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Has Living In Thailand Made You More Willing To Believe In Ghosts?


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You have to understand the Thai thing about believing in ghosts and spirits, it can be the source of much amusement.

During a large construction project in Thailand one of our managers dropped dead in his office – The old ticker gave up on him.

This sent the Thai staff into mega ghost and spirit mode.

The next day the Tea lady (bless her) laid out the dead manager’s tea and biscuits on his desk just as if he was still there.

Now it must be understood that it is the first priority of an engineer on any project to locate and gain access to the ‘Project Biscuits’ – I’ve known engineers who take this duty lightly: they have all been ‘suspect types’ (Masons and other such half wits).

Take it as read, I take this duty very seriously, and I regard unguarded biscuits as a temptation too far.

So, no sooner had the tea lady (bless her) dispeared around the corner, than I nipped in to the dear departed’s office, drank the tea and ate the biscuits.

When the Tea Lady (bless her) came back to find the offerings gone all hel_l let loose. There was a crowd of Thais in and around the office, gabbling in various dialects, waiing and grasping their amulets to their chests. - The ghost of the boss was back.

His reappearance confirmed when I sneaked in and drank the second cup of tea and left one biscuit half eaten.

A religious fervor came over the office. The Tea Lady (bless her) started renting out amulets from the tea room.

It was to get worse.

I decided this was too much fun to miss, so I got a copy of a head and shoulders photo of the dead manager from security and photocopied it on to a piece of A4 paper.

I then copied the copy and copied the copy, repeating this until I had a faint outline of his face, almost a water mark.

I slipped a couple of these faint copies into the photo copier paper magazine and waited for the inevitable.

Yep, the photo came out as the background in a document, and by the end of the week the photocopier was covered with scented wreaths, yellow ribbons and joss sticks.

I knew the guy well, I think he would have laughed like a drain at that.

Edited by GuestHouse
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Although I believe in these unexplained things because basically I have seen them, heard them etc, I don't have a problem with anyone who does not believe in them. I also disagree that it is something you should fear or use to make people afraid. It is just simply a phenomenon, an energy or whatever you want to call it.

Some people seem to be receptive and others not. But trying to explain it to people who have never experienced it can be like trying to explain different colours to a person blind from birth.

Agree 100%, cmsally. Like you, I'm not in the least bit bothered whether others believe me or not & don't see much point in trying to explain it. I know what I've seen & experienced. If others can't accept that these things have happened, well, that's up to them. Doesn't change anything. :o I still don't think Thailand is any different in the number of phenomena, maybe just more people willing to believe.

I do find it sad the fear aspect that accompanies many Thai's beliefs in ghosts, though. The drummer in my BF's band is terrified of ghosts. He's in his 40's, but he got his Mum to come with him to my BF's chanting ceremonies in the evening. He left all the lights on all night, for the entire week. I find it sad that he was suddenly afraid of my BF, just because he was physically gone. I tried to ask him why he thought my BF, who was such a good friend in life, would suddenly be sinister & hurt him after death? Personally, I welcomed the contact I got from BF. It comforted me.

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I do find it sad the fear aspect that accompanies many Thai's beliefs in ghosts, though. The drummer in my BF's band is terrified of ghosts. He's in his 40's, but he got his Mum to come with him to my BF's chanting ceremonies in the evening. He left all the lights on all night, for the entire week. I find it sad that he was suddenly afraid of my BF, just because he was physically gone. I tried to ask him why he thought my BF, who was such a good friend in life, would suddenly be sinister & hurt him after death? Personally, I welcomed the contact I got from BF. It comforted me.

I completely agree there. I don't apply this to ghosts so much because I never see any, but do apply it to re-using stuff owned by by a close relative who died. Zero issues using clothes, watch, shoes, etc etc.

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Has Living In Thailand Made You More Willing To Believe In Ghosts?

i see a ghost every morning in my bathroom mirror... when i opened a second bottle of Sherry the evening before.


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Has Living In Thailand Made You More Willing To Believe In Ghosts?

i see a ghost every morning in my bathroom mirror... when i opened a second bottle of Sherry the evening before.


...and I could image the ghost that your wife see every morning when she wakes up... :D

Edited by torito
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As we all know many Thais are 100% convinced in the existence of ghosts. I learned the hard way the dangers of questioning these beliefs. One of the few arguments I had with my wife occured a few years ago and was due to my questioning of the existence of ghosts.

Have you found that you are now more willing to believe in ghosts than you were prior to coming to Thailand?

Better still, do you have any true ghost stories?

I am not 100% convinced of the existence of ghosts but if I had to choose would say they exist. I have no real proof though.

Living in Thailand, I no more believe in ghost than I believe in Jesus because I am from the USA. I think both are hogwash.

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As we all know many Thais are 100% convinced in the existence of ghosts. I learned the hard way the dangers of questioning these beliefs. One of the few arguments I had with my wife occured a few years ago and was due to my questioning of the existence of ghosts.

Have you found that you are now more willing to believe in ghosts than you were prior to coming to Thailand?

Better still, do you have any true ghost stories?

I am not 100% convinced of the existence of ghosts but if I had to choose would say they exist. I have no real proof though.

Living in Thailand, I no more believe in ghost than I believe in Jesus because I am from the USA. I think both are hogwash.

Agreed. I found it astounding that in these modern times people are still foolish enough to believe in either.

Rather childish really.

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I am not 100% convinced of the existence of ghosts but if I had to choose would say they exist. I have no real proof though.

Define "ghost"

Ghost Definition :

A ghost is a paranormal phenomenon, usually thought to be the spirit of a person remaining on Earth after physical death.

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Guesthouse- freakin' hilarious!

I can relate to this....

I've also had inexplicable experiences. The week of my BF's funeral was full of them, both to myself & my son & family. They stopped immediately he was cremated. I think he was saying "goodbye" to us all. I never actually saw him, though.

Four years ago a good friend of mine from the US who was working in Phuket woke up one morning and had a heart attack on his way to the shower, and passed away. Subsequently my GF and I spent 10 days in Phuket for the funeral, cremation, cleaning out his apartment, and shipping everything back to his family in the US.

When we arrived back to Bangkok and walked into my apartment, there was a sweet flowery perfume smell throughout the place. The smell was strong, and in every room. My GF could smell it too, and told me that this is this was the ghost of my friend, who had followed me home and was showing his gratitude for taking care of him and his family, and saying goodbye.

It can't be explained away by rational thinking or logic because the apartment had been locked up tight and unoccupied for 10 days. A further check with the housekeeper revealed that she was there the day after we left, and had not been back because no one was there to mess anything up. So- no one had set foot in the apartment for 9 days. There is no explanation as to how that scent arrived in my locked up and uninhabited apartment.

I have told this story to many Thai people, and they all relate to the flower smell, tell me it is true.

Was I spooked? Not at all. If it was my friend, I am flattered by the experience knowing I did all right by him.

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Chanchao! I really want to take this question. How can the wealthy, powerful, worshiped officials who control massive wealth and have until recently enjoyed being above the law possiblely wish to push an outdated fantasy on to poor and uneducated people to ensure they remain where they are? The answer is, i have no idea.

However, one thing is certain and that is using the fear brought about by hocus pocus has nothing to do with it.

Consider this! An African farmer who is watching his family starve and there is nothing he can do will pray to whatever fairy tale he clings to.

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I have told this story to many Thai people, and they all relate to the flower smell, tell me it is true.

no doubt about. as true as the fact that Goldilocks was my grandmother.

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As Richard Pryer once said "who are you going to belive? Me! or your own ###### lying eyes?"

When I was younger I consumed a heroic amount of LSD and I 'saw' many things. From being followed home by two victorian gentleman to a man in a petrol station that had a lions head.

Of course they were not there, but i saw them. It is all about what your mind perceives. If anybody was to sit in a grave yard at night they would glimpse trees that move or the cry of animal as something else.

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Ghosts, ghouls, spirits, demons, apparitions, whatever you want to call them; they're everywhere. Most folks do not have the abilities to sense these phenomena, and no machine can scientifically monitor them. It's useless trying to explain activities in this other dimension to the young souls who do not have the extra-sensory gift/curse.

99. You've hit the nail right on the head..

that's what i was trying to say. I like the earth is flat line.. 86 over and out. :o

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I can't say ghosts don't exist because there are a lot of strange things in this world. I have never seen a ghost and until/if I see one, I will remain a skeptic. My wife is now in the process of ridding our property of ghosts. She hasn't seen one but once in a while our Golden Retriever howls. He never used to do that. :o

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no doubt about. as true as the fact that Goldilocks was my grandmother.

Goldilocks and the three klingons??? Doesn't quite have the right ring to it.

But.... if you believe it, who am I to try and convince you otherwise?

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Ghosts, ghouls, spirits, demons, apparitions, whatever you want to call them; they're everywhere. Most folks do not have the abilities to sense these phenomena, and no machine can scientifically monitor them. It's useless trying to explain activities in this other dimension to the young souls who do not have the extra-sensory gift/curse.

99. You've hit the nail right on the head..

that's what i was trying to say. I like the earth is flat line.. 86 over and out. :o

Don't mean to be rude, but could this "extra-sensory gift/curse" also known as Schizophrenia? :D

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:o This thread is funnier than the joke forum fodder.

Goldilocks and the three Klingons, DirkGently LSD trips, Bagwan illusto.

GH, what a shystermonger you are; would love to work in your office. That's a blockbuster movie subscript that you did.

Me, schizophrenic, Monroe? Just a minute, I gotta wait for the lithium to wear off so I can ask my special friends.

86, you got my back? 99

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I do find it sad the fear aspect that accompanies many Thai's beliefs in ghosts, though. The drummer in my BF's band is terrified of ghosts. He's in his 40's, but he got his Mum to come with him to my BF's chanting ceremonies in the evening. He left all the lights on all night, for the entire week. I find it sad that he was suddenly afraid of my BF, just because he was physically gone. I tried to ask him why he thought my BF, who was such a good friend in life, would suddenly be sinister & hurt him after death? Personally, I welcomed the contact I got from BF. It comforted me.

I completely agree there. I don't apply this to ghosts so much because I never see any, but do apply it to re-using stuff owned by by a close relative who died. Zero issues using clothes, watch, shoes, etc etc.

I'm the same with items belonging to my loved ones, Chanchao. The jewellery that I wear all the time belonged to others; 2 of my Dad's rings, 1 of my BF's rings and my Grandad's watch (which I still wear at his size, so it's a bit too big for me). It's nice to see it all the time & feel connected :o

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Strange kmart. They appear to have some patterning on them, particularly in the last two pics. Wouldn't be dust or water - too symmetrical & uniform in shape. The only "logical" explanation I can think of is that the film was faulty. Was it a film camera or a digital one?

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Strange kmart. They appear to have some patterning on them, particularly in the last two pics. Wouldn't be dust or water - too symmetrical & uniform in shape. The only "logical" explanation I can think of is that the film was faulty. Was it a film camera or a digital one?

Digital. It is the camera that I bought for my staff to use for work reports. A bog-standard Samsung A40. My accountant at work borrowed it to use at this place.

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Strange kmart. They appear to have some patterning on them, particularly in the last two pics. Wouldn't be dust or water - too symmetrical & uniform in shape. The only "logical" explanation I can think of is that the film was faulty. Was it a film camera or a digital one?

Digital. It is the camera that I bought for my staff to use for work reports. A bog-standard Samsung A40. My accountant at work borrowed it to use at this place.

Very strange, esp the patterning. It looks almost decorative. You've got me flummoxed! :o

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Strange kmart. They appear to have some patterning on them, particularly in the last two pics. Wouldn't be dust or water - too symmetrical & uniform in shape. The only "logical" explanation I can think of is that the film was faulty. Was it a film camera or a digital one?

Digital. It is the camera that I bought for my staff to use for work reports. A bog-standard Samsung A40. My accountant at work borrowed it to use at this place.

Very strange, esp the patterning. It looks almost decorative. You've got me flummoxed! :o

My lady at work believes them to be spirits. I would normally err on the side of science or scepticism, but I'm flummoxed also. :D

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Even though those pictures were taken in daylight, the flash was used. Those blobs of light are very common with small cameras using an internal flash bulb. They are the result of the light hitting very small objects near the camera and reflecting straight back into the lens because the flash is situated so close to the lens. They are blobs because they are way outside the depth of field of the camera at that focus and aperature setting, so they are blurry circles of unfocused light on the sensor.

Next time this happens, try manually disabling the flash and you will find that these spots go away. I've seen them happen due to small bugs in the air, very light snow (like crystals you might not even notice are falling), fog, smoke, pollen, and dust. I habitually disable the flash on my digicam unless I explicitly want its effect and think it will not ruin the shot.

Either that, or Nikon forgot to install the Spirit Filter when they assembled your camera.

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