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CRA proposes review of hospital bed management and medics as top priority


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4 hours ago, AlQaholic said:

Yes, let's just manage the beds respirators and caregiver staff, that has worked so well in other countries. Quote from a former perspident: "It's just a few cases, maybe one or two at most, and it will go away soon by itself, like magically disappear, you'll see" and "If we stop the testing, cases will go away, it's the testing that makes cases go up".


Best President they ever had.......555

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8 hours ago, ukrules said:

It's about to hit the fan, very soon and very quickly. They obviously can't see it coming.


I also think what's coming is going to be several orders of magnitude higher than what anyone expects.


It's going to get real bad, real quick in the coming weeks.


Until it hits the people in the government like there families and close friends they'll keep saying "its  going as planned".


The Thai hospitals are a lot less ready than India.  


I agree its going to get horrible!

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No doubt all the Govt Ministers/Management/Thai Elite/Their families & cronies have all had 2 vaccine doses so everything is okay as far as they are concerned. With Thai culture being me, me first, the Serfs & Farang are well down the pecking order when it comes to being vaccinated. It's going to take the death of a Minister or a HiSo family member before this lot get the wake up call and get serious about tackling this 3rd wave before it turns into a tsunami... 

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Looking at the picture of the bed being so close together, plus the bed being head to head, I wonder 

just what kind of fool set them up like that. No two meter spacing, in any direction. It is a real

petri dish instead of a field hospital.  TIT, for sure.


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