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The Boy Who Cried Wolf

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Cheers for the info on the stuff 12Call. ...Battery acid, salt and distilled Tixylix - blimey... I want her to know what I just read.

These are not ingrdients, but chemicals used to process the 'base' chemical into methamphetamine, most likely Pseudoephedrine (commonly found in over the counter coldmedicines) or coffeine (the active ingredient of lipo). Yes, coffeine.

The law in Thailand couldn't be any clearer, and this drug has been the main target of Toxin's 'war on drugs'. Even sharing a room with a user will get you into major trouble with the police, I was once involved in getting a careless youth out of jail in connection with this scene. You don't want to have anything to do with it!!!

It is highly addictive and expensive, and 'users' are unlikely to simply drop the habit. Be prepared to deal with these issues when getting more involved with your new friend. You have been warned.

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The law in Thailand couldn't be any clearer, and this drug has been the main target of Toxin's 'war on drugs'. Even sharing a room with a user will get you into major trouble with the police.

You don't want to have anything to do with it!!!

You have been warned.

A very valid point that I haven't overlooked, and staying where she is she could be at risk.

She didn't appear to be under the influence of anything so I don't know when she last tried it or how often she does.

All I know is that if she can't operate a phone booth or e-mail when she says she will then I will get pissed off and lose interest.

I am nobody's fool and have met many devious women in my time and have yet to be stung (in Thailand anyway). If she is taking me for a ride, why would she choose a smartass, tightarse, expatriate nice guy who is obviously not one who trusts easily and not a gullible, nieve, virgin backpacker nice guy?

Anyway, I very much doubt she is and I've always been an exeptionally good judge of character - however, it's her move and never before have I taken a bus to On Nut BTS, the Skytrain to Ratchethewi and a taxi to Kaosan just to meet a girl I hardly know who may not be there and I don't intend doing it again. She's got my number and e-mail.

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Well Scampy, I have read every post on this thread and reread yours twice...

Hohum........ I think you are looking at heart ache here mate!

She hasnt called and she hasnt emailed, that can happen I suppose, but it doesnt sound like she is missing you to much! Then again I find being punctual, a swear word in Thai, so I might be judging her to quick.

Slashed wrists are quite common in what I have seen here, so we could also cancel that out as a "current problem".

Her taking Yabah 8 months ago could also be cancelled out as a "current problem".

Her shagging rastas on Khoa San road is what I am upset about - drop her like a brick and move on :o

You are better than this! and I find you are being to urgent and wanting, which has a lot to do with your current "life" situation. It was only last week you were single and hated your shitty life - are you sure she isnt a band aid?

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Well Scampy, I have read every post on this thread and reread yours twice...

Hohum........ I think you are looking at heart ache here mate!

She hasnt called and she hasnt emailed, that can happen I suppose, but it doesnt sound like she is missing you to much! Then again I find being punctual, a swear word in Thai, so I might be judging her to quick.

Slashed wrists are quite common in what I have seen here, so we could also cancel that out as a "current problem".

Her taking Yabah 8 months ago could also be cancelled out as a "current problem".

Her shagging rastas on Khoa San road is what I am upset about - drop her like a brick and move on :D

You are better than this! and I find you are being to urgent and wanting, which has a lot to do with your current "life" situation. It was only last week you were single and hated your shitty life - are you sure she isnt a band aid?

Again, good point - but as Morrissey sings in his rather good new album - "I am not looking for just anyone".

I've got phone numbers of loads of girls in my mobile and on serviettes that I have met when drunk but they are all avarage or speak broken-broken English with an irksome little giggle, or are too snobby, or unreliable, or get their friends to call me or, or are too shy and girlie or whatever.

It may not be healthy but I've always been attracted to strong, wise women who have done at least a couple of terms at the school of hard knocks and have a strong character as a result. I can relate and converse to people like this as I've had a very, very complicated life, though I would not say a bad one. She hasn't had it easy I can tell, but she hasn't said much about her childhood.

Also, I normally have a little red warning light embedded in my cerebral cortex that flashes if there is the slightest hint of trouble or danger, like I did when this busty cracker of a strumpet with no knickers on wanted me and this off duty Thai policeman to take her home and have a go on her last month... The light was red and I fled with my horn between my legs but maybe now the bulb needs replacing. :D

Women with experience in life are also sexy and so are ones with a good brain, so although, yes I am desperate for companionship and yes it would help me eat & sleep better, she isn't a Band Aid, she's more like the red, oval shaped sleeping pills I got the other day from my local Pharmacy - I'm not sure if they will work or not and I hope I don't get too addicted. :o

Could be a valid reason why she hasn't been in contact (and knowing her I don't think she'd be shagging a Kaosan rasta) but I HATE not knowing, it really pisses me off, I'm a curious person which is why I'm going to this get together tomorrow, see what you lot are really like. :D Shame you're down there Torn.

Anyway, as Morrissey also sings on his new album - "The woman of my dreams, she never came along - the woman of my dreams, well, there never was one".

I'll get there in the end... The Gentleman Scamp will rise again.

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Gent- Need to listen to some more upbeat music mate. Morrissey is sad/depressing suicidal sort of music. Play something more upbeat like the Cheeky Boys- def bound to make you feel better or annoy you!  :o

Got that sorted mate, I balance it out with Madness and that irritating Thai pop star who's only 10 years old - Plub. What sort of name is that!? Plub.

Plub! ...Who in their right mind calls their son 'Plub' for crying out loud???

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I think Cheeky Boys would drive me to suicide pretty quick smart.

Anyways, Mr Gent . I woudn't discount the grils who seem shy. In my expeirence, which ain't alot I admit. The best Thai girls are the shy ones who get thier friends to ring or drag friends or mother along to the first few dates . Good luck anyways, mate, and happy b'day... 1974 was a vintage year :o:D

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Why is life complicated? SHE'S complicated - and that's a good thing!

Obviously she's got you intrigued enough that you're not going to walk away. Maybe she is more rational and level-headed than you are but even so, like the other guys said, TAKE IT EASY!!!

Good luck :-)

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Scamp, I like you, but you are sounding more like a ###### everyday.

knock it off mate.

Hire a pro for now and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

Theres no pity on this board.

there's no pity in this country also!

No apt smiley......

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""I would like to tell you about this new somebody.

I was staggering down Kaosan Rd on Sat night and I literally bumped into her.

at 19 she's a little too young.

she's completely skint.

a bit fukced up too.

three inches of slash scars on her left wrist.

traits of a western woman.

ex of her's shouted something at her.

she'd been a bartender at DDM.

beating up one of the customers.

sharing a cheap guesthouse with other prostitutes.

e liked English men and that I shared some of the qualities her ex.

a little to streetwise.

she smokes Yabba.

taken other drugs.

during our marathon mating session I was without latex.

unable to get pregnant and never did with her ex.

but I have already fallen in like with her and don't really know what to do.""

I think it's time to consider sliting your own wrists........

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I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour

But heaven knows I'm miserable now

I was looking for a job, and then I found a job

And heaven knows I'm miserable now

In my life

Why do I give valuable time

To people who don't care if I live or die ?

Two lovers entwined pass me by

And heaven knows I'm miserable now

I was looking for a job, and then I found a job

And heaven knows I'm miserable now

In my life

Oh, why do I give valuable time

To people who don't care if I live or die ?

What she asked of me at the end of the day

Caligula would have blushed

"You've been in the house too long" she said

And I (naturally) fled

In my life

Why do I smile

At people who I'd much rather kick in the eye ?

I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour

But heaven knows I'm miserable now

"You've been in the house too long" she said

And I (naturally) fled

In my life

Why do I give valuable time

To people who don't care if I live or die ?

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The Cheeky Song


Never ever ask. where do you go.

Never ever ask. what do you do.

Never ever ask. whats in your mind.

Never ever ask. if you'll but my.

Come and smile, don't be shy

touch my bum this is life.


We are the cheeky girls, we are the cheeky girls'

you are the cheeky boys, you are the cheeky boys.

We are the cheeky girls, we are the cheeky girls,

you are the cheeky boys, you are the cheeky boys.

mmm,cheeky cheeky,

ooh boys, cheeky girls

ooh girls, cheeky boys

ooh boys, cheeky girls

ooh girls, cheeky boys

ooh boys, cheeky girls

ooh girls, cheeky boys

ooh boys, cheeky girls

ooh girls, cheeky boys

Never ever ask,where you go

Never ever ask,what do you do

Never ever ask,whats in your mind

Never ever ask,if you'll be mine

Come and smile, don't be shy

touch my bum this is life.


We are the cheeky girls, we are the cheeky girls'

you are the cheeky boys, you are the cheeky boys.

We are the cheeky girls, we are the cheeky girls,

you are the cheeky boys, you are the cheeky boys.


Come and join the cheeky club,

This is what you want,

Come and sing the cheeky song,

Our cheeky song

Come and join the cheeky club,

This is what you want,

Come and sing the cheeky song,

Our cheeky song.

Come and smile, don't be shy

touch my bum this is life.

Cheeky Cheeky

[chorus 2x]

Cheeky Cheeky

I think there's room for cheeky cheeky in all our hearts!

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I sincerely doubt it's of any interest to anyone as the moment has passed but it turns out she was genuine but I couldn't have changed her, and I went to see her after the meet up at 12Call's place and she was all bleary eyed and admitted being yabba'd off her bonce.

She came home with me later after a heavy night on the booze, and soon aft.........Why am I even telling you this, blimey, anyway, to cut a short story shorter we had a silly row the next morning then a hug and she shed a few tears and she's going to work in Chaing Mai with her sister and we left on good terms and that's about it.

I did go off her after seeing her so burnt out and smelling her armpits and I am grateful for all the advice that was posted. Cheers.

The search continues...

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Just a few words from me as I still cannot focus on anything 100%. My Scampy.. just hang in there. You're young, attractive and have good qualifications and a good heart. You deserve the best. You'll find Ms Right soon enough. Just hang in there, dear.

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I sincerely doubt it's of any interest to anyone as the moment has passed but it turns out she was genuine but I couldn't have changed her, and I went to see her after the meet up at 12Call's place and she was all bleary eyed and admitted being yabba'd off her bonce.

Those Thai women who are in successful long-term farang relationships all seem to be be very "normal", domesticated and have no serious vices (apart from smoking), even though some of them have colourful pasts. If you want to wake up with someone for the rest of your life, I suggest you find a woman who can be your best friend as well as being sexy love goddess.

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