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Columbian Drug peddler appeals against life sentence

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A Columbian national who was sentenced to life imprisonment by a lower court for possession of almost 4kg of cocaine on June 7, 2018, has appealed to the Supreme Court to review the conviction saying that he was not a drug trafficker but just a paid worker who was asked to carry the drugs from Columbia to Cambodia.


Gonazlez Marmolejo Jaime, 63, told the Supreme Court yesterday that the drugs belonged to an unknown Nigerian man who lived in Columbia and now at large. “I admit I carried the drugs from Columbia to Cambodia on the day of my arrest. But they [drugs seized] did not belong to me,” he said, adding that he did agree to carry the drugs because his family owed the Nigerian money and could not repay.


He said the Nigerian man threatened to kill him if he did not travel and hand over a suitcase (drugs inside) to a man in Phnom Penh and by doing so, his family debts will be settled. Gonazlez said he was arrested when he flew in at the Phnom Penh International Airport on October 12, 2017.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50884720/drug-peddler-appeals-against-life-sentence/

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