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Have You Been The Victim Of A Hit And Run?


Has someone hit your vehicle and then taken off?  

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Here in Thailand - the bastian of morality and decency it is inconcievable that any Thai would do such a thing. We all know how the rule of law is observed here, and the morality of the people is clearly beyond reproach but ..

Last week I heard a thud whilst driving my pickup and when I looked in the mirror all I saw was a lone motorcycle slowing down to make a right turn. I saw no one sprawled on the ground so didn't think too much of it. When I parked my car at Foodland on Pattaya Klang I noticed a 1 foot scrape and a smaller scrape a few inches below and to the rear.

I figure our esteemed motorcycle driver managed to hit my vehicle from the right (I was in the rightmost lane) as he must have crossed into the my path from the right. I did not see him.

I usually honk my horn at anyone who looks like they might take on the 6000 pound behemoth but didn't see this one.

All I heard was the thud. Lucky for Khun Kretinus that he wasn't sprawled all over the street but he managed to hit with the handlebars and mirror yet stay upright.

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It happened to me in Koh Samui while I was driving a rental car. I was hit from behind by another driver, I got out of my car to assess the damage, the other driver stayed in his car and stayed put for awhile but then darted away when I beckoned to him to get out of his car.

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I saw the car coming up behind me in my mirrors and could not get out of his way, he slowed down slightly before hitting me.

My last memory of that night was looking down at the handle bars of my bike as I somersaulted over it.

To make it a perfect night some body also stole my wallet.

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The funny thing is I have never been moving it is just some rude motor bike that has to be first through the light and I don't just blame it on Thais I was hit by a foreigner as well that just kept going. Motor bikes in general are rude and don't obey any rules most likely because they are not enforced. Yeah well, what are you going to do, unlike my home town of Philadelphia there is not a shoot out following the impact so that is something positive.

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My car was parked & a motorbike hit it whilst I was standing nearby. The rider saw me waving at him, yelled at me something to the effect of it was my fault (for what I have no idea) & drove off.

Would have loved to report him to the police, but for a scratch that only cost 300B to fix, it really was to much bother.



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A motorcycle ran into the back of my car a few weeks ago in Rayong. I was stopped and waiting to turn left, the two kids on the bike were yacking away talking to each other, and didn't see my car until too late. Just got a slight dent in the bumper, the kid's bike stayed upright and they tried to escape, and ran straight into another car! Of course these two geniuses didn't have insurance, I just hope their next accident involves a ten-wheeled truck. :o

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Problem with slagging stupid drivers is there is no end to it.

Thai people, expats, and tourists all seem share the road with equal stupid driving tricks!

Even "I" the "greatest driver in the world" has a brain fart once in a while.

How about a poll: "Is anyone perfect?" :o

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Problem with slagging stupid drivers is there is no end to it.

Thai people, expats, and tourists all seem share the road with equal stupid driving tricks!

Even "I" the "greatest driver in the world" has a brain fart once in a while.

How about a poll: "Is anyone perfect?" :o

I think the issue here is more of "hit and run," rather than bad driving. I've pondered this issue for many years about the pecularly Thai habit of leaving the scene of an accident. In the US or Europe, you face serious criminal charges for doing that and few law abiding drivers would do it for that reason as well as for moral reasons.

I've been told that there are many reasons they leave. No valid license, no insurance, blah blah, and do not want to be fined etc.. However, one experience made me think this might be some sort of deeper rooted culture thing related to avoidance of responsibility or conflict. One night I was driving late at night on a dark deserted road with a good Thai friend as passenger. We heard and felt a loud "thump" and immediately my friend shouts "keep going." Now, this is an upstanding business person and very good hearted person. My better judgment said stop, and I did. Turns out it was a large tree branch that had been hurled by a passing train and hit my front end damaging it!

Good to have some other views on this.

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Problem with slagging stupid drivers is there is no end to it.

Thai people, expats, and tourists all seem share the road with equal stupid driving tricks!

Even "I" the "greatest driver in the world" has a brain fart once in a while.

How about a poll: "Is anyone perfect?" :D

I think the issue here is more of "hit and run," rather than bad driving. I've pondered this issue for many years about the pecularly Thai habit of leaving the scene of an accident. In the US or Europe, you face serious criminal charges for doing that and few law abiding drivers would do it for that reason as well as for moral reasons.

I've been told that there are many reasons they leave. No valid license, no insurance, blah blah, and do not want to be fined etc.. However, one experience made me think this might be some sort of deeper rooted culture thing related to avoidance of responsibility or conflict. One night I was driving late at night on a dark deserted road with a good Thai friend as passenger. We heard and felt a loud "thump" and immediately my friend shouts "keep going." Now, this is an upstanding business person and very good hearted person. My better judgment said stop, and I did. Turns out it was a large tree branch that had been hurled by a passing train and hit my front end damaging it!

Good to have some other views on this.

last time somebody hit my car (he was on the wrong side of the road)the guy was on the telephone ,tried to blame me until a well respected thai (samui born and bred)came up and put his arm round me and said no problem he's wrong ,i didnt get any money for the repairs but the thai now knows im not just another farang ,the insurance paid for the damage . :o

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The first time it happened there was 3 girls on a motorbike who ran into the back of me but just drove off waving and laughing at me & the wife. Not much damage only scratches to paint work. The second time was on Friday night at a Thai pub in Pattaya. I was parked in there car park along side a pickup. My wife & I were told by the pub staff to come to the car park this was at 1-30am to check our car. There was 3 Thai people there who were very drunk 2 men 1 lady and the man had tried to get out of the car park with his pickup and just hit my car on the front drivers side wing my plastic bumper was hanging off broken, so i know its going to cost more than he has in his pocket. The Thai man said he did not see my car and that he was drunk so sorry :D Well I phoned my insurance and they would send someone in about 50 min so we waited. The Thai man wanted to pay me 2000 baht but I said it would cost more than that to fix so we will wait. When My insurance man turned up he took some photo"s of his pickup and number plate and the same with my car then took all the details from both our driving license and asked him if he had phoned his insurance and he said no not yet. Well he got him to phone and his insurance man came and did exactly the same as my insurance but he said that he could not find this guys insurance no in the computer so off he went. :o It was looking bad for me as it looks like he has no insurance well my insurance man said it would cost approx 7000 baht to fix my car so he asked the guy how much he could pay now and he said at the time 2000 baht and that he would pay the rest later so we both sighed a paper to this fact. I then went home but the next day my wife got a call from my insurance man saying he only got 1000 baht out of him and that all his contact phone numbers he gave him there was no answer so it looks like he has done a runner. The insurance man is coming to meet us on Monday and we have to make a report to the police. I have never had a accident in 7 years driving in Thailand but I know for sure that the police will do nothing and I will lose my no claims but as we say here TIT :D

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Got hit once while riding my motorcycle and the driver did a runner. Got run off the rode twice and the car was no where to be seen. Now I no longer use a motorcycle. I drive a pickup and if I could afford it i would be driving a hummer.

At least once a day I see a thai run through a red light.

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The poll won't take no for an answer......55555

Sort out the polling options please, unless you just want people to say how lacking in moral fibre the thais are. Was hit from behind whilst driving a car in the uk. It was funny to watch the lady in the rear view mirror trying hard to look anywhere but in front. Her back seat was very interesting at that moment in time. The car had little value so I wasn't concerned

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Twice hit and damaged.. Once hit hard parked.. Dented a big jeep with iron bumpers so must have been real damage to normal car.. Another with motorbike that fled..

Ohh and a farang woman who tried to do a U Turn without looking from a food stall.. T boned her but luckily no one hurt.. She got up and immediately tried to do a sneaky run off..

Always keep a disposable camera in the car or have a really good phonecam.. Start photoing number plate and driver in the pic straight away. They dont feel such an urge to run after that..

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Thus far, I have not been a victim. Twice in Taiwan. Once by a Taxi, he ran a red light, I was on a bicyle. I got very lucky. Second time a large truck came by too close, knocked my handle bars, and poof I went down.

I did have some one intentionally swerve at me just to see whitey squirm while in Taiwan. I grabbed my u-lock and came after his car while he was stopped at a red light.... he ran the red light to get away. Wuss....

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Here in Thailand - the bastian of morality and decency it is inconcievable that any Thai would do such a thing. We all know how the rule of law is observed here, and the morality of the people is clearly beyond reproach but ..

Last week I heard a thud whilst driving my pickup and when I looked in the mirror all I saw was a lone motorcycle slowing down to make a right turn. I saw no one sprawled on the ground so didn't think too much of it. When I parked my car at Foodland on Pattaya Klang I noticed a 1 foot scrape and a smaller scrape a few inches below and to the rear.

Same happened to me, some Farang in Pattaya scraped my truck and took off through the traffic.

Can't trust Farangs to stop.

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Funny story,

While in America, my wife busted out some cars signal lights on accident. She lost control of the cart she was pushing. We waited around for the owner to appear, I was thinking this is going to cost a fortune.

The owner appeared, we told him what happened. He was a black foreing fellow. He looked at the signal and said "What that.... " Then he proceeded to kick signal makeing it even worse.... He then said "Ahh don't worry 'bout it..."

That eppisode happened in about 15 seconds.... strange how things transpire sometimes.

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I have been hit once by a car and once by a motorcycle while I was riding my bicycle.

The first time was near Sanam Luang and the lady who hit me took off without stopping, she managed to knock me off my bicycle and run over my foot in the process. Although my foot was sore for a week, there was no permanent damage to me or my bicycle.

The second time near Khao Sarn Road, I was hit from behind by a policeman on a motorcycle who did not stop and since there was no damage to myself or my bicycle, I let it slide.

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Got hit once while riding my motorcycle and the driver did a runner. Got run off the rode twice and the car was no where to be seen. Now I no longer use a motorcycle. I drive a pickup and if I could afford it i would be driving a hummer.

At least once a day I see a thai run through a red light.


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No. Never. Where is that option in the poll ?

Are you blind or drunk .. I left you that option - you choose yes or no.

Daft the lot of ya

Drunk..Sorry.. :o

Never had a hit and run, but had a car run over my foot at Padang Besar immigration, the fcuker never stopped either.. Knobber.

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Got hit once while riding my motorcycle and the driver did a runner. Got run off the rode twice and the car was no where to be seen. Now I no longer use a motorcycle. I drive a pickup and if I could afford it i would be driving a hummer.

At least once a day I see a thai run through a red light.


At least being the key here.

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