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Work Permit Expired

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Hi, by some mistake of my employer the papers for renewal of my work permit were incomplete. When we needed the signature of the big boss for the needed document he had already gone on leave, tough luck! So now my WP has expired.

We are going to the Labor Department next week and apply for a new WP.

1. What are the procedures to cancelling or returning an old WP? It has been 2 weeks now.

2. The only option now is just to start over again and file a new WP application, right?

3. Do I still have to submit my last year's tax return?

4. Will I also need to go to the Police to pay fine and get a receipt for continuing work, as in my case? A friend of mine said he had to do this when he too failed to renew.

Lessons learned for next time. I appreciate any information and answers to my questions. Thanks!

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I had a similar thing happened to me, my secretary had a car accident the Friday she had to renew the permit, went on Monday, trouble! Not only had we apply for a new permit, I had to go to the Police where I was fined 500 THB for working illegaly (over the weekend). But at the end, everything was alright and trouble sloved within 1 day.

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Hi, by some mistake of my employer the papers for renewal of my work permit were incomplete. When we needed the signature of the big boss for the needed document he had already gone on leave, tough luck! So now my WP has expired.

We are going to the Labor Department next week and apply for a new WP.

1. What are the procedures to cancelling or returning an old WP? It has been 2 weeks now.

2. The only option now is just to start over again and file a new WP application, right?

3. Do I still have to submit my last year's tax return?

4. Will I also need to go to the Police to pay fine and get a receipt for continuing work, as in my case? A friend of mine said he had to do this when he too failed to renew.

Lessons learned for next time. I appreciate any information and answers to my questions. Thanks!

Has your visa expired too?

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For situations like this we had the following put in our contracts.

If The School fails to obtain or apply for any necessary paperwork in a timely manner, they will be financially responsible for all fines or penalties levied on The Teacher because of it. If The Teacher fails to provide, or is late providing needed paperwork – The Teacher will assume the responsibility.

The school had no problems with putting it in.

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As always, I had gone to Immigration Office first and got a year visa extension. My expired WP was supposed to be extended to the same date as my new visa but.... Thus these past 2 weeks I have not the permit to work, making my visit to the Police asap a required step.

Ludosiam, did you have to turn in your old work permit and wait 2-4 weeks before actually getting your new WP book?

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I extended my WP a week ago together with a friend of mine whose WP had expired a week ago.

He took his employer with him and it took them all day to get thigs back in order.

- First immigration to get an up to date visa

- then labor department to get a WP valid until today (the day you go there to get things in order))

- then back to immigration to get the extention

- then back to labor department to get the WP extention

Together with some hassle and missing papers all along but he didn't have to ask for a new one.

For your other questions: YES, YES and YES again. Keep with you any paper they would want to see (old tax receipt, ...) just because they might ask you anything that come in their mind to make sure that you won't be late next time :o

But normally, you can get your extention.

And in case it wasn't clear enough, get your employer with you during all the process.

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We had some discussions with the officer in charge as how to proceed in regards with my so serious offense beforehand and this was the way we agreed to go. New permit has been applied for the very same day then, old one turned in and within about a week the new one had been issued. Some paperwork we had previously submitted was not available anymore but the officer in charge was indeed helpful and things got sorted out. I believe that this officer regarded the procedure as nonsense as well but if she hadn't followed could have been in trouble later on.

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