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condo swimming pools and gym


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Where are you located?


I live in Bangkok. Here we closed the facilities, (pool, gym, squash, tennis & basket ball) after the Temporary Closure order number 25 issued on 25 April 2021 by the Governor of Bangkok.


As previously, the order was ambiguous, in that it referred to public facilities, and some would argue that condo facilities are private. (It's a stretch, either way and the public/private argument completely misses the point of social distancing.) Many of the condos in my vicinity (Sathorn District) have decided that their facilities are "private", so they have decided to ignore the closure order. We have decided that they're public, even though for example the pool, of which I am a frequent user for vital exercise, (4 x per week 1200m), is only ever used by a very few people (myself alone) in normal circumstances, and is by all accounts I have read, one of the safest places to be for covid, if as is the case here, the water is properly chlorinated and of the correct pH balance. In order to satisfy those who might complain about closures, we sought a clarification from the Sathorn District office. It was obvious that because it's the easiest way out, they were going to reply that our facilities should be closed, but not satisfied with a verbal confirmation, we asked them to sign these clarifications 2-3 weeks ago. They have not done so.


I could not answer your question about when these orders will be rescinded, but until the cases fall in Bangkok, (and they're rising), it is unlikely they will be lifted. Given the vax rollout is at a glacial speed, I would imagine we're in this situation for several more months.


It's hugely frustrating, and walking a 1 hour circuit along the pavements of the major roads in close proximity to where I live, is marginally better than smoking a packet of Marlboro, and the AQI is positively Alpine at 38 today.


These factors, 1) no facilities in which to exercise and 2) no vax for the foreseeable, I have decided I'm going to bite the bullet, (and do the "time" - quarantines at both ends), and get heck out of Dodge asap.


Bangkok is effectively closed. There seems no point in hanging around until it gets itself organised, most likely in about 6 months. 

Edited by samtam
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24 minutes ago, rodknock said:

i am located in bkk.

i have a bad back and had both knees replaced.

the best exercise for me is the pool as it is low impact.



Well, as I noted, there seems to be the usual interpretation in different ways. Swimming is my favoured choice for exercise, and I miss it terribly.


The change of regulations by the Governor of Bangkok is very unlikely in the present non-vaxxed upward-trending covid scenario. At my condo we have gone overboard with closing everything related to exercise facilities, including the outdoor ones, which, as they are hardly used, is complete nonsense.


The irony is that we had 3 residents with Covid, (all recovered), but throughout the closure of facilities period. The infections came from their places of work, or from a visit to the market, so have no relationship to the exercise facilities.


But with that mood music, residents are not interested in opening (outdoor) facilities. I understand closure of indoor airconditioned gyms and squash courts, but outdoor facilities, particularly the pool, when it's so under utilised doesn't make any sense.


But neither does having disinfectant mats at all entry points to the lift, lift lobbies, and all manner of "looks good" protocols, like a temperature check, which most residents walk past without using, or the QR app we installed, which is used by no one. 

Edited by samtam
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On 5/30/2021 at 12:57 PM, rodknock said:

i am located in bkk.


Swimming pools and indoor gyms are allowed to re-open in Phuket.  Sorry to read that restrictions are still in place in Bangkok.

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