments when the withdrawal symptoms are too much to handle or the cravings simply become too powerful to ignore. These moments can occur even when you are using an aid like nicotine gum or a nicotine patch. Unfortunately, once you cheat and pick up a cigarette, you can quickly become a full-time smoker again.

At ??????????, we carry the amazingly effective ??????????, an all-natural patch that can help you avoid those moments for good. Our patches imitate the effects of nicotine without putting any of this harmful chemical into your body. Instead, ???????????/ relies on all-natural ingredients such as Lobelia Inflata. This means that you will not experience symptoms such as unrest, tension, fatigue, irritability, or weight gain while you are quitting. It also means that nicotine will be flushed completely from your system and your cravings will disappear. :o

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Well, I have to be honest your product sucks just like all the rest of the products I have used here in Thailand and the USA. I just finished the patch treatment and ran to the store for a pack of smokes last week. I woke up yesterday morning and said to myself I can do this the reason I have failed so many times is because I trusted that replacing the inhaled nicotine in my system with one through a gum or patch had to be better. It's like anything when you set your mind and realize the truth about the situation and you really want change and are willing to change without excuse you can do it. I haven't had a craving yet which I did on the patch and I don't want to waste any more money on things that don't work or cigarette's this time when I feel like wasting money I take my daughter to buy something she wants. If your a sponsor of Thai Visa I'm sorry I just made that all up the lack of nicotine got to me.

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Well, I have to be honest your product sucks just like all the rest of the products I have used here in Thailand and the USA. I just finished the patch treatment and ran to the store for a pack of smokes last week. I woke up yesterday morning and said to myself I can do this the reason I have failed so many times is because I trusted that replacing the inhaled nicotine in my system with one through a gum or patch had to be better. It's like anything when you set your mind and realize the truth about the situation and you really want change and are willing to change without excuse you can do it. I haven't had a craving yet which I did on the patch and I don't want to waste any more money on things that don't work or cigarette's this time when I feel like wasting money I take my daughter to buy something she wants. If your a sponsor of Thai Visa I'm sorry I just made that all up the lack of nicotine got to me.

Yes, IMHO you hit the nail right on the head there. The best stop smoking aid is your determination to stop. I think you are only fooling yourself by relying on a product (a crutch) to make it easy. When you fail you can blame the product..oh no I didnt fail. I would like to tell you my story to prove it.

I was a heavy smoker, 30 to 40 per day for 30 years, and decided I couldnt keep walking the white lines in the middle of the road without suffering the consequences one day. I have had quite a healthy life and I guess thats one of the reasons I kept up the filthy habit for so long. It just didnt seem to affect me. But at the same time I knew it could bite me any day. I had given up before but not for me....you know, the wife at the time, having kids etc. And oh I craved and thus was only successful for a while.

About three years ago I decided to give up (for me) again. It was around New Year. I have seen lots of people make New Year resolutions to give up smoking. But they resolve to give up for the New Year. They wake the next day (New Years Day) with a hang over and too tired to resist the urge. I had heard of people having success by resolving to give up at a nominated date that year, or even some time that year without giving a date. So I made a promise to all and sundry at the N.Y. eve party that I would give up some time that year.. Two days later I had a very bad back accident, and was confined to lying on my back for about 9 months. Now I had nothing else to do but smoke, read, smoke, sleep, smoke and watch TV while smoking. I had months of going to physio's and chiro's, ct scans, spinal injections etc...lots of fun things. As I was still telling myself that I was quitting later that year I found I was really psyching myself up, the cigs and my room etc started to stink more and more. Every time I lit a smoke I was sickened by the stench and found it hard to believe I could persist with such a filthy habit. My bed stank, the curtains were foul, everything stank.

After 8 months, as I (my back) was getting slowly better and I was able to walk somewhat again, I decided to nominate September 19 (Quit Day in Australia) as the date I would stop.

This also coincided with the time when the specialists were telling me to start getting in the pool and get some exercise to build up my back/stomache etc. By mid September I was swimming again and, funnily enough, the day before Quit Day I ran out of smokes and couldnt be bothered going for that last packet, so gave up a day early. It was so ###### easy I couldnt believe it and find it even hard to explain today.

I think the ease was a result of a combination of the long term brain washing I had been giving myself plus the need to get myself back into physical shape. I also think the swimming, (1 km every day for a while and even twice some days) plus the resultant endorphin effect, had put me into a very positive state of mind, making the whole thing so much easier.(fags also get soggy in the pool and wont light too good).

I had a strong desire to feel fit and healthy, which left no room for smoking.

Now I did stumble for a while. Not long after arriving here in Thailand (6 months after quitting) I was captured and led astray by some local women content on forcing me into a life of depravity and sordid behaviour and I was also tempted into smoking again for a while as it seemed to be the least of my concerns at the time. I did however manage to escape after a month and stopped smoking again, and as before, with the aid of the swimming pool. I have continued smoke free since and swim about three times a week now.

So I guess what I am trying to say is you have to be determined, give yourself a good reason to quit, concentrate on the negative side of the habit, over a period of time beforehand, and replace the filthy habit with healthy one that makes you feel good.

I wish you all the best in your determinations.

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  • 1 month later...
Well, I have to be honest your product sucks just like all the rest of the products I have used here in Thailand and the USA. I just finished the patch treatment and ran to the store for a pack of smokes last week. I woke up yesterday morning and said to myself I can do this the reason I have failed so many times is because I trusted that replacing the inhaled nicotine in my system with one through a gum or patch had to be better. It's like anything when you set your mind and realize the truth about the situation and you really want change and are willing to change without excuse you can do it. I haven't had a craving yet which I did on the patch and I don't want to waste any more money on things that don't work or cigarette's this time when I feel like wasting money I take my daughter to buy something she wants. If your a sponsor of Thai Visa I'm sorry I just made that all up the lack of nicotine got to me.

Yes, IMHO you hit the nail right on the head there. The best stop smoking aid is your determination to stop. I think you are only fooling yourself by relying on a product (a crutch) to make it easy. When you fail you can blame the product..oh no I didnt fail. I would like to tell you my story to prove it.

I was a heavy smoker, 30 to 40 per day for 30 years, and decided I couldnt keep walking the white lines in the middle of the road without suffering the consequences one day. I have had quite a healthy life and I guess thats one of the reasons I kept up the filthy habit for so long. It just didnt seem to affect me. But at the same time I knew it could bite me any day. I had given up before but not for me....you know, the wife at the time, having kids etc. And oh I craved and thus was only successful for a while.

About three years ago I decided to give up (for me) again. It was around New Year. I have seen lots of people make New Year resolutions to give up smoking. But they resolve to give up for the New Year. They wake the next day (New Years Day) with a hang over and too tired to resist the urge. I had heard of people having success by resolving to give up at a nominated date that year, or even some time that year without giving a date. So I made a promise to all and sundry at the N.Y. eve party that I would give up some time that year.. Two days later I had a very bad back accident, and was confined to lying on my back for about 9 months. Now I had nothing else to do but smoke, read, smoke, sleep, smoke and watch TV while smoking. I had months of going to physio's and chiro's, ct scans, spinal injections etc...lots of fun things. As I was still telling myself that I was quitting later that year I found I was really psyching myself up, the cigs and my room etc started to stink more and more. Every time I lit a smoke I was sickened by the stench and found it hard to believe I could persist with such a filthy habit. My bed stank, the curtains were foul, everything stank.

After 8 months, as I (my back) was getting slowly better and I was able to walk somewhat again, I decided to nominate September 19 (Quit Day in Australia) as the date I would stop.

This also coincided with the time when the specialists were telling me to start getting in the pool and get some exercise to build up my back/stomache etc. By mid September I was swimming again and, funnily enough, the day before Quit Day I ran out of smokes and couldnt be bothered going for that last packet, so gave up a day early. It was so ###### easy I couldnt believe it and find it even hard to explain today.

I think the ease was a result of a combination of the long term brain washing I had been giving myself plus the need to get myself back into physical shape. I also think the swimming, (1 km every day for a while and even twice some days) plus the resultant endorphin effect, had put me into a very positive state of mind, making the whole thing so much easier.(fags also get soggy in the pool and wont light too good).

I had a strong desire to feel fit and healthy, which left no room for smoking.

Now I did stumble for a while. Not long after arriving here in Thailand (6 months after quitting) I was captured and led astray by some local women content on forcing me into a life of depravity and sordid behaviour and I was also tempted into smoking again for a while as it seemed to be the least of my concerns at the time. I did however manage to escape after a month and stopped smoking again, and as before, with the aid of the swimming pool. I have continued smoke free since and swim about three times a week now.

So I guess what I am trying to say is you have to be determined, give yourself a good reason to quit, concentrate on the negative side of the habit, over a period of time beforehand, and replace the filthy habit with healthy one that makes you feel good.

I wish you all the best in your determinations.

nothing works only your determination ,you have to want to quit not just wake up feeling like shit and say thats it cause that way you will be smoking by noon :o

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  • 2 months later...

Actually nearly all of the methods work. I can’t say all of them because there are just too many. They work fine dealing with the physical addiction to nicotine, but non work with the mental addiction. I have been offering a program for ex-smokers who still were mentally addicted to smoking and their stories are nearly identical when they come in. “I stopped smoking ‘x’ weeks/months/years ago with ‘method’, but I still have to fight the desire to smoke, I can’t seem to get it out of my head.”

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For me NO..... used Nicorete for three months run out and lit up almost instantly :o

Since then had several attempts, then 3 mths ago went cold turkey went mad for a week then to be honest wondered what had me smoking for so long...

I for one will NEVER take another ciggy.

Dont think about it just stop the rest is all mind game Bol***x

Some one on Thai visa quoted...Id rather be an ex smoker thinking about a cigarette than a smoker wanting to quit....

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For me NO..... used Nicorete for three months run out and lit up almost instantly :o

Since then had several attempts, then 3 mths ago went cold turkey went mad for a week then to be honest wondered what had me smoking for so long...

I for one will NEVER take another ciggy.

Dont think about it just stop the rest is all mind game Bol***x

Some one on Thai visa quoted...Id rather be an ex smoker thinking about a cigarette than a smoker wanting to quit....

the longer you quit the less the cravings get ,but the better they smell ,you associate smoking with pleasurable things like with a beer after a good meal and of coarse after sex ,unfortunatly for most ,once a smoker always a smoker ,i've quit so many times ,as soon as i feel healthier i think one wont hurt ,i will always be a smoker trying to quit :D

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Zyban works.

It works in a similar way to smoking in that it attacks the pleasure sensors in the brain thus doing away with the need for a cigarette.

I understand that people who have used this method simply lose all desire to want a cigarette and they stop. It can take 3 months dosage to reach this level.

One word of warning to anyone contemplating using Zyban. If you have ever had an epileptic fit you cannot use these drugs because of the way they work on the brain.

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I just started on Chantix. 4th day now. Still have some cravings but I think it is more in my mind.

Anyone else using Chantix?


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It's all up in here, your mind to make you quit! I can say I'm social smoker and I can stop smoking for weeks or months (I have had), no problem. I smoke when I feel like it and esp. I'm out partying. Don't wanna be second hand smoker, it's suffer more and why don't smoke when you have to be out there amoung smokers!!

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  • 1 month later...

I quit a year and a half now. I still crave them. Yes due to additives in cigs they are harder to give up then most hard drugs. I used the Gum you buy over the counter at 7-11's and drug stores in Bangkok. It helps reduce your desire for nicotine while you get use to not having a cig in your hand. Determination is a must. I smoked 2 to 4 packs a day. I smoked for over 50 years. It is important to remember - don't even take one drag of a cig, ever. The moment you do you are almost 100 percent sure to continue smoking. I think giving up the smokes was the smartest thing I ever did in my life.

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Day 14...no cigarettes! and I am doing fine! This is round two for me with cigarettes since I "picked up" two years ago,after 17 years clean,while in Thailand.

OK we all know the power of the "smoke' what it does and means to us. We all attached some "image" to the act,then it set it's hooks. Hard nut to crack!

First time it was "spirtual", this time it's cemical.

"Chantix" ( varencline) pills work.

Aparently they ( once they get into your system=2weeks) block the "buss" from the nic and soon enough the cigs taste like s--t + it seemed to take the thought away ( for the cig)

strangest dam thing I've gone through, but works...twice on me ( due to the stupid thought 3 1/2 months into first "try" that i could smoke one) :o

Anyway my two cents....but they cost...maybe cheaper in Thailand.

Hope it helps. Bitch of an addiction!


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