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More Then 45 000 Members


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2 quick ones.

When was TV started? 2002?

I see there are more then 45 000 members now.

Surely the majority are not active at all.

But are there any expiry date here?

I mean, If not logged in after so and so long, the profile get deleted?




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As far as I'm aware, members are never deleted. They may never post again, but they can resume active status anytime. We have banned members, who have made themselves unwelcome (though their approved posts remain) and RIP members, who have passed away.


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As far as I'm aware, members are never deleted. They may never post again, but they can resume active status anytime. We have banned members, who have made themselves unwelcome (though their approved posts remain) and RIP members, who have passed away.


Ok, thnx for that.

So this means that 20 years from now, I will still not be among the oldest members, even though I'm still active here?



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Regarding membership activity: after doing a sort on the members, I find that you have go through the most active 2000 members before post count drops significantly below 100, in other words, an average activity of more than one post a month for the LEAST ACTIVE members of that top 2000 continuously over the last 5 years.

There are scads (forgive the technical language) of pages of members with 50-100 posts, and even more scads from 25-50 posts.

So yes, there are many relatively inactive members- as in all free online forums. But there are many, many very, very active members.


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As far as I'm aware, members are never deleted. They may never post again, but they can resume active status anytime. We have banned members, who have made themselves unwelcome (though their approved posts remain) and RIP members, who have passed away.


Ok, thnx for that.

So this means that 20 years from now, I will still not be among the oldest members, even though I'm still active here?



Nope. You'll have to settle for being in the Nth percentile!!! :D

There are still a frightening number of members still active with joining numbers less than 100!!!

Then there's me, at over 12,000.... :o

But I can make up for it with postcount!! :D

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There are still a frightening number of members still active with joining numbers less than 100!!!


Proves that TV is a good place to be then.

Have actually not regretted once that I left nanap....... .com, and went over to TV.

It got very ugly over there.

As I have written before in some of my posts, it is very educational, as well as highly entertaining sometimes to read some of the posts.

Of course, I will never reach a high count due to my traveling job.

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